1 coup
coup [ku]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Lorsque coup est suivi d'un complément de nom désignant une partie du corps ou un instrument, par exemple coup de pied, coup de téléphone, reportez-vous à l'autre mot.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━masculine nouna. ( = heurt, choc) blow• il a pris un coup sur la tête ( = il s'est cogné) he banged his head ; ( = on l'a frappé) he was hit on the head• en prendre un sacré coup (inf) [carrosserie] to have a nasty bang ; [personne, confiance, moral] to take a (real) knockb. (Sport, Jeux) (Cricket, golf, tennis) stroke ; (Boxing) punch ; (Shooting) shot ; (Chess) move ; (aux dés) throwc. [d'arme à feu] shotd. ( = habileté) avoir le coup to have the knack• attraper or prendre le coup to get the knacke. ( = bruit) knockf. ( = événement) coup du sort blow dealt by fate• coup de chance or de bol (inf) stroke of luck• elle voulait cette maison, mais ils étaient plusieurs sur le coup (inf) she wanted that house but there were several people after it (inf)• c'est un coup à se tuer ! (inf) you could get yourself killed doing that!i. ( = boisson) (inf) aller boire un coup to go and have something to drink ; (au café) to go for a drinkj. ( = partenaire sexuel) (vulg!) être un bon coup to be a good lay (vulg!)• le théâtre ne fonctionne qu'à coups de subventions ( = au moyen de) the theatre can only function thanks to subsidies► à coup sûr definitely• être dans le coup (impliqué) to be in on it (inf) ; (au courant) to know all about it ; (à la page) to be with it (inf)► du premier coup [reconnaître, voir] straight away• il a eu son permis de conduire du premier coup he passed his driving test first time► pour le coup• là, pour le coup, il m'a étonné he really surprised me there► sous le coup de* * *kuNote: Les expressions comme coup de barre, coup de maître, coup de téléphone etc seront normalement dans le dictionnaire sous le deuxième élément donc respectivement sous barre, maître, téléphone etcnom masculin1) ( choc physique) ( neutre) knock; ( brutal) blow, whack (colloq); (dur, par accident) bang; ( qui entaille) stroke; ( d'un mouvement tranchant) chop; ( du plat de la main) smack; ( sec et rapide) rap; ( léger et direct) tap; ( léger et fouettant) flick; ( de la pointe) poke, prod, jabd'un coup de hache — [couper, tuer] with a single blow from an axe GB ou ax US
à coups de hache — [couper, tuer] with an axe GB ou ax US
donner un coup de quelque chose à quelqu'un — gén to hit ou strike somebody with something
donner un coup de poing/pied/couteau à quelqu'un — to punch/kick/stab somebody
prendre un coup — [personne, voiture] to get a knock
en avoir pris un coup — (colloq) fig ( être très abîmé) to have taken (quite) a punishing
rendre coup pour coup — lit to fight back; fig to give tit for tat
en venir aux coups — to come to blows ( pour over)
les trois coups — Théâtre three knocks signalling [BrE] that the curtain is about to rise
2) ( choc moral) gén blow; ( plus modéré) knockporter un coup (sévère) à — to deal [somebody/something] a (severe) blow [personne, organisation]
en cas de coup dur — ( accident) should anything really bad happen; ( difficulté) if things get rough
ça m'a donné un (sacré) coup — (colloq) it gave me an awful shock
sous le coup de la fatigue/peur — out of tiredness/fear
3) ( bruit) gén knock; ( retentissant) bang; ( sourd) thump, thudsur le coup de dix heures — (colloq) around ten
4) ( mouvement rapide)se donner un (petit) coup de brosse/peigne — to give one's hair a (quick) brush/comb GB, to brush/comb one's hair (quickly)
5) Jeux, Sport (au tennis, golf, cricket) gén stroke; ( qu'on juge) shot; (aux échecs, dames) move; ( aux dés) throw; ( à la boxe) blow, punch; ( au karaté) ( du poing) punch; ( du tranchant) chop; ( du pied) kicktous les coups sont permis — lit, fig no holds barred
coup défendu — Jeux, Sport foul
6) ( d'arme à feu) (décharge, détonation) shot; ( munition) roundblesser quelqu'un d'un coup de fusil or pistolet — to shoot and wound somebody
tuer quelqu'un d'un coup de fusil or pistolet — to shoot somebody dead
7) (colloq) ( action organisée) ( opération illégale) job (colloq), racket (colloq); ( vilain tour) trick (colloq); ( manœuvre) movemonter un coup — to plan a job (colloq)
coup monté! — set-up! (colloq)
il a raté son coup — (colloq) he blew it (colloq)
être dans le coup — ( impliqué) to be in on it; ( au courant) to be up to date, to know what's going on
tu n'es plus dans le coup! — fig you're behind the times!
être/rester hors du coup — ( non impliqué) to have/to keep one's nose clean (colloq)
8) (fois, moment)du premier coup — ( immédiatement) straight off; ( à la première tentative) at the first attempt
(encore) un coup pour rien — no go again (colloq)
à chaque coup, à tout coup, à tous les coups — every time
ce coup-ci/-là — this/that time
du coup — (colloq) as a result
du même coup — (colloq) by the same token
pour le coup — (colloq) this time
après coup — afterwards, in restropect
tout d'un coup, tout à coup — suddenly, all of a sudden
d'un coup, d'un seul coup — just like that
en un seul coup — in one go (colloq)
sur le coup — ( à ce moment-là) at the time; ( immédiatement) instantly, on the spot
9) (colloq) ( boisson) drinkdonne-moi encore un petit coup de gin — give me another shot (colloq) of gin
•Phrasal Verbs:- coup bas••tenir le coup — ( résister à l'épreuve) [personne] to make it (colloq); [véhicule, chaussures] to last out; [lien, réparation] to hold; ( ne pas abandonner) [personne] to hold on; [armée] to hold out; ( faire face) to cope
en mettre un coup — (colloq) to give it all one's got (colloq)
être aux cent coups — (colloq) to be worried sick (colloq), to be in a state (colloq)
faire les quatre cents coups — (colloq) to be up to no good
attraper le coup pour faire quelque chose — (colloq) to get the knack of doing something; pierre
* * *ku nm1) (donné par qn ou qch) blow2) [fusil, pistolet, revolver] shottuer qn à coups de fusil — to shoot sb dead (with a rifle)
tué à coups de fusil — shot dead (with a rifle)
tuer qn à coups de revolver — to shoot sb dead (with a handgun)
blessé à coups de revolver — shot and wounded (with a handgun)
3) (= bruit) [horloge]4) (affectif) blow, shock5) (= mouvement) strokedonner un coup de balai — to sweep up, to give the floor a sweep
donner un coup de chiffon — to dust, to do some dusting
6) (= accès) wave8) TENNIS shot9) FOOTBALL kickSee:10) BOXE punch, blow11) (= fois) timedu premier coup — first time, at the first attempt
Il a été reçu au permis du premier coup. — He passed his driving test first time.
Je me trompe de rue à tous les coups. — I get the street wrong every time.
d'un seul coup (= subitement) — suddenly, (= à la fois) at one go
12) ÉCHECS moveêtre dans le coup (= à la page) — to be with it
à coup sûr — definitely, without fail
Après coup j'ai regretté de m'être mis en colère. — Afterwards I was sorry I'd lost my temper.
sur le coup; Il est mort sur le coup. — He died instantly.
Sur le coup je ne l'ai pas reconnu. — I didn't recognize him at first.
sous le coup de; agir sous le coup de la colère — to do sth out of anger
* * *coup nm Les expressions comme coup de barre, coup de maître, coup de téléphone etc seront normalement dans le dictionnaire sous le deuxième élément, donc respectivement sous barre, maître, téléphone etc.1 ( choc physique) ( neutre) knock; ( brutal) blow, whack○; (dur, par accident) bang; ( qui entaille) stroke; ( d'un mouvement tranchant) chop; ( du plat de la main) smack; ( sec et rapide) rap; ( léger et direct) tap; ( léger et fouettant) flick; ( de la pointe) poke, prod, jab; coup sur la tête knock ou blow ou bang on the head; coup à la porte knock at the door; coup de marteau hammer blow; d'un coup de hache [couper, tuer] with a single blow from an axe GB ou ax US; à coups de hache/machette [couper, tuer] with an axe GB ou ax US/a machete; frapper qn à coups de gourdin to club sb, to beat sb with a club; assommer qn à coups de gourdin to knock sb senseless with a club; tuer qn à coups de gourdin to club sb to death; casser qch à coups de gourdin to take a club to sth; casser la porte à (grands) coups de marteau to break down the door with a hammer; à coups de dollars by forking out dollars; à coups de subventions by means of subsidies; fièvre combattue à coups d'antibiotiques fever controlled with antibiotics; disperser des manifestants à coups de gaz lacrymogène to disperse demonstrators by using ou with teargas; sous le coup d'un embargo under an embargo; céder sous les coups de l'ennemi to cave in under enemy pressure; donner or porter un coup à qn/qch gén to hit sb/sth; donner un coup de qch à qn gén to hit ou strike sb with sth; donner un coup de poing/pied/coude/dents/couteau à qn to punch/kick/nudge/bite/stab sb; recevoir un coup [personne] to get hit; recevoir un coup de qch gén to get hit with sth; recevoir un coup de poing/pied/coude/couteau to be punched/kicked/nudged/stabbed; prendre un coup [personne, appareil, voiture] to get a knock; en avoir pris un coup○ ( être très abîmé) to have taken (quite) a punishing; rendre un coup to hit back; rendre coup pour coup lit to fight back; fig to give tit for tat; en venir aux coups to come to blows (pour over); frapper trois coups à la porte to knock on the door three times, to give three knocks on the door; les trois coups Théât three knocks signallingGB that the curtain is about to rise;2 ( choc moral) gén blow; ( plus modéré) knock; porter un coup (sévère) à to deal [sb/sth] a (severe) blow [personne, organisation, théorie]; être un coup terrible to be a terrible ou real blow (pour to); sa fierté en a pris un coup it was a blow to his/her pride; ce fut un coup dur pour eux/pour l'économie it was a great blow for ou to them/for ou to the economy; porter un coup très dur à qn to deal sb a major blow; en cas de coup dur ( accident) should anything really bad happen; ( difficulté) if things get rough; ça m'a donné un (sacré) coup○ it gave me an awful shock; sous le coup de la colère in (a fit of) anger; sous le coup de la fatigue/peur out of tiredness/fear; être sous le coup d'une forte émotion to be in a highly emotional state; tomber sous le coup d'une condamnation to be liable to conviction; être sous le coup d'une condamnation to have a conviction; être sous le coup d'une procédure d'extradition to be facing extradition proceedings; ⇒ mauvais;3 ( bruit) gén knock; ( retentissant) bang; ( sourd) thump, thud; j'ai entendu un coup à la porte I heard a knock at the door; au douzième coup de minuit on the last stroke of midnight; sur le coup de dix heures○ around ten; coup de gong stroke of a gong; coup de sifflet whistle blast; donner un coup de gong to strike the gong; donner un coup de sifflet to blow one's whistle;4 ( mouvement rapide) coup de brosse/peigne brush/comb; se donner un (petit) coup de brosse/peigne to give one's hair a (quick) brush/comb GB, to brush/comb one's hair (quickly); donner un (petit) coup d'aspirateur à une pièce to give a room a (quick) hoover® GB, to vacuum a room (quickly); donner un coup sur la table to dust the table; les volets ont besoin d'un coup de peinture the shutters need a lick of paint; d'un coup d'aile with a flap of its wings;5 Jeux, Sport (au tennis, golf, cricket) gén stroke; ( dont on juge) shot; (aux échecs, dames) move; ( aux dés) throw; ( à la boxe) blow, punch; ( au karaté) ( du poing) punch; ( du tranchant) chop; ( du pied) kick; tous les coups sont permis lit, fig no holds barred; coup défendu Jeux, Sport foul;6 ( d'arme à feu) (décharge, détonation) shot; ( munition) round; chasser qn à coups de fusil to scare sb off with gunshots; blesser qn d'un coup de fusil or pistolet to shoot and wound sb; tuer qn d'un coup de fusil or pistolet to shoot sb dead;7 ○( action organisée) ( opération illégale) job○, racket○; ( vilain tour) trick○; ( manœuvre) move; monter un coup to plan a job○, to set up a racket○; c'est encore un coup des enfants! the children have been up to their tricks again!; c'était un beau coup de vendre tes actions it was a good ou shrewd move to sell your shares; monter un coup contre qn gén to set sb up; ( en vue d'une fausse accusation) to frame sb; c'est un coup monté! it's a set-up○!; monter le coup à qn to pull a fast one on sb○; expliquer le coup à qn to put sb in the picture; mettre qn dans le coup to bring sb in on the job○, to cut sb in on the racket○ ou deal; ils m'ont mis sur or dans le coup they've let me in on it ou on the racket○ ou on the deal○; se mettre dans le coup to get in on the action○; mettre qn sur un coup to put sb in on a job○, to put sb onto a racket○; être sur un gros coup to be onto something big○; préparer un sale or mauvais coup to be up to mischief; manquer or rater○ or foirer◑ son coup to blow it○, not to pull it off; il a raté son coup○ he blew it○; réussir son coup to pull it off; être dans le coup ( impliqué) to be in on it ou on the racket○ ou on the deal○; ( au courant) to be up to date, to know what's going on, to know what's what○; tu n'es plus dans le coup! fig you're behind the times!; être/rester hors du coup ( non impliqué) to have/to keep one's nose clean○; être sur le coup ( opération d'envergure) to be in on it ou on the job○; qui a fait le coup? gén who did it?; ( opération minutieuse) whose work is it, who did the job?; elle m'a fait le coup de la veuve éplorée she did the weeping widow act with me; ce n'est pas la première fois qu'il me fait le coup it's not the first time he's done that to me;8 (fois, moment) essayer un coup/encore un coup to have a shot/another shot; du premier coup ( immédiatement) straight off; ( à la première tentative) at the first attempt; au deuxième/troisième coup at the second/third attempt; (encore) un coup pour rien no go again○; à chaque coup, à tout coup, à tous les coups every time; ce coup-ci/-là this/that time; du coup○ as a result; du même coup○ by the same token; pour le coup○ this time; après coup afterwards, in restropect; au coup par coup as things come; coup sur coup in succession; tout d'un coup, tout à coup suddenly, all of a sudden; d'un coup, d'un seul coup just like that; d'un seul coup d'un seul○ in one fell swoop; en un seul coup in one go○; sur le coup ( à ce moment-là) at the time; [mourir, tuer] instantly, on the spot; rigoler un bon coup to have a good laugh; pleure un bon coup have a good cry; mouche-toi un bon coup give your nose a good blow; respire un grand coup take a deep breath; boire à petits coups to sip; boire à grands coups to swig;9 ○( boisson) drink; viens, je te paye un coup (à boire) come on, I'll buy you a drink; un coup de rouge/blanc a glass of red/white wine; donne-moi encore un petit coup de gin give me another shot○ of gin;coup bas ( en boxe) blow ou punch below the belt; fig blow below the belt; c'était un coup bas fig that was below the belt; coups et blessures Jur assault and battery; coups et blessures volontaires malicious wounding ¢; coup droit ( au tennis) (forehand) drive; faire un coup droit ( au tennis) to drive; coup fourré dirty trick; coup franc ( au football) free kick.tenir le coup ( résister à l'épreuve) [personne] to make it○; [véhicule, appareil, chaussures] to last out; [lien, réparation] to hold; ( ne pas abandonner) [personne] to hold on; [forces, armée] to hold out; ( faire face) to cope; j'ai vu venir le coup I could see it coming; faire coup double to kill two birds with one stone; compter les coups ( rester neutre) to stay ou stand on the sidelines; en mettre un coup○ to give it all one's got○; être aux cent coups○ to be worried sick○, to be in a state○; faire les quatre cents coups○ to be up to no good; les coups sont bons mais rares○! any chance of another drop of wine?; avoir/attraper le coup pour faire qch○ to have/to get the knack of doing sth; tirer un or son coup● to have a screw●.[ku] nom masculinA.[HEURT, DÉFLAGRATION][avec le pied] kickelle a failli mourir sous ses coups he thrashed her to within an inch of her life, he nearly battered her to deathdonner un petit coup à ou sur quelque chose to tap something lightlyil frappait sur la porte à grands coups/à petits coups he banged on the door/he knocked gently at the doordonner un coup sur la table [avec le poing] to bang one's fist (down) on the tableen arriver ou en venir aux coups to come to blowsj'ai pris un coup sur la tête I got a knock ou a bang on the headles grandes surfaces ont porté un (rude) coup au petit commerce (figuré) small traders have been dealt a (severe) blow by large retail chainsa. [émotion] it gave me a shockb. [déception] it was a blowen prendre un coup (familier) : trois échecs d'affilée, son moral en a pris un coup with three successive failures, her morale has taken a bit of a bashingavec le krack boursier, l'économie en a pris un coup the economy has suffered a great deal from the crashtenir le coup: j'ai trop de travail, je ne sais pas si je tiendrai le coup I've got too much work, I don't know if I'll be able to copea. (sens propre) blow ou punch below the beltun coup de revolver a shot, a gunshota. [revolver] the gun went offb. [fusil] the rifle went offtirer un coup de canon to fire ou to blast a cannon[craquement] snapdes coups au carreau knocking ou knocks on the window[heure sonnée] stroke6. (vulgaire) [éjaculation]B.[GESTE, ACTION]1. [mouvement d'une partie du corps]coup de griffe ou patte2. [emploi d'un instrument]donner un (petit) coup de brosse/chiffon à quelque chose to give something a (quick) brush/wipeje vais me donner un coup de peigne I'll just comb my hair ou give my hair a (quick) combje viens pour un coup de peigne [chez le coiffeur] I just want a quick comb throughen deux coups de rame nous pouvons traverser la rivière we can cross the river in a couple of strokes3. [au golf, au billard] stroke4. (familier) [savoir-faire] knackah, tu as le coup pour mettre la pagaille! you really have a gift ou a knack for creating havoc, don't you!une fois que tu auras pris le coup, ça ira tout seul! you'll find it's very easy once you get used to it ou once you've got the knack!5. MÉTÉOROLOGIE6. [effet soudain] wavej'ai eu un coup de fatigue I suddenly felt tired, a wave of tiredness came over me7. (familier) [boisson] drinkj'ai le hoquet — bois un coup I've got (the) hiccups — drink something ou have a drink8. [lancer] throwelle a renversé toutes les boîtes de conserve en un seul coup she knocked down all the cans in one throw[aux dés] throw (of the dice)CARTES goa. [essai] it's a trial runb. [échec] it's a failureC.[ACTE OU SITUATION EXCEPTIONNELS]1. (familier) [mauvais tour] trick(faire) un mauvais ou sale coup (à quelqu'un) (to play) a dirty trick (on somebody)monter un coup contre quelqu'un to set somebody up, to frame somebodyfaire le coup de... à quelqu'un: il a essayé de me faire le coup de la panne he tried to pull the old running-out-of-petrol trick on mene me fais pas le coup de ne pas venir! now don't stand me up, will you!coup monté put-up job, frame-up2. (très familier & argot milieu) [vol, escroquerie] job3. (familier) [affaire]je veux l'acheter mais on est plusieurs sur le coup I want to buy it but there are several people interestedexpliquer le coup à quelqu'un to explain the situation ou set-up to somebodyil a manqué ou raté son coup he didn't pull it offc'est un coup à avoir un accident, ça! that's the sort of thing that causes accidents!combien crois-tu que ça va coûter? — oh, c'est un coup de 3 000 euros how much do you think it will cost? — oh, about 3,000 euros[personne - sexuellement] (vulgaire)4. [action remarquable, risquée] coupfaire un beau ou joli coup to pull a (real) coupquand il s'agit d'un gros coup, elle met la main à la pâte when it's something really important, she lends a handtenter le coup to have a go, to give it a tryc'est un coup à faire ou tenter it's worth trying ou a try5. [circonstance marquante]du premier coup first time, at the first attemptau prochain coup, tu vas y arriver you'll do it next time ou at your next goce coup-ci, on s'en va this time, we're off————————à coups de locution prépositionnellela productivité a été augmentée à coups de primes spéciales productivity was increased through ou by dint of special bonusesà coup sûr locution adverbiale————————après coup locution adverbialeson attitude, après coup, s'expliquait bien it was easy to explain her attitude afterwards ou in retrospectà tous les coups locution adverbiale1. [chaque fois] every time2. [sans aucun doute]à tous les coups, il a oublié he's bound to have forgottenau coup par coup locution adverbialecoup sur coup locution adverbialedans le coup (familier) locution adjectivalea. [complice] she's in on it ou involved in itb. [au courant] she knows all about itc. [à la page] she's hip ou with itmoi, je ne suis plus dans le coupa. [dans l'affaire] count me out ou leave me out of itb. [au courant] I'm a bit out of touch ou out of itdans le coup (familier) locution adverbiale————————du coup locution adverbialeelle ne pouvait pas venir, du coup j'ai reporté le dîner as she couldn't come, I put the dinner off, she couldn't come so I put the dinner off————————d'un (seul) coup locution adverbialeil a tout bu d'un coup he drank the whole lot in one go, he downed it in one2. [soudainement] all of a suddenj'ai eu envie de pleurer/de le gifler, ça m'a pris d'un coup (familier) I got a sudden urge to cry/to slap himpour le coup locution adverbialepour le coup, je ne savais plus quoi faire at that point, I didn't know what to do nextj'ai aussi failli renverser le lait, c'est pour le coup qu'il aurait été en colère! (familier) I nearly spilt the milk as well, he really would have been furious then!sous le coup de locution prépositionnellesous le coup de la colère, on dit des choses qu'on regrette après you often say things in anger which you regret latersur le coup locution adverbiale1. [mourir] instantlyje n'ai pas compris sur le coup I didn't understand immediately ou straightawaysur le coup de locution prépositionnellesur le coup de 6 h/de midi roundabout ou around 6 o'clock/midday————————coup d'aile nom masculincoup de balai nom masculincoup de barre nom masculincoup de chapeau nom masculincoup de cœur nom masculinavoir un ou le coup de cœur pour quelque chose to fall in love with something, to be really taken with somethingcoup de coude nom masculina. [en signe] to nudge somebodyb. [agressivement] to dig one's elbow into somebody————————coup d'éclat nom masculin————————coup d'État nom masculin[putsch] coup (d'état)coup de feu nom masculin1. [tir] shottirer un coup de feu to fire a shot, to shoot2. (figuré)→ link=coupcoup de téléphonecoup de filet nom masculin[suspects] haulcoup de foudre nom masculincoup de fouet nom masculina. (sens propre) to lash ou to whip somebody————————coup fourré nom masculin————————coup franc nom masculincoup de fusil nom masculin1. [acte] shoton entendait des coups de fusil you could hear shooting ou shots being fired2. (figuré)on y mange bien, mais après c'est le coup de fusil! it's a good restaurant, but the bill is a bit of a shock!coup de grâce nom masculin————————coup du lapin nom masculin[coup] rabbit punch[dans un accident de voiture] whiplash (substantif non comptable)coup de main nom masculin1. [raid] smash-and-grab (attack)2. [aide]donner un coup de main à quelqu'un to give ou to lend somebody a hand3. [savoir-faire]avoir le coup de main to have the knack ou the touch————————coup d'œil nom masculinelle s'en rendit compte au premier coup d'œil she noticed straight away ou immediately ou at a glancedonner ou jeter un petit coup d'œil à to have a quick look ou glance atd'un coup d'œil, il embrassa le tableau he took in the situation at a glance2. [panorama] viewcoup de pied nom masculin[d'une personne, d'un cheval] kickdonner un coup de pied à quelqu'un/dans quelque chose to kick somebody/somethingcoup de poing nom masculindonner un coup de poing à quelqu'un to give somebody a punch, to punch somebodyfaire le coup de poing to brawl, to fightcoup de poing adjectif invariable‘opération coup de poing’ ‘prices slashed’coup de poker nom masculinon peut tenter la chose, mais c'est un coup de poker we can try it but it's a bit riskycoup de pompe nom masculincoup de pouce nom masculincoup de sang nom masculincoup de soleil nom masculinsunburn (substantif non comptable)prendre ou attraper un coup de soleil to get sunburnt————————coup du sort nom masculin[favorable] stroke of luck[défavorable] stroke of bad luckcoup de téléphone nom masculindonner ou passer un coup de téléphone to make a callrecevoir un coup de téléphone to receive ou to get a phone callcoup de tête nom masculin1. [dans une bagarre] head buttcoup de théâtre nom masculinet alors, coup de théâtre, on lui demande de démissionner and then, out of the blue, he was asked to resigncoup de torchon nom masculin(familier) [bagarre] fist-fightcoup de vent nom masculin1. [rafale] gust (of wind)2. (locution)en coup de vent in a flash ou a whirlentrer/partir en coup de vent to rush in/off -
2 effet
effet [efε]1. masculine nouna. ( = résultat) effect• faire effet [médicament] to take effectb. ( = impression) impression• c'est tout l'effet que ça te fait ? is that all it means to you?• quel effet ça te fait d'être revenu ? how does it feel to be back?• ça m'a fait un drôle d'effet de le revoir après si longtemps it felt really strange seeing him again after so longc. ( = artifice, procédé) effecte. ( = valeur) effet de commerce bill of exchangef. (locutions)• cela me plaît beaucoup, en effet yes indeed, I like it very much• étiez-vous absent mardi dernier ? -- en effet, j'avais la grippe were you absent last Tuesday? -- yes, I had flu• tu ne travaillais pas ? -- en effet you weren't working? -- no, I wasn't► sous l'effet de under the effects of2. plural masculine noun3. compounds* * *efɛ
nom masculin1) ( conséquence) effectfaire de l'effet — [médicament] to work; [commentaire] to have some effect
prendre effet — [mesure] to take effect
2) ( impression) impressionfaire bon/mauvais effet — to make a good/bad impression
être du meilleur effet — [vêtement] to look extremely nice
faire un drôle d'effet — [vitesse, alcool, rencontre] to make one feel strange
3) ( procédé) effect4) ( but)5) ( phénomène)6) Sport spin
en effet locution adverbiale indeed
Phrasal Verbs:* * *efɛ1. nm1) (d'une cause) effect, resultJe pense pour ma part que c'est l'effet de la concurrence. — In my opinion it's a result of competition.
2) (= résultat tangible) [médicament, menace] effectavoir de l'effet — to have an effect, to be effective
faire de l'effet — to have an effect, to be effective
Pensez-vous que cela aura de l'effet? — Do you think it'll have an effect?, Do you think it'll be effective?
Ce médicament fait rapidement de l'effet. — This medicine takes effect quickly.
3) (= artifice)4) TENNIS5) (= impression) feeling, impressionÇa m'a fait un drôle d'effet de le revoir. — It gave me a strange feeling to see him again.
Ça nous a fait beaucoup d'effet. — It left a deep impression on us.
Ça fait beaucoup d'effet. — It's very impressive.
faire l'effet de; Il m'a fait l'effet d'un garçon honnête. — He struck me as a decent chap.
6) COMMERCE bill7) DROIT, [loi, jugement] applicationC'est plutôt risqué. - En effet! — That's rather risky. - It is indeed!
Je ne me sens pas très bien. - En effet, tu as l'air pâle. — I don't feel very well. - Yes, you do look pale.
On peut en effet se demander si... — We may indeed ask ourselves if...
Il est assez arrogant, en effet. — He is rather arrogant, you're right.
2. effets nmpl1) (= vêtements) things2) (= artifices)effets spéciaux CINÉMA — special effects
* * *A nm1 ( conséquence) effect; il y a un rapport de cause à effet entre les deux phénomènes there is a relation of cause and effect between the two phenomena; effets négatifs de qch sur qch/qn adverse ou ill effects of sth on sth/sb; effets positifs de qch sur qch/qn beneficial effects of sth on sth/sb; subir/ressentir les effets de qch to suffer from/feel the effects of sth; avoir un effet positif/négatif/catastrophique to have a positive/negative/disastrous effect (sur on); ma remarque a eu l'effet inverse de celui que je voulais my remark had the opposite effect from the one I intended; n'avoir aucun effet [critique, suggestion, campagne] to have no effect; [médicament] not to work; leurs remarques n'ont eu aucun effet sur moi their remarks didn't affect me; faire de l'effet [médicament, traitement] to work; [article, commentaire] to have some effect; le café/l'alcool me fait beaucoup d'effet coffee/alcohol has a very strong effect on me; avoir pour effet de faire to have the effect of doing; prendre effet [mesure, loi] to take effect; sous l'effet de l'alcool under the influence of alcohol; sous l'effet de la dévaluation under the impact of devaluation; sous l'effet de la passion in a fit of passion; sous l'effet de la colère in a rage;2 ( impression) impression; faire bon/mauvais effet [personne, comportement] to make a good/bad impression; être du meilleur effet [vêtement] to look extremely nice; être du plus mauvais effet [vêtement, remarque] to be in the worst possible taste; quel effet cela te fait d'être père? how does it feel to be a father?; faire un drôle d'effet [vitesse, alcool, rencontre] to make one feel strange; ça fait de l'effet d'arriver avec une jambe dans le plâtre arriving with one's leg in plaster makes an impression; faire son (petit) effet [bijou, décoration] to make quite an impression; il me fait l'effet d'un homme honnête/d'une crapule he looks like an honest man/a crook to me; leur réponse m'a fait l'effet d'une douche froide their answer came as a real shock to me; un effet de surprise an element of surprise; ⇒ bœuf;3 ( procédé) effect; effet comique/de style comic/stylistic effect; rechercher l'effet to strive for effect; ma blague n'a fait rire personne, j'ai raté mon effet my joke fell flat and no-one laughed; il ne réussit jamais ses effets he tries but it never comes off; couper tous ses effets à qn to steal sb's thunder; faire des effets de jambes○ to show a bit of leg○; faire des effets de manches to wave one' s arms about theatrically;4 ( but) à cet effet for that purpose;5 ( phénomène) l'effet Joule/Doppler the Joule/Doppler effect; l'effet Maastricht the Maastricht effect;6 Sport spin; donner de l'effet à une balle to put spin on a ball.B en effet loc adv soyez prudent, les routes sont en effet très glissantes do be careful because the roads are very slippery indeed; les résultats sont en effet excellents the results are indeed excellent; ‘tu n'étais pas chez toi hier soir?’-‘en effet’ ‘you weren't home yesterday evening?’-‘no, I wasn't’; en effet, tu avais raison actually, you were right.effet de champ field effect; effet de commerce commercial bill; effet de filé blur that gives an impression of movement; effet de levier leverage; effet de serre greenhouse effect; effet spécial special effect; effets publics government securities; effets secondaires side effects.[efɛ] nom masculinc'est bien l'effet du hasard si... it's really quite by chance that...avoir pour effet de: ton insistance n'aura pour effet que de l'agacer the only thing you'll achieve ou do by insisting is (to) annoy himtes somnifères ne m'ont fait aucun effet your sleeping pills didn't work on me ou didn't have any effect on memettre à effet to bring into effect, to put into operation2. [impression] impressionfaire beaucoup d'effet/peu d'effet to be impressive/unimpressivefaire bon/mauvais/meilleur effet: son discours a fait (très) bon/mauvais effet sur l'auditoire the audience was (most) favourably impressed/extremely unimpressed by his speechune jupe fera meilleur effet qu'un pantalon a skirt will make a better impression than a pair of trousersfaire l'effet de: il me fait l'effet d'un jeune homme sérieux he strikes me as (being) a reliable young man3. [procédé] effecteffet de contraste/d'optique contrasting/visual effecteffet de perspective 3-D ou 3-dimensional effectmanquer ou rater son effeta. [magicien] to spoil one's effectb. [plaisanterie] to fall flat, to misfire4. FINANCE & COMMERCEeffet escomptable/négociable discountable/negotiable billeffets à payer/recevoir notes payable/receivableeffet à courte échéance short ou short-dated billeffet à longue échéance long ou long-dated billeffet à vue sight bill, demand bill ou drafteffet Doppler/Compton/Joule Doppler/Compton/Joule-Thompson effect————————effets nom masculin pluriel[affaires] things[vêtements] clotheseffets personnels personal effects ou belongingsà cet effet locution adverbialeto that effect ou end ou purposeen effet locution adverbiale1. [effectivement]oui, je m'en souviens en effet yes, I do rememberc'est en effet la meilleure solution it's actually ou in fact the best solutionon peut en effet interpréter l'événement de cette façon it is indeed possible to interpret what happened in that way2. [introduisant une explication]je ne pense pas qu'il vienne; en effet il est extrêmement pris ces derniers temps I don't think he'll come, he's really very busy these daysil n'a pas pu venir; en effet, il était malade he was unable to come since he was ill3. [dans une réponse]drôle d'idée! — en effet! what a funny idea! — indeed ou isn't it!————————sous l'effet de locution prépositionnelleêtre sous l'effet d'un calmant/de l'alcool to be under the effect of a tranquillizer/the influence of alcohol -
3 bueno
adj.1 good, fine, okay.2 good-hearted, decent, kind, good.3 good, suitable, wholesome.4 favorable, good.intj.1 okay.2 now then.3 hello.* * *► adjetivo1 (gen) good2 (persona - amable) kind; (- agradable) nice, polite3 (tiempo) good, nice4 (apropiado) right, suitable; (correcto) right5 (de salud) well■ ¿ya estás buena? are you better now?6 (grande) big; (considerable) considerable► interjección ¡bueno!1 (sorpresa) well, very well; (de acuerdo) all right!\de buenas a primeras familiar all of a sudden, just like thatestar bueno,-a to be in good health 2 familiar to be good-lookingestar de buen ver to be good-lookingpor la buenas willingly¡ésta sí que es buena! familiar that's a good one!buen humor good humour (US humor)buenas noches good eveningbuenas tardes good afternoonbuenos días good morningla buena mesa good food* * *(f. - buena)adj.1) good2) kind, nice3) large, considerable4) healthy, well* * *bueno, -a1. ADJ( antes de sm sing buen)1) [gen] good; [tiempo] fine, good, fairestá muy bueno este bizcocho — this sponge cake is lovely o really good
hace buen tiempo — the weather's fine o good o fair
la mano buena — hum the right hand
¡bueno está! — LAm that's enough!
¡qué bueno! — esp LAm excellent!, great!
lo bueno es que... — the best thing is that..., the best part is that...
lo bueno fue que ni siquiera quiso venir — the best thing o part was that he didn't even want to come
2) (=bondadoso) [persona] kind, goodfue muy bueno conmigo — he was very kind o good to me
es buena persona — he's a nice person, he's a good sort
3) (=apropiado) good4) [de salud]5) * (=atractivo)está muy bueno — he's a bit of all right *, he's gorgeous *
6) (=considerable) good, largeun buen número de... — a good o large number of...
un buen trozo de... — a nice big piece of...
7) iró¡buen conductor! — a fine driver you are!, some driver you are!
¡esa sí que es buena! — that's a good one!
¡buena la has liado o hecho! — you've really gone and done it now!
¡en buen lío me he metido! — I've got myself into a fine mess!
¡estaría bueno! — * I should hope not!
estaría bueno que... — it would be just great if...
luego verás lo que es bueno — * then you'll see
le pusieron bueno — * (=lo pegaron) they beat the living daylights out of him *; (=lo criticaron) they slagged him off *
8) [en saludos]¡buenas! — hello!
buenas tardes — [a primera hora] good afternoon; [más tarde] good evening
¿qué hay de bueno? — what's new?
9)por las buenas —
si no me obedeces por las buenas, tendrás que hacerlo por las malas — you can either do as I say willingly, or I'll have to force you to do it
2.ADV¡bueno! — all right!, O.K.!; Méx (Telec) hello!
bueno, pues... — well...
bueno, resulta que... — well, it so happens that...
bueno, ¿y qué? — well, so what?, well?
¡pero bueno, cómo puedes ser tan bruto! — honestly, how can you be so stupid!
pero bueno, no nos vamos a meter en historias — but anyway, let's not go into this
3. SM / F1)el bueno — [de la película] the goody *, the good guy *
2)* * *I- na adjetivo[ buen is used before masculine singular nouns]1)a) [ser] ( de calidad) <hotel/producto> goodb) ( valioso) goodbuenos consejos — good o useful advice
c) (válido, correcto) <razón/excusa> goodbueno está lo bueno (pero no lo demasiado) — (fam) you can have too much of a good thing
2)a) [ser] ( competente) <médico/alumno> goodser bueno para algo: es muy buena para los negocios — she's got a very good head for business
b) <padre/marido/amigo> goodc) (eficaz, efectivo) <remedio/método> goodes bueno para la gripe/los dolores de cabeza — it's good for the flu/headaches
3) ( favorable) <oferta/suerte> gooden las buenas — (CS) in the good times
estar de buenas — ( de buen humor) (fam) to be in a good mood; ( afortunado) (Col fam) to be lucky
4) [ser] ( conveniente) good5) (ingenioso, divertido) <chiste/idea> good, great (colloq)lo bueno fue que... — the funny thing was...
6)a) ( agradable) niceser bueno — to be good, be nice; (- de algo en particular)
estar bueno — to be good, be nice
c)qué bueno! — (AmL) great!
7) [estar] ( en buen estado)esta leche no está buena — this milk is off o sour
¿este pescado estará bueno? — do you think this fish is all right?
8) [estar] (fam) ( sexualmente atractivo)está muy buena — she's gorgeous (colloq)
está buenísimo — he's really gorgeous o hunky (colloq)
9) (saludable, sano) <costumbre/alimentación> goodbueno y sano — (Chi) ( sin novedad) safe and sound; ( sobrio) sober
10) (en fórmulas, saludos) goodbuenos días! or (RPl) buen día! — good morning
buenas tardes! — ( temprano) good afternoon; ( más tarde) good evening
buenas noches! — ( al llegar) good evening; ( al despedirse) good night
buen provecho! — enjoy your meal, bon appetit
de buenas a primeras — ( de repente) suddenly
11)a) [ser] ( en sentido ético) goodb) [ser] < niño> good12) (iró & fam)estaría bueno que ahora dijera que no! — it'd be just great if he said no now! (iro & colloq)
de los buenos/de las buenas — (fam)
13) (delante del n) ( uso enfático)14)un buen día se va a cansar y... — one day o one of these days she's going to get fed up and...
un buen día llegó y dijo... — one (fine) day she came home and said...
•II- na masculino, femeninoa) (hum o leng infantil) (en películas, cuentos) goody (colloq)b) (bonachón, buenazo)IIIel bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar — good old Juan/Pilar
1)a) (expresando conformidad, asentimiento) OK (colloq), all right¿un café? - bueno — coffee? - OK o all right
b) (expresando duda, indecisión, escepticismo) wellbueno... ¿qué quieres que te diga? — well... what can I say?
c) ( expresando resignación)bueno, otra vez será — never mind, maybe next time
2)a) ( expresando irritación)bueno, se acabó a la cama! — right, that's it, bed!
pero, bueno ¿lo quiere o no? — well, do you want it or not?
y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? — (RPl) well, what did you expect me to do?
b) (expresando sorpresa, desagrado) (well) really!bueno! esto era lo único que faltaba — (iró) oh, great! that's all we needed (iro)
3)a) ( introduciendo o reanudando un tema) now then, right thenbueno, ¿dónde estábamos? — now (then) o right (then), where were we?
b) ( calificando lo expresado) wellno es un lugar turístico, bueno, no lo era — it isn't a tourist resort, well o at least, it didn't use to be
4) (Méx) ( al contestar el teléfono)* * *= fantastic, good [better -comp., best -sup.], neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], nice, sound [sounder -comp., soundest -sup.], seemly, decent, creditable, fantastical, good-natured, good-hearted, kind [kinder -comp., kindest -sup.].Ex. GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.Ex. A good thesaurus is a list that has been compiled to serve in the retrieval environment in which it is called upon to operate.Ex. What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.Ex. One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said ' Nice tits, uh?'.Ex. Thus the scheme has a sound organisational backing.Ex. They were the first cloth bindings that were intended to compete with paper boards as seemly but inexpensive covers for ordinary books.Ex. At present, the Internet's international expansion is hampered by the lack of a good supporting infrastructure, namely a decent telephone system.Ex. Maybe there is not creditable model, but a lot of publishers are trying to be the onw who discovers the best approach.Ex. Adorno's distinction between fantastical thought & the commodification of fantasy in the form of literature is addressed.Ex. The illustrations were projected on a large screen and the children were able to see that it was a locus amoenus and a reflection of the character of the good-natured host.Ex. Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.Ex. I would like to extend my thanks to our host who was kind enough to invite me.----* a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.* acabarse la buena racha = the good times + run out.* acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* actuar de buena fe = act in + good faith.* a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.* algo bueno = a good thing.* amante de la buena bebida = drink enthusiast.* amante de la buena mesa = food enthusiast.* apartarse del buen camino = go off + the rails, stray from + the straight and narrow.* buen = good [better -comp., best -sup.].* buena calidad = goodness.* buena causa = good cause.* buena comida, la = good food.* buena compañía = good company.* buena compra = good buy.* buena condición física = physical fitness.* buena decisión = good judgement.* buena disposición = good nature, goodwill [good will], readiness.* Posesivo + buena estrella = Posesivo + lucky star.* buena fama = well respected, good repute, good reputation.* buena fe = goodwill [good will].* buena forma física = fitness, physical fitness.* buena fortuna = good fortune.* buena idea = cool idea.* buena influencia = good influence.* buen ajuste = good fit.* buen amigo = good friend.* buena oferta = good deal.* buena racha = winning streak.* buena relación = rapport.* buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.* buena reputación = well respected, good repute, good reputation.* buena salud = good health.* buenas costumbres = propriety, mores, decorum.* buenas noticas, las = good word, the.* buenas noticias = glad tidings.* buenas prácticas = best practices.* buena suerte = good luck!, good fortune, good luck.* ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.* buena suma de dinero = hefty sum of money.* buenas vibraciones = vibrations, good vibes.* buena tierra = good soil.* buena vecindad = neighbourliness [neighborliness, -USA].* buena vida = good life.* buena voluntad = goodwill [good will].* buen camino, el = straight and narrow (path), the.* buen carácter = good humour.* buen comedor = hearty eater.* buen estado físico = fitness, physical fitness.* buen funcionamiento = smooth-running.* buen gusto, el = good taste.* buen humor = cheerfulness, good humour.* buen juicio = good judgement.* bueno de la película, el = good guy, the.* bueno, el = good guy, the.* Buenos Aires = Buenos Aires.* buenos días = good morning.* buenos, los = goodies, the.* buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo = New Year's resolution.* buenos tiempos = good times.* buen partido = eligible party, eligible bachelor.* buen ritmo de aprendizaje = learning curve.* buen rollo = good vibes.* buen samaritano = good samaritan.* buen sitio para pescar = fishing spot.* buen tiempo = fair weather.* buen tirador = good shot.* buen tocho de dinero = hefty sum of money.* buen trabajador = hard worker.* causar buena impresión = impress, come across.* causar una buena primera impresión = make + a good first impression.* código de buenas prácticas = code of practice, code of good practice.* comenzar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* comenzar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing.* con buena fama = respected.* con buena reputación = respected, reputable.* con buenas conexiones = well-connected.* con buenas intenciones = in good faith, well-intentioned, well-intended, well-meaning.* con buen gusto = tastefully.* con buen humor = good-humouredly.* con buenos contactos = well-connected.* con buenos modales = politely.* conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.* con tan buenos resultados = to such good effect.* contar con el visto bueno = meet with + approval.* contar con + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.* continuar con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* con una buena financiación = well-funded.* con una buena plantilla = well-staffed.* con un buen nivel = fluent.* cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.* crear una buena impresión en = make + a good impression on.* dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.* dar el visto bueno = approve.* dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.* darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.* dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.* de buena calidad = good-quality.* de buena disposición = good-natured.* de buena fama = of good repute.* de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.* de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.* de buena reputación = of good repute.* de buenas = on good terms.* de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.* de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].* de buena voluntad = in good faith.* de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.* de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.* de buen gusto = tasteful.* de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.* de buenos modales = well-mannered.* de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].* de buen ver = good looking.* dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.* dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.* desempeñar una buena función = produce + the goods.* desviarse del buen camino = go off + the rails.* difundir buena imagen de = earn + credit for.* disfrutar de buena salud = be in good health.* echar una buena bronca = give + Nombre + a good roasting.* el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.* el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanecer aug = red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning.* empezar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* empezar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing, hit + the ground running.* en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.* en buena forma = in good nick.* en buena parte = for the most part.* en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.* en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.* en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.* en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.* en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.* en sus buenos tiempos = in + Posesivo + heyday.* entrar con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* estar de buen humor = be high.* estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.* estar en estado de buena esperanza = have + a bun in the oven, be up the spout.* estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.* estudiante con buenas notas = high achiever.* ganar un buen sueldo = make + good money, earn + good money.* hacer buenas migas = hit it off.* hacer buen uso de Algo = put to + good use.* hacer un buen trabajo = do + a good job.* ir por buen camino = be on the right track.* ir por el buen camino = be right on track.* la buena noticia = the good news.* llever a buen término = bring to + a close.* lo bueno de = the beauty of.* lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.* lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.* lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.* lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.* los buenos tiempos = the good old days.* luchar por una buena causa = fight + the good fight.* mamá pija y tía buena = yummy mummy.* mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.* mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.* más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.* más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).* no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.* no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.* no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.* no ser lo suficientemente bueno = not be good enough.* no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.* no tan bueno = not-so-good.* no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.* no ver buenos ojos = not take + kindly to.* obrar de buena fe = act in + good faith.* obras son amores y no buenas razones = actions speak louder than words.* otro bueno + Nombre = the next best + Nombre.* parecer bueno = look + good.* Participio Pasado + bastante bueno = decently + Participio Pasado.* pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.* poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.* por buena dirección = a step in the right direction.* por buen camino = a step in the right direction.* por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.* presentar un buen aspecto = look + good.* provisto de buenos fondos = stockholding.* que no haya noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.* quitarse un (buen) peso de encima = get + a (real) weight off + Posesivo + chest.* racha de buena suerte = winning streak.* realizar una buena labor = produce + the goods.* recibir + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.* saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.* saber de buena tinta = have + it on good word.* seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.* ser algo bueno = be a good thing.* ser buenísimo + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.* ser bueno = make + good + Nombre.* ser bueno en = be good at.* ser bueno para Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.* ser muy buena señal = bode + well.* ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.* ser una buena época = be a good time.* ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo = be a good time to + Infinitivo.* ser un buen chico = be a sport.* ser un buen comedor = be a hearty eater.* ser un momento tan bueno como cualqu = be as good a time as any.* si hace buen tiempo = weather permitting.* tan bueno como ningún otro = as good as any.* tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.* tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.* tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.* tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.* tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.* tener una buena disposición = be well disposed.* tener un buen aspecto = look + good.* tener un buen concepto de Alguien = hold in + high regard.* tener un buen día = have + a good day.* tener un buen saque = be a hearty eater.* terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* tía buena = hottie [hotty], crumpet.* tierra buena = good soil.* tío bueno = stud, hunk, hunk of a man, hottie [hotty].* tomarse Algo de buen grado = take + Nombre + in good humour.* una buena alternativa a = the next best thing to.* una buena cantidad de = a fair amount of.* una buena cosa = a good thing.* una buena forma de empezar = a good way to start.* una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.* una buena pesca = a good catch.* un buen lugar de partida = a good place to start.* un buen número de = a good number of.* un buen partido = a good catch.* usar Algo con buen provecho = use + Nombre + to good advantage.* venir con buenas intenciones = come in + peace.* visto bueno = approval, endorsement, seal of approval.* * *I- na adjetivo[ buen is used before masculine singular nouns]1)a) [ser] ( de calidad) <hotel/producto> goodb) ( valioso) goodbuenos consejos — good o useful advice
c) (válido, correcto) <razón/excusa> goodbueno está lo bueno (pero no lo demasiado) — (fam) you can have too much of a good thing
2)a) [ser] ( competente) <médico/alumno> goodser bueno para algo: es muy buena para los negocios — she's got a very good head for business
b) <padre/marido/amigo> goodc) (eficaz, efectivo) <remedio/método> goodes bueno para la gripe/los dolores de cabeza — it's good for the flu/headaches
3) ( favorable) <oferta/suerte> gooden las buenas — (CS) in the good times
estar de buenas — ( de buen humor) (fam) to be in a good mood; ( afortunado) (Col fam) to be lucky
4) [ser] ( conveniente) good5) (ingenioso, divertido) <chiste/idea> good, great (colloq)lo bueno fue que... — the funny thing was...
6)a) ( agradable) niceser bueno — to be good, be nice; (- de algo en particular)
estar bueno — to be good, be nice
c)qué bueno! — (AmL) great!
7) [estar] ( en buen estado)esta leche no está buena — this milk is off o sour
¿este pescado estará bueno? — do you think this fish is all right?
8) [estar] (fam) ( sexualmente atractivo)está muy buena — she's gorgeous (colloq)
está buenísimo — he's really gorgeous o hunky (colloq)
9) (saludable, sano) <costumbre/alimentación> goodbueno y sano — (Chi) ( sin novedad) safe and sound; ( sobrio) sober
10) (en fórmulas, saludos) goodbuenos días! or (RPl) buen día! — good morning
buenas tardes! — ( temprano) good afternoon; ( más tarde) good evening
buenas noches! — ( al llegar) good evening; ( al despedirse) good night
buen provecho! — enjoy your meal, bon appetit
de buenas a primeras — ( de repente) suddenly
11)a) [ser] ( en sentido ético) goodb) [ser] < niño> good12) (iró & fam)estaría bueno que ahora dijera que no! — it'd be just great if he said no now! (iro & colloq)
de los buenos/de las buenas — (fam)
13) (delante del n) ( uso enfático)14)un buen día se va a cansar y... — one day o one of these days she's going to get fed up and...
un buen día llegó y dijo... — one (fine) day she came home and said...
•II- na masculino, femeninoa) (hum o leng infantil) (en películas, cuentos) goody (colloq)b) (bonachón, buenazo)IIIel bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar — good old Juan/Pilar
1)a) (expresando conformidad, asentimiento) OK (colloq), all right¿un café? - bueno — coffee? - OK o all right
b) (expresando duda, indecisión, escepticismo) wellbueno... ¿qué quieres que te diga? — well... what can I say?
c) ( expresando resignación)bueno, otra vez será — never mind, maybe next time
2)a) ( expresando irritación)bueno, se acabó a la cama! — right, that's it, bed!
pero, bueno ¿lo quiere o no? — well, do you want it or not?
y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? — (RPl) well, what did you expect me to do?
b) (expresando sorpresa, desagrado) (well) really!bueno! esto era lo único que faltaba — (iró) oh, great! that's all we needed (iro)
3)a) ( introduciendo o reanudando un tema) now then, right thenbueno, ¿dónde estábamos? — now (then) o right (then), where were we?
b) ( calificando lo expresado) wellno es un lugar turístico, bueno, no lo era — it isn't a tourist resort, well o at least, it didn't use to be
4) (Méx) ( al contestar el teléfono)* * *el bueno(n.) = good guy, theEx: From the viewpoint of periodical prices, learned society publishers are the ' good guys' and libraries should switch from commercial publishers to learned society publishers in order to reduce costs.
= fantastic, good [better -comp., best -sup.], neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], nice, sound [sounder -comp., soundest -sup.], seemly, decent, creditable, fantastical, good-natured, good-hearted, kind [kinder -comp., kindest -sup.].Ex: GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.
Ex: A good thesaurus is a list that has been compiled to serve in the retrieval environment in which it is called upon to operate.Ex: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.Ex: One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said ' Nice tits, uh?'.Ex: Thus the scheme has a sound organisational backing.Ex: They were the first cloth bindings that were intended to compete with paper boards as seemly but inexpensive covers for ordinary books.Ex: At present, the Internet's international expansion is hampered by the lack of a good supporting infrastructure, namely a decent telephone system.Ex: Maybe there is not creditable model, but a lot of publishers are trying to be the onw who discovers the best approach.Ex: Adorno's distinction between fantastical thought & the commodification of fantasy in the form of literature is addressed.Ex: The illustrations were projected on a large screen and the children were able to see that it was a locus amoenus and a reflection of the character of the good-natured host.Ex: Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.Ex: I would like to extend my thanks to our host who was kind enough to invite me.* a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.* acabarse la buena racha = the good times + run out.* acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* actuar de buena fe = act in + good faith.* a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.* algo bueno = a good thing.* amante de la buena bebida = drink enthusiast.* amante de la buena mesa = food enthusiast.* apartarse del buen camino = go off + the rails, stray from + the straight and narrow.* buen = good [better -comp., best -sup.].* buena calidad = goodness.* buena causa = good cause.* buena comida, la = good food.* buena compañía = good company.* buena compra = good buy.* buena condición física = physical fitness.* buena decisión = good judgement.* buena disposición = good nature, goodwill [good will], readiness.* Posesivo + buena estrella = Posesivo + lucky star.* buena fama = well respected, good repute, good reputation.* buena fe = goodwill [good will].* buena forma física = fitness, physical fitness.* buena fortuna = good fortune.* buena idea = cool idea.* buena influencia = good influence.* buen ajuste = good fit.* buen amigo = good friend.* buena oferta = good deal.* buena racha = winning streak.* buena relación = rapport.* buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.* buena reputación = well respected, good repute, good reputation.* buena salud = good health.* buenas costumbres = propriety, mores, decorum.* buenas noticas, las = good word, the.* buenas noticias = glad tidings.* buenas prácticas = best practices.* buena suerte = good luck!, good fortune, good luck.* ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.* buena suma de dinero = hefty sum of money.* buenas vibraciones = vibrations, good vibes.* buena tierra = good soil.* buena vecindad = neighbourliness [neighborliness, -USA].* buena vida = good life.* buena voluntad = goodwill [good will].* buen camino, el = straight and narrow (path), the.* buen carácter = good humour.* buen comedor = hearty eater.* buen estado físico = fitness, physical fitness.* buen funcionamiento = smooth-running.* buen gusto, el = good taste.* buen humor = cheerfulness, good humour.* buen juicio = good judgement.* bueno de la película, el = good guy, the.* bueno, el = good guy, the.* Buenos Aires = Buenos Aires.* buenos días = good morning.* buenos, los = goodies, the.* buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo = New Year's resolution.* buenos tiempos = good times.* buen partido = eligible party, eligible bachelor.* buen ritmo de aprendizaje = learning curve.* buen rollo = good vibes.* buen samaritano = good samaritan.* buen sitio para pescar = fishing spot.* buen tiempo = fair weather.* buen tirador = good shot.* buen tocho de dinero = hefty sum of money.* buen trabajador = hard worker.* causar buena impresión = impress, come across.* causar una buena primera impresión = make + a good first impression.* código de buenas prácticas = code of practice, code of good practice.* comenzar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* comenzar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing.* con buena fama = respected.* con buena reputación = respected, reputable.* con buenas conexiones = well-connected.* con buenas intenciones = in good faith, well-intentioned, well-intended, well-meaning.* con buen gusto = tastefully.* con buen humor = good-humouredly.* con buenos contactos = well-connected.* con buenos modales = politely.* conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.* con tan buenos resultados = to such good effect.* contar con el visto bueno = meet with + approval.* contar con + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.* continuar con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* con una buena financiación = well-funded.* con una buena plantilla = well-staffed.* con un buen nivel = fluent.* cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.* crear una buena impresión en = make + a good impression on.* dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.* dar el visto bueno = approve.* dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.* darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.* dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.* de buena calidad = good-quality.* de buena disposición = good-natured.* de buena fama = of good repute.* de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.* de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.* de buena reputación = of good repute.* de buenas = on good terms.* de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.* de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].* de buena voluntad = in good faith.* de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.* de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.* de buen gusto = tasteful.* de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.* de buenos modales = well-mannered.* de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].* de buen ver = good looking.* dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.* dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.* desempeñar una buena función = produce + the goods.* desviarse del buen camino = go off + the rails.* difundir buena imagen de = earn + credit for.* disfrutar de buena salud = be in good health.* echar una buena bronca = give + Nombre + a good roasting.* el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.* el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanecer aug = red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning.* empezar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* empezar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing, hit + the ground running.* en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.* en buena forma = in good nick.* en buena parte = for the most part.* en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.* en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.* en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.* en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.* en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.* en sus buenos tiempos = in + Posesivo + heyday.* entrar con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.* estar de buen humor = be high.* estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.* estar en estado de buena esperanza = have + a bun in the oven, be up the spout.* estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.* estudiante con buenas notas = high achiever.* ganar un buen sueldo = make + good money, earn + good money.* hacer buenas migas = hit it off.* hacer buen uso de Algo = put to + good use.* hacer un buen trabajo = do + a good job.* ir por buen camino = be on the right track.* ir por el buen camino = be right on track.* la buena noticia = the good news.* llever a buen término = bring to + a close.* lo bueno de = the beauty of.* lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.* lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.* lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.* lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.* los buenos tiempos = the good old days.* luchar por una buena causa = fight + the good fight.* mamá pija y tía buena = yummy mummy.* mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.* mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.* más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.* más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).* no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.* no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.* no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.* no ser lo suficientemente bueno = not be good enough.* no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.* no tan bueno = not-so-good.* no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.* no ver buenos ojos = not take + kindly to.* obrar de buena fe = act in + good faith.* obras son amores y no buenas razones = actions speak louder than words.* otro bueno + Nombre = the next best + Nombre.* parecer bueno = look + good.* Participio Pasado + bastante bueno = decently + Participio Pasado.* pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.* poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.* por buena dirección = a step in the right direction.* por buen camino = a step in the right direction.* por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.* presentar un buen aspecto = look + good.* provisto de buenos fondos = stockholding.* que no haya noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.* quitarse un (buen) peso de encima = get + a (real) weight off + Posesivo + chest.* racha de buena suerte = winning streak.* realizar una buena labor = produce + the goods.* recibir + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.* saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.* saber de buena tinta = have + it on good word.* seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.* ser algo bueno = be a good thing.* ser buenísimo + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.* ser bueno = make + good + Nombre.* ser bueno en = be good at.* ser bueno para Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.* ser muy buena señal = bode + well.* ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.* ser una buena época = be a good time.* ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo = be a good time to + Infinitivo.* ser un buen chico = be a sport.* ser un buen comedor = be a hearty eater.* ser un momento tan bueno como cualqu = be as good a time as any.* si hace buen tiempo = weather permitting.* tan bueno como ningún otro = as good as any.* tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.* tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.* tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.* tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.* tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.* tener una buena disposición = be well disposed.* tener un buen aspecto = look + good.* tener un buen concepto de Alguien = hold in + high regard.* tener un buen día = have + a good day.* tener un buen saque = be a hearty eater.* terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* tía buena = hottie [hotty], crumpet.* tierra buena = good soil.* tío bueno = stud, hunk, hunk of a man, hottie [hotty].* tomarse Algo de buen grado = take + Nombre + in good humour.* una buena alternativa a = the next best thing to.* una buena cantidad de = a fair amount of.* una buena cosa = a good thing.* una buena forma de empezar = a good way to start.* una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.* una buena pesca = a good catch.* un buen lugar de partida = a good place to start.* un buen número de = a good number of.* un buen partido = a good catch.* usar Algo con buen provecho = use + Nombre + to good advantage.* venir con buenas intenciones = come in + peace.* visto bueno = approval, endorsement, seal of approval.* * *A1 [ SER] (de calidad) ‹hotel/producto› goodtiene buena memoria she has a good memorysiempre lleva ropa buena he always wears good-quality clotheshizo un buen trabajo she did a good job¿es bueno o de bisutería? is it real or imitation?lo bueno si breve dos veces bueno brevity is the soul of wit2 (valioso) good¡qué buena idea! what a good idea!me dio muy buenos consejos she gave me (some) very good o useful advice3 (válido, correcto) ‹razón/excusa› good¿tienes buena hora or hora buena? do you have the right o correct time?la bola fue buena the ball was inbueno está lo bueno (pero no lo demasiado) ( fam); you can have too much of a good thingB1 [ SER] (competente) ‹médico/alumno› goodcomo secretaria es muy buena she's a very good secretaryes muy buena en francés she's very good at French2 ‹padre/marido/amigo› good3 (eficaz, efectivo) ‹remedio/método› good ser bueno PARA algo to be good for sthes bueno para el hígado it's good for the liverC (favorable) ‹oferta/suerte› goodtraigo buenas noticias I have good news (for you)la novela tuvo muy buena crítica the novel got very good reviews o was very well reviewedestán en buena posición económica they're comfortably offen las buenas (CS); in the good timesestar en la buena (CS); to be having a lucky streak, be on a run of good luckhoy no estoy en la buena it's not my lucky daypor las buenas: si no lo hace por las buenas … if he won't do it willingly …intenta convencerlo por las buenas try persuading him nicelyD [ SER] (conveniente) goodno es buena hora para llamar it's not a good time to phonesería bueno que hablaras con él it would be a good idea o thing if you spoke to himno es bueno comer tanto it isn't good for you to eat so muchE (ingenioso, divertido) ‹chiste/idea› good, great ( colloq)lo bueno fue que ella tampoco tenía ni idea the funny thing was she didn't have a clue eitherF1 (agradable) nice¡qué buena pinta tiene esa ensalada! that salad looks delicious o really goodhace muy buen tiempo the weather's lovely o very nicehace bueno ( Esp); it's a nice day2 (agradable al paladar — en general) ser bueno; to be delicious, be nice (— de algo en particular) estar bueno; to be good, be delicious, be niceel guacamole es buenísimo guacamole is delicious o really nice¡qué buena está la carne/esta pera! the meat/this pear is deliciousla paella no te quedó or salió tan buena como la última vez the paella didn't turn out as well as last time3¡qué bueno! ( AmL); great!¡qué bueno que se te ocurrió traerlo! it's a good thing you thought of bringing itG [ ESTAR](en buen estado): esta leche no está buena this milk is off o has gone offestos zapatos todavía están buenos these shoes are still OK o still have some wear in them¿este pescado estará bueno? do you think this fish is all right?H [ ESTAR] ( fam)(sexualmente atractivo): está muy buena she's quite a looker (sl), she's gorgeous ( colloq), she's a bit of all right ( BrE sl)está buenísimo he's really gorgeous o dishy o hunky ( colloq), he's a real looker (sl), he's a bit of all right ( BrE sl)I(saludable, sano): tiene muy buen semblante she looks very wellháblale por el oído bueno speak to him in his good earaún no está bueno del todo ( Esp); he still hasn't recovered completely o isn't completely betterJ (en fórmulas, saludos) good¡buenos días! or ( RPl) ¡buen día! good morning¡buenas tardes! (temprano) good afternoon; (más tarde) good evening¡buenas noches! (al llegar) good evening; (al despedirse) good nightdale las buenas noches a la abuela say good night to Grandma¡buen viaje! have a good journey!¡buen provecho! enjoy your meal, bon appetitde buenas a primeras (de repente) suddenly, all of a sudden, without warningno lo puedo decidir así, de buenas a primeras I can't make up my mind just like thatA [ SER] (en sentido ético) ‹persona› good; ‹conducta/obra/acción› goodfueron muy buenos conmigo they were very good to meun buen hombre a good mandígame, buen hombre … tell me, my good man …B [ SER] ‹niño› goodsé buenito y no hagas ruido be a good little boy and don't make any noiseA ( iró fam):¡estás tú buena si crees que te va a ayudar! you must be crazy if you think he's going to help you¡estaría bueno que ahora dijera que no! it'd be just great if he said no now! ( iro colloq)¡en buena nos hemos metido! this is a fine mess we've got(ten) ourselves intode los buenos/de las buenas ( fam): nos echó un sermón de los buenos she gave us a real dressing-down ( colloq)B ( delante del n)(uso enfático): se llevó un buen susto she got a terrible frightlo que necesita es una buena paliza what he needs is a good thrashingse metió en un buen lío he got himself into a fine messtodavía nos falta un buen trecho we still have a fair way to gouna buena cantidad a lot, a fair amountCun buen día one dayun buen día se va a cansar y … one day o one of these days she's going to get fed up and …un buen día llegó y dijo … one (fine) day she came home and said …Compuestos:feminine physical fitnessestá en muy buenoa forma she's very fit, she's in very good shapela buenoa mesa good cookinges un amante de la buenoa mesa he's a lover of good food o cookingla Buenoa Nueva the Good News¡buenoa pieza resultó ser Ernesto! a fine one o a right one Ernesto turned out to be! ( colloq)la buenoa vida the good lifemasculine good nameel Buen Pastor the good Shepherdmasculine, femininelos buenos y los malos the goodies and the baddies ( colloq hum), the good guys and the bad guys ( colloq)2(bonachón, buenazo): el bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar good old Juan/PilarA1 (expresando conformidad, asentimiento) OK ( colloq), all right¿un café? — bueno coffee? — OK o all right2 (expresando duda, indecisión) well3(expresando resignación): bueno, otra vez será never mind, maybe next time4 (expresando escepticismo) well5 (intentando calmar a algn) okay, all rightbueno, bueno, tranquilízate okay, okay, calm down o all right, calm downB1(expresando irritación): bueno, se acabó, ¡a la cama! right, that's it, bed!¡bueno, ya está bien! ¡os calláis los dos! right, that's enough, be quiet the pair of you!pero, bueno, ¿lo quiere o no lo quiere? well, do you want it or not?¡y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? ( RPl); well, what did you expect me to do?2 (expresando sorpresa, desagrado) (well) really!¡bueno!, ¿qué manera de hablar es ésa? really! that's no way to talk!C1 (introduciendo o reanudando un tema) now then, right thenbueno, ¿dónde estábamos? now (then) o right (then), where were we?2(calificando lo expresado): no es un lugar turístico, bueno, no lo era it isn't a tourist resort, well o at least o at any rate, it didn't use to beera amarillo, bueno, más bien naranja it was yellow; well, actually it was more like orangeD* * *
bueno 1◊ -na adjetivo buen is used before masculine singular nouns
1 [ser]
la buena mesa good cooking
◊ es bueno para la gripe/los dolores de cabeza it's good for the flu/headaches
◊ un buen padre/amigo he's a good father/friend;
es muy buena en francés she's very good at French;
es buena para los negocios she's got a good head for business
◊ fueron muy buenos conmigo they were very good o kind to me
no es bueno comer tanto it isn't good to eat so much;
es bueno para la salud it's good for your health;
su inglés es bueno her English is good
( en particular)
el guacamole es buenísimo guacamole is really good;
esta sopa está muy buena this soup is very good
3 [estar]
◊ esta leche no está buena this milk is off o sourb) (fam) ( sexualmente atractivo):
4 (saludable, sano) ‹costumbre/alimentación› good;
◊ ¡buenos días! good morning;
¡buenas tardes! ( temprano) good afternoon;
( más tarde) good evening;◊ ¡buenas noches! ( al llegar) good evening;
( al despedirse) good night;◊ ¡buen viaje! have a good trip!;
¡buen provecho! enjoy your meal
un buen día one dayc)◊ ¡qué bueno! (AmL) greatd)
por las buenas willingly
■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
b) (bonachón, buenazo):◊ el bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar good old Juan/Pilar
bueno 2 interjección
(— conformidad) OK (colloq), all right;◊ ¿un café? — bueno coffee? — OK o all rightb) ( expresando resignación):◊ bueno, otra vez será never mind, maybe next timec) ( expresando irritación):◊ bueno, se acabó ¡a la cama! right, that's it, bed!;
¡y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? (RPl) well, what did you expect me to do?
2 (Méx) ( al contestar el teléfono)◊ ¡bueno! hello
I adjetivo
1 good
un café muy bueno, a very good coffee
2 (bondadoso, bonachón) good, kind: es muy buena persona, she's a very kind soul
3 (saludable) well, in good health: el niño se pondrá bueno en unos días, the child will be well again in a few days
4 Meteor (apacible) good
hoy hace muy buena noche, it's a lovely night tonight
5 (rico, sabroso) good, nice: la cena estaba muy buena, the dinner was delicious
6 (conveniente, provechoso) good: no es bueno que leas con esa luz, it's not good for you to read in this light
sería bueno que nos reuniéramos los lunes, it would be a good idea if we met on Mondays
7 (grande) considerable: un buen montón de dinero, a considerable amount of money
8 fam (macizo) gorgeous, sexy: Javier está muy bueno, Javier's gorgeous
9 irón fine, real: armó un buen jaleo, he kicked up quite a fuss
¡en buen lío nos hemos metido!, that's a fine mess we've got ourselves into!
II sustantivo masculino y femenino (cándido, buenazo) el bueno de Pedro, good old Pedro
III exclamación ¡bueno!, (vale) all right, OK
(sorpresa) ¡bueno!, no me digas que te vas a casar, well!, don't tell me you're getting married!
♦ Locuciones: ¡buena la hemos hecho!, that's done it!
¡buenas!, hello!
dar algo por bueno, to approve sthg
estar de buenas, to be in a good mood
¡estaría bueno!, I should jolly well hope not!
librarse de una buena, to get off scot free
de buenas a primeras, suddenly, all at once
por las buenas, willingly
' bueno' also found in these entries:
- buen
- buena
- campeonato
- canela
- en
- enrollada
- enrollado
- estar
- estival
- excedente
- fantástica
- fantástico
- formidable
- infravalorar
- infravalorarse
- inmejorable
- magistral
- más
- mejor
- pan
- redundar
- saber
- saludable
- vista
- visto
- antología
- cara
- conmigo
- decir
- igualmente
- ir
- malo
- rollo
- ser
- súper
- y
- approval
- as
- assent
- beauty
- bright
- brilliant
- censor
- clear
- conducive
- connotation
- crush
- decent
- devil
- endorse
- endorsement
- fair
- fine
- good
- hot
- hunk
- indifferent
- nearly
- nice
- OK
- okay
- quite
- reasonable
- right
- satisfying
- seal
- short
- so
- something
- such
- sweet
- thick
- tick
- to
- upside
- well
- wind
- worthy
- allow
- all right
- anyway
- be
- better
- bill
- charitable
* * *bueno, -a buen is used instead of bueno before masculine singular nouns (e.g. buen hombre good man). The comparative form of bueno is mejor (better), and the superlative form is el mejor (masculine) or la mejor (feminine) (the best).♦ adj1. [en general] good;tu hijo es muy buen estudiante your son's a very good student;hacer ejercicio es bueno para la salud exercise is good for your health;la cena estaba muy buena the meal was very good;una buena oportunidad a good opportunity;los buenos tiempos the good times;¿tienes hora buena? do you have the right time?;el juez de silla señaló que la bola fue/no fue buena the umpire said the ball was good/called the ball out;golpeó la pelota con la pierna buena he struck the ball with his stronger foot;tener buena acogida to be well received;tener buen aspecto [persona] to look well;[cosa] to look good;ir por buen camino to be on the right track;tener buen concepto de to think highly of;creo que éste no es un buen momento para decírselo I don't think this is a good time to tell her;lo bueno si breve dos veces bueno you can have too much of a good thingel buen salvaje the noble savage;el buen samaritano the Good Samaritan2. [bondadoso, amable] kind, good;ser bueno con alguien to be good to sb;¡sé bueno! be good!3. [curado, sano] well, all right;ya estoy bueno I'm all right now;todavía no estoy bueno del todo I'm not completely better o recovered yet;ponerse bueno to get well4. [apacible] nice, fine;buen tiempo good o fine weather;hizo buen tiempo the weather was good;Esp¿hace bueno ahí fuera? is it nice out?5. [aprovechable] all right;[comida] fresh;esta lecha no está buena this milk is bad o offuna buena cantidad de comida a good o considerable amount of food;tiene una buena cantidad de libros she has a large amount of books, she has quite a few books;un buen susto a real fright;un buen lío a real o fine mess;un buen día se va a llevar un disgusto one of these days she's going to get a nasty shock;le cayó una buena reprimenda he got a stern ticking-off;le pegó un puñetazo de los buenos he punched her really hard, he gave her an almighty punch¡qué bueno está tu vecino! your neighbour's gorgeous o a real hunk!¡bueno es lo bueno! enough's enough!;¡bueno está! that's enough!;¡buen amigo te has echado! some friend he is!;¡buen granuja estás hecho! you rascal!, you're a real rascal!;librarse de una buena to have a lucky o narrow escape;de buena te libraste you had a lucky o narrow escape;¡si te pillo no te librarás de una buena! if I catch you, you'll be in for it!;estaría bueno that would really cap it all;si te crees que va a aceptar, estás bueno you're kidding yourself if you think she's going to accept;estamos buenos como tengamos que esperarle if we have to wait for him we've had it;poner bueno a alguien to criticize sb harshly9. [en saludos]¡buenas! hello!;¡buenas!, ¿qué tal? hi o hello, how are you?;¡buenos días!, RP [m5]¡buen día! good morning!;¡buenas tardes! [hasta las cinco] good afternoon!;[después de las cinco] good evening!;¡buenas noches! good night!;no me dio ni los buenos días she didn't even say good morning to me10. [en frases]¡buen provecho! enjoy your meal!;¡buen viaje! have a good trip!;de buen ver good-looking, attractive;de buena gana willingly;¡me comería un bocadillo de buena gana! I'd really like o Br I really fancy a sandwich!;lo hizo, y de buena gana he did it willingly;lo haría de buena gana, pero estoy ocupado I'd be pleased o more than happy to do it, but I'm busy;dar algo por bueno to approve sth;Am Famestar en la buena to be on a roll;lo bueno es que… the best thing about it is that…;prueba este pastel y verás lo que es bueno try this cake, it's excellent;Irónicocomo no me lo des, verás lo que es bueno if you don't give it to me, you'll be in for it♦ nm,flos buenos siempre ganan the good guys always win♦ adv1. [vale, de acuerdo] all right, O.K.;¿te acompaño hasta la esquina? – bueno would you like me to walk up to the corner with you? – O.K.;le pregunté si quería ayuda y me dijo que bueno I asked her if she needed any help and she said all right;¿quieres venir con nosotros? – bueno do you want to come with us? – if you like o sure;bueno, yo ya me voy right, I'm off now;¡te has equivocado! – bueno ¿y qué? you were wrong – yeah, so what?2. [pues] well;bueno, el caso es que… well, the thing is…3. Am [bien]¡qué bueno! (that's) great!;¡qué bueno que vinieron! I'm so glad that you could come!♦ interj1. [expresa sorpresa]¡bueno!, ¡qué alegría verte por aquí! hey, how nice to see you!;¡bueno, mira quien está aquí! well, look who's here!2. [expresa irritación]¡bueno!, ¡lo que faltaba! great, that's just what we needed!3. Col, Méx [al teléfono] hello♦ buenas nfplestar de buenas [bien dispuesto] to be in a good mood;de buenas a primeras [de repente] all of a sudden;[a simple vista] at first sight, on the face of it;así, de buenas a primeras, no sé qué decir I'm not sure I know what to say without thinking about it first;por las buenas willingly;intentamos persuadirlo por las buenas we tried to convince him the nice way;lo hará por las buenas o por las malas she'll do it whether she likes it or not;¿quieres hacerlo por las buenas o por las malas? do you want to do it the easy or the hard way?* * *I adj1 good;buena voluntad goodwill;lo bueno es que … the best thing about it is that …;estar de buenas be in a good mood;ponerse bueno get well;dar algo por bueno approve sth;ahora viene lo bueno irón here comes the good bit;¡ésta sí que es buena! irón fam that’s a good one!;¡estaría bueno! irón fam oh, terrific!;lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno brevity is the soul of wit2 ( bondadoso) kind;ser buena gente be nice3 ( sabroso) nice4:por las buenas willingly;por las buenas o por las malas whether we/they/etc like it or not;de buenas a primeras without warning;a la buena de Dios any which way, Br any old howII int:¡bueno! well!;¿bueno? Méx hello;¡buenas! hello!;bueno día good morning;buenas noches good evening;buenas tardes good evening* * *1) : gooduna buena idea: a good idea2) bondadoso: nice, kind3) apropiado: proper, appropriate4) sano: well, healthy5) : considerable, goodlyuna buena cantidad: a lot6)buenos días : hello, good day7)buenas tardes : good afternoon8)buenas noches : good evening, good nightbueno interj1) : OK!, all right!* * *bueno1 adj2. (agradable) nice¡estas fresas están buenas! these strawberries are nice!3. (atractivo) gorgeous / good looking4. (sano) bettercuando te pongas bueno, podrás salir a la calle you'll be able to go out when you get betterbueno2 adv (de acuerdo) OK / all rightbueno3 n (en una película) good guy -
4 llevar
v.1 to take.llevar algo/a alguien a to take something/somebody tome llevó en coche he drove me thereEl bus llevó a María The bus got Mary there.2 to carry.llevaban en hombros al entrenador they were carrying the coach on their shouldersEl bus lleva mercadería para vender The bus carries goods for selling.Esa frase lleva mala intención That phrase carries bad intention.3 to wear.llevo gafas I wear glassesno llevo dinero I haven't got any money on me4 to have.llevar el pelo largo to have long hairllevas las manos sucias your hands are dirty5 to handle, to deal with.lleva la contabilidad she keeps the books6 to keep.llevar el paso to keep in step7 to deal or cope with.llevar algo bien/mal to deal o cope with something well/badly¿cómo lo llevas? (informal) how are you getting on?8 to be wearing, to have, to wear.LLeva un buen traje He is wearing a nice suit.9 to lead, to live.Lleva un vida muy triste He leads a very sad life.10 to convey.Su gesto lleva amor His gesture conveys love.11 to take up.Ella llevó ciencias el año pasado She took up Science last year.12 to have been.Llevo viviendo mucho tiempo aquí I have been living a long time here.* * *1 (gen) to take■ te llevo en coche I'll take you in the car, I'll give you a lift2 (tener) to have; (tener encima) to have, carry■ ¿qué llevas ahí? what's that you've got there?■ ¿cuánto dinero llevas? how much money have you got on you?3 (prenda) to wear, have on4 (aguantar) to cope with■ ¿cómo lleva lo de quedarse sin trabajo? how's he coping with losing his job?5 (dirigir) to be in charge of■ ¿quién lleva el tema de los pedidos? who's in charge of orders?6 (conducir - coche) to drive; (moto) - to ride7 (pasar tiempo) to be8 (libros, cuentas) to keep9 (años) to be older10 (vida) to lead11 (tiempo, esfuerzo) to take12 (compás, paso, ritmo) to keep■ contigo no bailo, no sabes llevar el paso I'm not dancing with you, you can't keep in step■ ¿cuánto te llevaron por la reparación? how much did they charge you for the repairs?1 llevar a (conducir) to take, lead■ y esto, ¿adónde nos lleva? and where will this lead us?■ esto me lleva a pensar que... this leads me to think that...■ ¿qué lo llevó a actuar así? what made him act like that?3 llevar + participio to have2 (recibir) to get3 (estar de moda) to be fashionable5 MATEMÁTICAS to carry over\dejarse llevar por... to be influenced by..., get carried away with...llevar a la práctica to put into practicellevar adelante to carry outllevar la cuenta de to keep track ofllevar las de + inf to be likely to + infllevarse a matar to be at daggers drawn* * *verb1) to carry2) take, take away3) wear4) endure, bear•- llevarse* * *Para las expresiones llevar adelante, llevar la contraria, llevar las de perder, llevar a la práctica, llevar a término, llevar ventaja, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO TRANSITIVO1) (=transportar) [con los brazos] to carry; [indicando el punto de destino] to take; [en vehículo] to transport"comida para llevar" — "food to take away", "take-away food"
¿es para llevar? — is it to take away?
2) (=llevar puesto) to wear¿hay que llevar corbata a la reunión? — do we have to wear a tie to the meeting?
llevaba puesto un sombrero muy raro — she had a very odd hat on, she was wearing a very odd hat
3) (=llevar encima)¡la que llevaba encima aquella noche! — * he was really smashed that night! *
4) (=tener)a) [+ barba, pelo] to haveb) [+ adorno, ingrediente] to havelleva un rótulo que dice... — it has a label (on it) which says...
¿qué lleva el pollo que está tan bueno? — what's in this chicken that makes it taste so good?
c) [+ armas, nombre, título] to have, bear frmel libro lleva el título de... — the book has the title of..., the book is entitled...
5) [+ persona]a) (=acompañar, conducir) to take¿adónde me llevan? — where are you taking me?
a ver ¿cuándo me llevas a cenar? — when are you going to take me out for a meal?
b) [en coche] to driveSofía nos llevó a casa — Sofía gave us a lift home, Sofía drove us home
yo voy en esa dirección, ¿quieres que te lleve? — I'm going that way, do you want a lift?
6) (=conducir)a) [+ vehículo] to driveb) [+ persona, entidad]llevó a su empresa a la bancarrota — he caused his company to go bankrupt, he bankrupted his company
[dejarse] llevar — to get carried awayno te dejes llevar por las apariencias — don't be taken in {o} deceived by appearances
si te dejas llevar por él, acabarás mal — if you fall in with him, you'll be in trouble
7) (=dirigir) [+ negocio, tienda] to run•
llevar la [casa] — to run the household•
¿quién lleva la [cuenta]? — who is keeping count?llevar las cuentas {o} los libros — (Com) to keep the books
compás 1)•
llevar una [materia] — Méx to study a subject8) (=aportar) to bring9) (=adelantar en)10) (=inducir)llevar a algn a creer que... — to lead sb to think that..., make sb think that...
esto me lleva a pensar que... — this leads me to think that...
11) (=tolerar)¿cómo lleva lo de su hijo? — how's she coping with what happened to her son?
tiene mucho genio y hay que saber llevarlo — he's very bad-tempered and you have to know how to deal with him
12) [indicando tiempo]a) (=haber estado) to be¿cuánto tiempo llevas aquí? — how long have you been here?
b) (=tardar) to take13) (=cobrar) to chargeno quería llevarme nada — he didn't want to charge me, he didn't want to take any money
14) (=ir por)¿qué dirección llevaba? — what direction was he going in?, which way was he going?
lleva [camino] de ser como su padre — it looks like he's going to turn out just like his father15) [+ vida] to leadllevar una vida tranquila — to live {o} lead a quiet life
16) + participio17) (=producir) (Com, Econ) to bear; (Agr) to bear, producelos bonos llevan un 8% de interés — the bonds pay {o} bear interest at 8%
no lleva fruto este año — it has no fruit this year, it hasn't produced any fruit this year
2.VERBO INTRANSITIVO [carretera] to go, leadesta carretera lleva a La Paz — this road goes {o} leads to La Paz
3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( de un lugar a otro) to take¿qué llevas en el bolso? — what have you got in your bag?
comida para llevar — take out (AmE) o (BrE) takeaway meals
b) ( transportar) to carryc) < persona> to taked) ( tener consigo) to have2)a) (guiar, conducir) to takenos llevaron por un sendero — they led o took us along a path
la llevaba de la mano — I/he was holding her hand
b) (impulsar, inducir) to leadesto me lleva a pensar que... — this leads me to believe that...
¿qué la llevó a hacerlo? — what made her do it?
3) <ropa/perfume/reloj> to wear4) ( tener) to haveuna canción que lleva por título `Rencor' — a song entitled `Rencor'
5) ( tener a su cargo) <negocio/tienda> to run; < caso> to handle6)no sé bailar - no importa, yo te llevo — I can't dance - it doesn't matter, I'll lead
7) < vida> to leadllevar una vida tranquila/muy ajetreada — to lead a quiet/very hectic life; (+ compl)
¿cómo lleva lo del divorcio? - lo lleva muy mal — how is she coping with the divorce? - she's taking it very badly
8) (seguir, mantener)llevar el ritmo or el compás — to keep time
¿llevas la cuenta de lo que te debo? — are you keeping track of what I owe you?
¿qué dirección llevaban? — which direction were they going in?
9)a) ( requerir) to takelleva tiempo hacerlo bien — it takes time to do it well; (+ me/te/le etc)
b) (tener como ingrediente, componente)¿qué lleva esta sopa? — what's in this soup?
el tren sólo lleva dos vagones — the train has only two cars (AmE) o (BrE) carriages
10) (aventajar, exceder en) (+ me/te/le etc)11) (Esp) ( cobrar) to charge2.llevar v aux3.llevar las de ganar/de perder — to be likely to win/lose
llevar via) camino/carretera to go, leadb) ( al bailar) to lead4.llevarse v pron1)a) ( a otro lugar) to take¿quién se llevó mi paraguas? — who took my umbrella?
b) <premio/dinero> to winc) (quedarse con, comprar) to take¿cuántos se quiere llevar? — how many would you like?
d) (Mat) to carry9 y 9 son 18, me llevo una — 9 plus 9 is 18, carry one
e) (Arg) < asignatura> to carry over2) ( dirigir)3) <susto/regañina> to get4)5) ( hablando de modas)* * *= bear, bring, carry, lead, lug off, steer, engage, escort, lead + Pronombre + down the road to, take along, tote.Ex. Examples of homographs are: bear (to carry, or an animal) and score (music, football or to cut).Ex. Subject experts may bring a more informed and critical eye to document analysis.Ex. Cable TV systems have now been introduced in the United States that have the technical ability to carry two-way signals.Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Ex. The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.Ex. They decided that they had to set up information and referral services to steer people to the correct agency.Ex. And literature is part of that essential human behavior; it engages us in pre-enactments and re-enactments.Ex. Their work included escorting clients to other agencies.Ex. The catalog's deterioration is leading us down the road to lesser quality library service.Ex. When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.Ex. These bags are the best way to tote around your books, groceries, beach stuff, or even your puppy.----* agua + llevar = wash away.* Algo que lleva mucho tiempo de hacer = time-consuming [time consuming].* comida para llevar = takeaway meal, take-out meal, take-out.* correr como alma que lleva el diablo = run for + Posesivo + life.* cuando el río suena, agua lleva = there's no smoke without fire, where there's smoke there's fire.* dejarse llevar = become + carried away by, drift along, drift, coast along, go with + the flow, let + go, go along with + the flow.* dejarse llevar fácilmente = be easily led.* dejarse llevar (por) = fall + victim to, give + way (to).* dejarse llevar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.* dejarse llevar por el pánico = panic.* dejarse llevar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.* el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* el llevar = carrying.* el sendero que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* encargado de llevar a cabo = implementor [implementer].* encargado de llevar el marcador = scorer.* flor para llevar en el ojal = boutonniere.* la edad se lleva en el alma = you are as old as you feel.* la senda que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* llevando sobrepelliz = surpliced.* llevar a = lead on to, lead up to, result (in), take + Nombre + back to, usher into.* llevar a Algo a una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.* llevar a Alguien a juicio = bring + lawsuit against + Alguien, take + legal action, take + legal proceedings.* llevar a Alguien al límite = push + Alguien + over the edge, drive + Alguien + over the edge.* llevar a buen término = bring to + a close.* llevar a cabo = accomplish, carry out, conduct, execute, go about, implement, proceed, effect, realise [realize, -USA], transact, carry through, press forward (with).* llevar a cabo actividades = conduct + business.* llevar a cabo una acción = effect + execution.* llevar a cabo una actividad = conduct + activity.* llevar a cabo una actuación común = make + a concerted effort.* llevar a cabo una iniciativa = take + initiative.* llevar a cabo una misión = accomplish + mission.* llevar a cabo una orden = execute + command.* llevar a cabo una redada = swoop.* llevar a cabo una serie de pasos anteriormente realizados = execute + steps.* llevar a cabo un atraco = pull off + heist.* llevar a cabo un proyecto = carry out + project, undertake + project, develop + project.* llevar a cabo un robo = execute + theft, pull off + heist.* llevar a casa = bring + home.* llevar a conclusiones erróneas = mislead.* llevar a confusión = lead to + confusion.* llevar a cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights, take + Nombre + to greater heights.* llevar adelante = go ahead with, carry on, carry out.* llevar a engaño = be misleading, be deceiving.* llevar a + Estado Emocional = send into + Estado Emocional.* llevar a hablar de una cuestión = bring up + issue.* llevar a hombros = carry + Nombre + shoulder-high.* llevar a juicio = prosecute, sue, file + suit against, bring + a suit against, litigate, bring + criminal charges against, file + lawsuit against, take + Nombre + to court, bring + Nombre + to justice, put on + trial, try.* llevar a la bancarrota = bankrupt.* llevar a la conclusión = lead to + the conclusion.* llevar a la ficción = fictionalise [fictionalize, -USA].* llevar a la práctica = practise [practice, -USA], put into + practice, put into + practical effect, carry out, put into + effect.* llevar a la práctica una decisión = implement + decision.* llevar a la quiebra = bankrupt.* llevar Algo/Alguien a = usher + Nombre + into.* llevar Algo a sus últimas consecuencias = take + Nombre + to its ultimate conclusion.* llevar Algo demasiado lejos = push + Nombre + too far.* llevar Algo hasta el final = carry + Nombre + to the end.* llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.* llevar al hospital de bulla y corriendo = rush + Nombre + to hospital.* llevar al hospital urgentemente = rush + Nombre + to hospital.* llevar al juzgado = take + Nombre + to court.* llevar al límite = stretch.* llevar a los tribunales = take + Nombre + to court.* llevar al poder = bring + Nombre + to power.* llevar aquí + Expresión Temporal = have been around + Expresión Temporal.* llevar a remolque = take in + tow.* llevar a tomar una decisión = lead (up) to + decision.* llevar aún más lejos = take + one stage further, progress + one stage further, carry + one stage further, develop + one stage further, take + a step further, extend + one step further, carry + one step further, take + one step further.* llevar camino de enfrentamiento con = be on a collision course with.* llevar consigo = carry around.* llevar el compás = beat + time.* llevar el mando = rule + the roost.* llevar el peso = undertake + burden.* llevar el sello de = bear + the imprint of, bear + the mark(s) of, bear + the stamp of, bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar el sello distintivo de = bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar en autobús = bus.* llevar en camión = truck.* llevar en volandas = carry + Nombre + shoulder-high.* llevar + Expresión Temporal = take + Expresión Temporal.* llevar la antorcha = carry + the torch.* llevar la batuta = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost, set + the agenda.* llevar la contraria = antagonise [antagonize, -USA].* llevar la cuenta = tally.* llevar la cuenta de = keep + track of.* llevar la delantera = ahead of the game.* llevar la impronta de = bear + the imprint of, bear + the mark(s) of, bear + the stamp of, bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar la marca de = bear + the mark(s) of, bear + the stamp of, bear + the imprint of, bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar la marca distintiva de = bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar la montaña a Mahoma = bring + the mountain to Mohammed.* llevar la responsabilidad de Algo = carry + the burden.* llevar la voz cantante = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost, set + the agenda.* llevarle la corriente a Alguien = play along with.* llevarlo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.* llevar + Nombre + aún más lejos = take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther.* llevar por el aire = waft.* llevar por el camino de = lead + Pronombre + down the road to.* llevar por el mal camino = lead + astray.* llevar por mal camino = mislead.* llevar (puesto) = wear.* llevar puesto el cinturón de seguridad = wear + a seat belt.* llevar razón = be right, be in the right.* llevar ropa puesta = wear + clothing.* llevar rumbo de colisión con = be on a collision course with.* llevarse = take, take away, cream off, haul away, cart, make off with, take + Nombre + away, be in, get away with.* llevarse a las mil maravillas con + Nombre = get on with + Nombre + swimmingly.* llevarse a las mis maravillas = get along/on + like a house on fire.* llevarse bien = get along, on good terms, hit it off.* llevarse bien con Alguien = get on with + Pronombre Personal.* llevarse el gato al agua = steal + the show, steal + the limelight, the nod + go to.* llevarse el mérito = take + the credit (for).* llevarse la fama = take + the credit (for).* llevarse la palma = sweep + the board, steal + the limelight, steal + the show, take + the biscuit, take + the cake, come out on + top.* llevárselo el viento = blow away.* llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.* llevarse una desilusión = be gutted, feel + gutted.* llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* llevarse un chasco = be gutted, feel + gutted, be disappointed.* llevarse un palo = be gutted, feel + gutted.* llevar sobre la espalda = carry on + Posesivo + shoulders.* llevar sobre los hombros = carry on + Posesivo + shoulders.* llevar tiempo = take + time, take + a while, take + long, absorb + time.* llevar tiempo y esfuerzo = take + time and effort.* llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.* llevar una cruz = suffer from + curse.* llevar una eternidad = take + ages (and ages).* llevar una vida + Ajetivo = lead + an + Adjetivo + existence.* llevar una vida arriesgada = live + dangerously, live + dangerously close to the edge.* llevar una vida de perros = lead + a dog's life.* llevar una vida miserable = live + wretched existence.* llevar un diario de trabajo = keep + diary.* llevar un minuto = take + minute.* llevar un negocio = conduct + a business.* no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing.* no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.* no llevar a ningún fin, ser un pérdida de tiempo = flog + a dead horse.* no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.* pasar llevando = take through.* que se lleva gestando hace tiempo = long-simmering.* viajar llevando un mochila = backpacking.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( de un lugar a otro) to take¿qué llevas en el bolso? — what have you got in your bag?
comida para llevar — take out (AmE) o (BrE) takeaway meals
b) ( transportar) to carryc) < persona> to taked) ( tener consigo) to have2)a) (guiar, conducir) to takenos llevaron por un sendero — they led o took us along a path
la llevaba de la mano — I/he was holding her hand
b) (impulsar, inducir) to leadesto me lleva a pensar que... — this leads me to believe that...
¿qué la llevó a hacerlo? — what made her do it?
3) <ropa/perfume/reloj> to wear4) ( tener) to haveuna canción que lleva por título `Rencor' — a song entitled `Rencor'
5) ( tener a su cargo) <negocio/tienda> to run; < caso> to handle6)no sé bailar - no importa, yo te llevo — I can't dance - it doesn't matter, I'll lead
7) < vida> to leadllevar una vida tranquila/muy ajetreada — to lead a quiet/very hectic life; (+ compl)
¿cómo lleva lo del divorcio? - lo lleva muy mal — how is she coping with the divorce? - she's taking it very badly
8) (seguir, mantener)llevar el ritmo or el compás — to keep time
¿llevas la cuenta de lo que te debo? — are you keeping track of what I owe you?
¿qué dirección llevaban? — which direction were they going in?
9)a) ( requerir) to takelleva tiempo hacerlo bien — it takes time to do it well; (+ me/te/le etc)
b) (tener como ingrediente, componente)¿qué lleva esta sopa? — what's in this soup?
el tren sólo lleva dos vagones — the train has only two cars (AmE) o (BrE) carriages
10) (aventajar, exceder en) (+ me/te/le etc)11) (Esp) ( cobrar) to charge2.llevar v aux3.llevar las de ganar/de perder — to be likely to win/lose
llevar via) camino/carretera to go, leadb) ( al bailar) to lead4.llevarse v pron1)a) ( a otro lugar) to take¿quién se llevó mi paraguas? — who took my umbrella?
b) <premio/dinero> to winc) (quedarse con, comprar) to take¿cuántos se quiere llevar? — how many would you like?
d) (Mat) to carry9 y 9 son 18, me llevo una — 9 plus 9 is 18, carry one
e) (Arg) < asignatura> to carry over2) ( dirigir)3) <susto/regañina> to get4)5) ( hablando de modas)* * *llevar (puesto)(v.) = wearEx: The camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut.
= bear, bring, carry, lead, lug off, steer, engage, escort, lead + Pronombre + down the road to, take along, tote.Ex: Examples of homographs are: bear (to carry, or an animal) and score (music, football or to cut).
Ex: Subject experts may bring a more informed and critical eye to document analysis.Ex: Cable TV systems have now been introduced in the United States that have the technical ability to carry two-way signals.Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Ex: The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.Ex: They decided that they had to set up information and referral services to steer people to the correct agency.Ex: And literature is part of that essential human behavior; it engages us in pre-enactments and re-enactments.Ex: Their work included escorting clients to other agencies.Ex: The catalog's deterioration is leading us down the road to lesser quality library service.Ex: When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.Ex: These bags are the best way to tote around your books, groceries, beach stuff, or even your puppy.* agua + llevar = wash away.* Algo que lleva mucho tiempo de hacer = time-consuming [time consuming].* comida para llevar = takeaway meal, take-out meal, take-out.* correr como alma que lleva el diablo = run for + Posesivo + life.* cuando el río suena, agua lleva = there's no smoke without fire, where there's smoke there's fire.* dejarse llevar = become + carried away by, drift along, drift, coast along, go with + the flow, let + go, go along with + the flow.* dejarse llevar fácilmente = be easily led.* dejarse llevar (por) = fall + victim to, give + way (to).* dejarse llevar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.* dejarse llevar por el pánico = panic.* dejarse llevar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.* el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* el llevar = carrying.* el sendero que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* encargado de llevar a cabo = implementor [implementer].* encargado de llevar el marcador = scorer.* flor para llevar en el ojal = boutonniere.* la edad se lleva en el alma = you are as old as you feel.* la senda que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* llevando sobrepelliz = surpliced.* llevar a = lead on to, lead up to, result (in), take + Nombre + back to, usher into.* llevar a Algo a una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.* llevar a Alguien a juicio = bring + lawsuit against + Alguien, take + legal action, take + legal proceedings.* llevar a Alguien al límite = push + Alguien + over the edge, drive + Alguien + over the edge.* llevar a buen término = bring to + a close.* llevar a cabo = accomplish, carry out, conduct, execute, go about, implement, proceed, effect, realise [realize, -USA], transact, carry through, press forward (with).* llevar a cabo actividades = conduct + business.* llevar a cabo una acción = effect + execution.* llevar a cabo una actividad = conduct + activity.* llevar a cabo una actuación común = make + a concerted effort.* llevar a cabo una iniciativa = take + initiative.* llevar a cabo una misión = accomplish + mission.* llevar a cabo una orden = execute + command.* llevar a cabo una redada = swoop.* llevar a cabo una serie de pasos anteriormente realizados = execute + steps.* llevar a cabo un atraco = pull off + heist.* llevar a cabo un proyecto = carry out + project, undertake + project, develop + project.* llevar a cabo un robo = execute + theft, pull off + heist.* llevar a casa = bring + home.* llevar a conclusiones erróneas = mislead.* llevar a confusión = lead to + confusion.* llevar a cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights, take + Nombre + to greater heights.* llevar adelante = go ahead with, carry on, carry out.* llevar a engaño = be misleading, be deceiving.* llevar a + Estado Emocional = send into + Estado Emocional.* llevar a hablar de una cuestión = bring up + issue.* llevar a hombros = carry + Nombre + shoulder-high.* llevar a juicio = prosecute, sue, file + suit against, bring + a suit against, litigate, bring + criminal charges against, file + lawsuit against, take + Nombre + to court, bring + Nombre + to justice, put on + trial, try.* llevar a la bancarrota = bankrupt.* llevar a la conclusión = lead to + the conclusion.* llevar a la ficción = fictionalise [fictionalize, -USA].* llevar a la práctica = practise [practice, -USA], put into + practice, put into + practical effect, carry out, put into + effect.* llevar a la práctica una decisión = implement + decision.* llevar a la quiebra = bankrupt.* llevar Algo/Alguien a = usher + Nombre + into.* llevar Algo a sus últimas consecuencias = take + Nombre + to its ultimate conclusion.* llevar Algo demasiado lejos = push + Nombre + too far.* llevar Algo hasta el final = carry + Nombre + to the end.* llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.* llevar al hospital de bulla y corriendo = rush + Nombre + to hospital.* llevar al hospital urgentemente = rush + Nombre + to hospital.* llevar al juzgado = take + Nombre + to court.* llevar al límite = stretch.* llevar a los tribunales = take + Nombre + to court.* llevar al poder = bring + Nombre + to power.* llevar aquí + Expresión Temporal = have been around + Expresión Temporal.* llevar a remolque = take in + tow.* llevar a tomar una decisión = lead (up) to + decision.* llevar aún más lejos = take + one stage further, progress + one stage further, carry + one stage further, develop + one stage further, take + a step further, extend + one step further, carry + one step further, take + one step further.* llevar camino de enfrentamiento con = be on a collision course with.* llevar consigo = carry around.* llevar el compás = beat + time.* llevar el mando = rule + the roost.* llevar el peso = undertake + burden.* llevar el sello de = bear + the imprint of, bear + the mark(s) of, bear + the stamp of, bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar el sello distintivo de = bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar en autobús = bus.* llevar en camión = truck.* llevar en volandas = carry + Nombre + shoulder-high.* llevar + Expresión Temporal = take + Expresión Temporal.* llevar la antorcha = carry + the torch.* llevar la batuta = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost, set + the agenda.* llevar la contraria = antagonise [antagonize, -USA].* llevar la cuenta = tally.* llevar la cuenta de = keep + track of.* llevar la delantera = ahead of the game.* llevar la impronta de = bear + the imprint of, bear + the mark(s) of, bear + the stamp of, bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar la marca de = bear + the mark(s) of, bear + the stamp of, bear + the imprint of, bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar la marca distintiva de = bear + the hallmarks of, have + the hallmarks of.* llevar la montaña a Mahoma = bring + the mountain to Mohammed.* llevar la responsabilidad de Algo = carry + the burden.* llevar la voz cantante = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost, set + the agenda.* llevarle la corriente a Alguien = play along with.* llevarlo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.* llevar + Nombre + aún más lejos = take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther.* llevar por el aire = waft.* llevar por el camino de = lead + Pronombre + down the road to.* llevar por el mal camino = lead + astray.* llevar por mal camino = mislead.* llevar (puesto) = wear.* llevar puesto el cinturón de seguridad = wear + a seat belt.* llevar razón = be right, be in the right.* llevar ropa puesta = wear + clothing.* llevar rumbo de colisión con = be on a collision course with.* llevarse = take, take away, cream off, haul away, cart, make off with, take + Nombre + away, be in, get away with.* llevarse a las mil maravillas con + Nombre = get on with + Nombre + swimmingly.* llevarse a las mis maravillas = get along/on + like a house on fire.* llevarse bien = get along, on good terms, hit it off.* llevarse bien con Alguien = get on with + Pronombre Personal.* llevarse el gato al agua = steal + the show, steal + the limelight, the nod + go to.* llevarse el mérito = take + the credit (for).* llevarse la fama = take + the credit (for).* llevarse la palma = sweep + the board, steal + the limelight, steal + the show, take + the biscuit, take + the cake, come out on + top.* llevárselo el viento = blow away.* llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.* llevarse una desilusión = be gutted, feel + gutted.* llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* llevarse un chasco = be gutted, feel + gutted, be disappointed.* llevarse un palo = be gutted, feel + gutted.* llevar sobre la espalda = carry on + Posesivo + shoulders.* llevar sobre los hombros = carry on + Posesivo + shoulders.* llevar tiempo = take + time, take + a while, take + long, absorb + time.* llevar tiempo y esfuerzo = take + time and effort.* llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.* llevar una cruz = suffer from + curse.* llevar una eternidad = take + ages (and ages).* llevar una vida + Ajetivo = lead + an + Adjetivo + existence.* llevar una vida arriesgada = live + dangerously, live + dangerously close to the edge.* llevar una vida de perros = lead + a dog's life.* llevar una vida miserable = live + wretched existence.* llevar un diario de trabajo = keep + diary.* llevar un minuto = take + minute.* llevar un negocio = conduct + a business.* no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing.* no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.* no llevar a ningún fin, ser un pérdida de tiempo = flog + a dead horse.* no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.* pasar llevando = take through.* que se lleva gestando hace tiempo = long-simmering.* viajar llevando un mochila = backpacking.* * *llevar [A1 ]vtA1 (de un lugar a otro) to taketengo que llevar los zapatos a arreglar I must take my shoes to be mendedle llevé unas flores I took her some flowerste lo llevaré cuando vaya el sábado I'll bring it when I come on Saturdayeste programa pretende llevar un mensaje de paz y amor a sus hogares this program aims to bring a message of peace and love into your homesel camión llevaba una carga de abono the truck was carrying a load of fertilizerdeja que te ayude a llevar las bolsas let me help you carry your bags¿qué llevas en el bolso que pesa tanto? what have you got in your bag that weighs so much?2 ‹persona› to takeiba para ese lado y me llevó hasta la estación she was going that way so she gave me a lift to o took me to o dropped me at the stationvoy a llevar a los niños al colegio I'm going to take the children to schoolnos llevó a cenar fuera he took us out to dinnerla llevaba de la mano I was holding her hand, I had her by the hand3(tener consigo): los atracadores llevaban metralletas the robbers carried submachine gunsno llevo dinero encima or conmigo I don't have any money on me4 (CS) (comprar) to take¿la señora ha decidido? — sí, llevo éste have you decided, madam? — yes, I'll take o I'll have this one¿cuántos va a llevar? how many would you like?B1(guiar, conducir): nos llevaron por un sendero hacia la cueva they led o took us along a path toward(s) the caveeste camino te lleva al río this path leads o takes you to the riveresta discusión no nos llevará a ninguna parte arguing like this won't get us anywhere2 (impulsar, inducir) to leadsu afición por el juego lo llevó a cometer el desfalco his passion for gambling led him to embezzle the moneyesto me lleva a pensar que miente this leads me to believe that she is lying¿qué puede llevar a una madre a hacer una cosa así? what could induce a mother to do such a thing?C1 ‹vestido/sombrero› to wearpuede llevarse suelto o con cinturón it can be worn loose or with a beltllevaba uniforme he was wearing his uniform, he was in uniformno llevo reloj I'm not wearing a watch, I haven't got a watch on2(hablando de modas): vuelven a llevarse las faldas cortas short skirts are back in fashionya no se lleva eso de las fiestas de compromiso people don't have engagement parties any moreD(tener): llevas la corbata torcida your tie's crookedhace años que lleva barba he's had a beard for yearsllevaba el pelo corto she wore o had her hair short, she had short haircada entrada lleva un número each ticket bears a number o has a number on itel colegio lleva el nombre de su fundador the school carries o bears the name of its founderuna canción que lleva por título `Rencor' a song entitled `Rencor'A(tener a su cargo): lleva la contabilidad de la empresa she does the company's accountssu padre lleva la tienda/el bar his father runs the shop/the barel abogado que lleva el caso the lawyer o ( AmE) attorney who is handling the casemi compañero lleva lo de los créditos my colleague deals with loanstrabaja a tiempo completo y además lleva la casa she works full time and does all the housework as wellB1 (conducir) ‹vehículo› to drive; ‹moto› to ride¿quién llevaba el coche? who was driving the car?2 ‹pareja›(al bailar): no sé bailar — no importa, yo te llevo I can't dance — it doesn't matter, I'll leadC1 ‹vida› to lead(+ compl): lleva una vida normal/muy ajetreada he leads o has a normal life/very hectic lifellevan su relación en secreto they're keeping their relationship secret¿cómo llevas lo del divorcio? how are you coping with the divorce?está en segundo año y lo lleva muy bien he's in the second year and he's doing very welllleva muy mal lo de que te vayas al extranjero she's taking this business of you going abroad very badlyllevaste muy bien la entrevista you handled the interview very well2 ( Ven) ‹golpe/susto› to getllevamos un susto grande cuando … we got a terrible fright when …va a llevar un disgusto grande cuando se entere he's going to be very upset when he finds outD(seguir, mantener): llevar el ritmo or el compás to keep timebaila mal, no sabe llevar el compás he's a bad dancer, he can't keep in time to the music¿estás llevando la cuenta de lo que te debo? are you keeping track of what I owe you?¿qué rumbo llevan? what course are they on?¿qué dirección llevaban? which direction were they going in o were they headed in?A1 (requerir, insumir) to takelleva mucho tiempo hacerlo bien it takes a long time to do it well(+ me/te/le etc): le llevó horas aprendérselo de memoria it took her hours to learn it by heartme va a llevar horas it's going to take me hours2(tener como ingrediente, componente): ¿qué lleva esta sopa? what's in this soup?esta masa lleva mantequilla en lugar de aceite this pastry is made with butter instead of oillleva unas gotas de jugo de limón it has a few drops of lemon juice in iteste modelo lleva tres metros de tela you need three meters of material for this dressla blusa lleva un cuello de encaje the blouse has a lace collarel tren lleva dos vagones de primera the train has o ( frml) conveys two first-class carriagesB (aventajar, exceder en) (+ me/te/le etc):me lleva dos años he's two years older than memi hijo te lleva unos centímetros my son is a few centimeters taller than you, my son is taller than you by a few centimetersnos llevan tres días de ventaja they have a three-day lead over usno me llevó nada por arreglármelo he didn't charge me (anything) for fixing it■lleva media hora esperando she's been waiting for half an hour¿llevas mucho rato aquí? have you been here long?lleva tres días sin probar bocado he hasn't eaten a thing for three daysel tren lleva una hora de retraso the train's an hour late¿te desperté? — no, llevo horas levantada did I wake you? — no, I've been up for hourslleva cinco años en la empresa she's been with the company for five yearshasta ahora llevan ganados todos los partidos they've won every game so farya llevaba hecha la mitad de la manga I'd already done half the sleevellevar las de ganar/perder to be bound to win/losecon el apoyo del jefe, llevas todas las de ganar if the boss is behind you, you're bound to succeed■ llevarvi1 «camino/carretera» to go, leadlleva directamente al pueblo it goes o leads straight to the village¿adónde lleva este camino? where does this road go o lead?2 (al bailar) to lead■ llevarseA1 (a otro lugar) to takela policía se llevó al sospechoso the police took the suspect away¿quién se ha llevado mi paraguas? who's taken my umbrella?nos lo llevamos a la playa we took him off to the beachno te lleves el diccionario, lo necesito don't take the dictionary (away), I need itllévate a los chicos de aquí get the children out of herelos ladrones se llevaron las joyas the thieves went off with o took the jewelsel agua se llevó cuanto encontró a su paso the water swept away everything in its path2 ‹dinero/premio› to winla película que se llevó todos los premios the movie that carried off o won o took all the prizes3 (quedarse con, comprar) to takeno sé cuál llevarme I don't know which one to have o take¿cuántos se quiere llevar? how many would you like?4 ( Mat) to carry9 y 9 son 18, me llevo una 9 plus 9 is 18, carry one5 ( Arg) ‹asignatura› to carry overB(dirigir): no te lleves el cuchillo a la boca don't put your knife in your mouthse llevó la mano al bolsillo he put his hand to his pocketC ‹susto/regañina› to get¡qué susto me llevé! what a fright I got!me llevé una gran decepción I was terribly disappointed, it was a terrible disappointmentse llevó su merecido he got what he deservedquiero que se lleve un buen recuerdo I want him to leave here with pleasant memoriesDllevarse bien con algn to get along with sb, to get on (well) with sb ( BrE)nos llevamos mal we don't get along o onse llevan a matar they really hate each otherse llevan como perro y gato they fight like cat and dog* * *
llevar ( conjugate llevar) verbo transitivo
te lo llevaré cuando vaya I'll bring it when I come;
¿qué llevas en la bolsa? what have you got in your bag?;
comida para llevar take out (AmE) o (BrE) takeaway meals
me llevó (en su coche) hasta la estación she gave me a lift to the station;
lo llevaba en brazos/de la mano she was carrying him in her arms/holding her hand
◊ la llevaba de la mano I/he was holding her hand;
esto no nos llevará a ninguna parte this won't get us anywhere
◊ esto me lleva a pensar que … this leads me to believe that …
1 ( tener a su cargo) ‹negocio/tienda› to run;
‹ caso› to handle;
‹ contabilidad› to do
2 (esp Esp) ( conducir) ‹ vehículo› to drive;
‹ moto› to ride
3 ‹ vida› to lead;
¿cómo llevas el informe? how are you getting on with the report?
4 (seguir, mantener): llevar el ritmo or el compás to keep time;◊ ¿llevas la cuenta de lo que te debo? are you keeping track of what I owe you?;
¿qué dirección llevaban? which direction were they going in?
nos llevan un día de ventaja they have a one-day lead over us
2 (Esp) ( cobrar) to charge
llevar v aux:
lleva tres días sin comer he hasn't eaten for three days;
el tren lleva una hora de retraso the train's an hour late;
llevo revisada la mitad I've already checked half of it
verbo intransitivo [camino/carretera] to go, lead
llevarse verbo pronominal
¿quién se llevó mi paraguas? who took my umbrella?;
el agua se llevó las casas the water swept away the houses
d) (Mat) to carry;◊ 9 y 9 son 18, me llevo una 9 plus 9 is 18, carry one
2 ‹susto/regañina› to get;
se llevó un buen recuerdo he left here with pleasant memories
4 ( hablando de modas) to be in fashion;
llevar verbo transitivo
1 to take: llévame a casa, take me home
(en dirección al oyente) te lo llevaré al trabajo, I'll bring it to your work
2 (vestir) to wear: lleva el pelo suelto, she wears her hair down
3 (transportar) to carry: no llevo dinero encima, I don't carry any money on me
4 (tolerar, sufrir) lleva muy mal la separación, she is taking the separation very badly
5 (una diferencia de edad) le lleva dos años a su hermana, he is two years older than his sister
6 (cobrar) me llevó dos mil pesetas por el arreglo, she charged me two thousand pesetas for the repairs
7 (necesitar) eso no lleva mucho trabajo, that doesn't need much work
8 (tiempo) llevo dos horas esperando, I've been waiting for two hours
esto llevará un buen rato, this will take a long time
9 (un negocio, empresa) to be in charge of
(a una persona) to handle: te lleva por donde quiere, she does what she likes with you
♦ Locuciones: llevar adelante, to carry sthg through
llevar las de ganar/perder, to be on a winning/losing streak
La traducción más común es to take: ¿Adónde llevas eso?, Where are you taking that? Llévalo a la cocina. Take it to the kitchen. Sin embargo, tratándose de llevar algo hacia el oyente o el hablante, debes emplear el verbo to bring: Te lo llevaré mañana. I'll bring it to you tomorrow. Te llevaré un regalo. I'll bring you a present.
' llevar' also found in these entries:
- agitada
- agitado
- aire
- altar
- andar
- aparejada
- aparejado
- bajar
- batuta
- caballo
- cabo
- calzar
- calle
- cantante
- cargar
- cartera
- ciega
- ciego
- conducir
- costar
- dejarse
- delantera
- efectuar
- ejecutar
- escrita
- escrito
- garaje
- inducir
- juicio
- magistratura
- mal
- maquillarse
- operar
- pantalla
- pantalón
- perder
- preferir
- realizar
- sed
- sofoco
- subir
- traer
- transportar
- usar
- vestir
- voz
- anca
- andas
- arrastrar
- accomplish
- account
- achieve
- ahead
- amulet
- astray
- authenticity
- band
- bankrupt
- bear
- blow
- boil
- bring
- carry
- carry about
- carry around
- carry away
- carry off
- carry on
- carry out
- coal
- conduct
- drag off
- drive
- effect
- fly
- follow through
- footpath
- forceful
- forever
- go through with
- hand-luggage
- handle
- haul up
- have
- have on
- have up
- hold
- hump
- implement
- inclination
- justice
- keep
- lead
- lead out
- lead to
- lead up to
- live
- lug
* * *♦ vt1. [de un lugar a otro] to take;le llevé unos bombones al hospital I took her some chocolates at the hospital, I brought some chocolates for her to the hospital with me;llevaré a los niños al zoo I'll take the children to the zoo;nosotros llevamos la mercancía del almacén a las tiendas we bring o transport the goods from the warehouse to the shops;me llevó en coche he drove me there;¿vas al colegio? ¡sube, que te llevo! are you going to school? get in, I'll give you a Br lift o US ride;¿para tomar aquí o para llevar? is it to eat in or Br to take away o US to go?;2. [acarrear] to carry;llevaba un saco a sus espaldas she was carrying a sack on her back;llevaban en hombros al entrenador they were carrying the coach on their shoulders;¿llevas rueda de recambio? have you got a spare wheel?;llevar adelante algo [planes, proyecto] to go ahead with sth;llevar consigo [implicar] to lead to, to bring about;está prohibido llevar armas carrying arms is prohibited3. [encima] [ropa, objeto personal] to wear;llevo gafas I wear glasses;¿llevas reloj? [en este momento] have you got a watch on?, are you wearing a watch?;[habitualmente] do you wear a watch?;llevaba una falda azul she was wearing a blue skirt;no lleva nada puesto she hasn't got anything o any clothes on;no llevo dinero I haven't got any money on me;nunca llevo mucho dinero encima I never carry a lot of money on me o around;4. [tener] to have;llevar bigote to have a moustache;lleva el pelo largo he has long hair;me gusta llevar el pelo recogido I like to wear my hair up;llevas las manos sucias your hands are dirty;los productos ecológicos llevan una etiqueta verde environmentally friendly products carry a green label¿qué lleva el daiquiri? what do you make a daiquiri with?6. [guiar, acompañar] to take;los llevé por otro camino I took them another way;lo llevaron a la comisaría he was taken to the police station;un guía nos llevó hasta la cima a guide led us to the top;Méxlléveme con el gerente I want to see the manager7. [dirigir] to be in charge of;[casa, negocio] to look after, to run;lleva la contabilidad she keeps the books8. [manejar, ocuparse de] [problema, persona] to handle;[asunto, caso, expediente] to deal with; [automóvil] to drive; [bicicleta, moto] to ride;este asunto lo lleva el departamento de contabilidad this matter is being handled by the accounts department;ella llevó las negociaciones personalmente she handled the negotiations herself;el inspector que lleva el caso the inspector in charge of the case;lleva muy bien sus estudios he's doing very well in his studies;sabe cómo llevar a la gente she's good with people9. [mantener] to keep;el hotel lleva un registro de todos sus clientes the hotel keeps a record of all its guests;llevo la cuenta de todos tus fallos I've been keeping count of all your mistakes;llevar el paso to keep in step;llevan una vida muy tranquila they lead a very quiet life10. [soportar] to deal o cope with;llevar algo bien/mal to deal o cope with sth well/badly;llevo bien lo de ir en tren todos los días, pero lo de madrugar… I can quite happily cope with catching the train every day, but as for getting up early…;Fam¿cómo lo llevas con el nuevo jefe? how are you getting on with your new boss?lleva camino de ser famoso/rico he's on the road to fame/riches;llevar las de ganar/perder: el equipo local lleva las de ganar/perder the local team are favourites to win/lose;en un juicio, llevamos las de ganar if the matter goes to court, we can expect to win;no te enfrentes con él, que llevas las de perder don't mess with him, you can't hope to winaquella inversión le llevaría a la ruina that investment was to bring about his ruin;¿adónde nos lleva la ingeniería genética? where is all this genetic engineering going to end?;llevar a alguien a hacer algo to lead o cause sb to do sth;esto me lleva a creer que miente this makes me think she's lying;¿qué pudo llevarle a cometer semejante crimen? what could have led o caused him to commit such a crime?me lleva dos centímetros/dos años he's two centimetres taller/two years older than me15. [costar] [tiempo, esfuerzo] to take;me llevó un día hacer este guiso it took me a day to make this dish16. [pasarse] [tiempo]lleva tres semanas sin venir she hasn't come for three weeks now, it's three weeks since she was last here;llevaba siglos sin ir al cine I hadn't been to the cinema for ages, it was ages since I'd been to the cinema;¿cuánto tiempo llevas aquí? how long have you been here?;llevo todo el día llamándote I've been trying to get through to you on the phone all day;llevar mucho tiempo haciendo algo to have been doing sth for a long time¿qué te llevaron por la revisión del coche? how much o what did they charge you for servicing the car?llevaré la roja I'll take o have the red one;¿lo envuelvo o lo lleva puesto? shall I wrap it up for you or do you want to keep it on?♦ vi[conducir]llevar a to lead to;esta carretera lleva al norte this road leads north♦ v aux(antes de participio)llevo leída media novela I'm halfway through the novel;llevo dicho esto mismo docenas de veces I've said the same thing time and again;llevaba anotados todos los gastos she had noted down all the expenses* * *I v/t1 take;llevar a alguien en coche drive s.o., take s.o. in the car;llevar dinero encima carry money3 ritmo keep up4:llevar las de perder be likely to lose;me lleva dos años he’s two years older than me;llevo ocho días aquí I’ve been here a week;llevo una hora esperando I’ve been waiting for an hour;¿te llevó dos horas hacer eso? it took you two hours to do that?II v/i lead (a to)* * *llevar vt1) : to take away, to carryme gusta, me lo llevo: I like it, I'll take it2) : to wear3) : to take, to leadllevamos a Pedro al cine: we took Pedro to the movies4)llevar a cabo : to carry out5)llevar adelante : to carry on, to keep goingllevar vi: to leadun problema lleva al otro: one problem leads to anotherllevar v aux: to havellevo mucho tiempo buscándolo: I've been looking for it for a long timelleva leído medio libro: he's halfway through the book* * *llevar vb¿quieres que te lleve la compra? shall I carry your shopping?4. (tener) to have¿qué llevas en la mano? what have you got in your hand?6. (tiempo) to have beenllevarle a alguien... años to be... years older than somebody -
5 give
1. transitive verb,1) (hand over, pass) geben; (transfer from one's authority, custody, or responsibility) überbringen; übergeben (to an + Akk.)she gave him her bag to carry — sie gab ihm ihre Tasche zum Tragen
Give it to me! I'll do it — Gib her! Ich mache das
give somebody something, give something to somebody — jemandem etwas schenken
the book was given [to] me by my son — das Buch hat mir mein Sohn geschenkt
I wouldn't have it if it was given [to] me — ich würde es nicht mal geschenkt nehmen; abs.
give [a donation] to charity — für wohltätige Zwecke spenden
give and take — (fig.) Kompromisse eingehen; (in marriage etc.) geben und nehmen
give somebody something [in exchange] for something — jemandem etwas für etwas [im Tausch] geben
I would give anything or my right arm/a lot to be there — ich würde alles/viel darum geben, wenn ich dort sein könnte
4) (assign) aufgeben [Hausaufgaben, Strafarbeit usw.]; (sentence to) geben [10 Jahre Gefängnis usw.]5) (grant, award) geben [Erlaubnis, Arbeitsplatz, Interview, Rabatt, Fähigkeit, Kraft]; verleihen [Preis, Titel, Orden usw.]he was given the privilege/honour of doing it — ihm wurde das Vorrecht/die Ehre zuteil, es zu tun
give somebody to understand or believe that... — jemanden glauben lassen, dass...
6) (entrust somebody with) übertragen (to Dat.)give somebody the power to do something — jemanden ermächtigen, etwas zu tun
7) (allow somebody to have) geben [Recht, Zeit, Arbeit]; überlassen [seinen Sitzplatz]; lassen [Wahl, Zeit]they gave me [the use of] their car for the weekend — sie überließen mir ihr Auto übers Wochenende
I will give you a day to think it over — ich lasse dir einen Tag Bedenkzeit
give yourself time to think about it — lass dir Zeit, und denk darüber nach
give me London any day or time or every time — (fig. coll.) London ist mir zehnmal lieber
I['ll] give you/him etc. that — (fig. coll.): (grant) das gebe ich zu; zugegeben
you've got to give it to him — (fig. coll.) das muss man ihm lassen
it cost £5, give or take a few pence — es hat so um die fünf Pfund gekostet (ugs.)
given that — (because) da; (if) wenn
given the right tools — mit dem richtigen Werkzeug
given time, I'll do it — wenn ich Zeit habe, mache ich es
8) (offer to somebody) geben, reichen [Arm, Hand usw.]9) (cause somebody/something to have) geben; verleihen [Charme, Reiz, Gewicht, Nachdruck]; bereiten, machen [Freude, Mühe, Kummer]; bereiten, verursachen [Schmerz]; bieten [Abwechslung, Schutz]; leisten [Hilfe]; gewähren [Unterstützung]I was given the guest room — man gab mir das Gästezimmer
give a clear picture — (Telev.) ein gutes Bild haben
give somebody what for — (sl.) es jemandem geben (ugs.)
10) (convey in words, tell, communicate) angeben [Namen, Anschrift, Alter, Grund, Zahl]; nennen [Grund, Einzelheiten, Losungswort]; geben [Rat, Beispiel, Befehl, Anweisung, Antwort]; fällen [Urteil, Entscheidung]; sagen [Meinung]; bekannt geben [Nachricht, Ergebnis]; machen [Andeutung]; erteilen [Verweis, Rüge]; (present, set forth) [Wörterbuch, Brief:] enthalten; [Zeitung:] bringen [Bericht]give details of something — Einzelheiten einer Sache (Gen.) darlegen
give somebody the facts — jemanden mit den Fakten vertraut od. bekannt machen
don't give me that! — (coll.) erzähl mir [doch] nichts! (ugs.)
12) (perform, read, sing, etc.) geben [Vorstellung, Konzert]; halten [Vortrag, Seminar]; vorlesen [Gedicht, Erzählung]; singen [Lied]; spielen [Schauspiel, Oper, Musikstück]give us a song — sing mal was
13) ausbringen [Toast, Trinkspruch]; (as toast)ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Queen — meine Damen, meine Herren, auf die Königin od. das Wohl der Königin
14) (produce) geben [Licht, Milch]; tragen [Früchte]; ergeben [Zahlen, Resultat]; erbringen [Ernte]16) (make somebody undergo) geben; versetzen [Schlag, Stoß]; verabreichen (geh.), geben [Arznei]give somebody a [friendly] look — jemandem einen [freundlichen] Blick zuwerfen
he gave her hand a squeeze — er drückte ihr die Hand
give as good as one gets — (coll.) es jemandem mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen
17) (execute, make, show) geben [Zeichen, Stoß, Tritt]; machen [Satz, Ruck]; ausstoßen [Schrei, Seufzer, Pfiff]give a [little] smile — [schwach] lächeln
give something/somebody a look — sich (Dat.) etwas/jemanden ansehen
be given to something/doing something — zu etwas neigen/etwas gern tun
give all one's got — (coll.) sein möglichstes tun
19) (be host at) geben [Party, Empfang, Essen usw.]20)2. intransitive verb,give somebody/something two months/a year — jemandem/einer Sache zwei Monate/ein Jahr geben
gave, given1) (yield, bend) nachgeben (auch fig.); [Knie:] weich werden; [Bett:] federn; (break down) zusammenbrechen; [Brücke:] einstürzen; (fig.) nachlassen2) (lead)3. noungive on to the street/garden — [Tür usw.:] auf die Straße hinausführen/in den Garten führen
1) Nachgiebigkeit, die; (elasticity) Elastizität, diehave [no] give — [nicht] nachgeben
2)give and take — (compromise) Kompromiss, der; (exchange of concessions) Geben und Nehmen, das
Phrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/31217/give_away">give away- give back- give in- give off- give out- give over- give up- give way* * *(to dismiss (someone) or to be dismissed (usually from a job): He got the boot for always being late.) rausgeschmissen werden* * *[gɪv]<gave, given>1. (in collocations) see birth 1, blood I. 1, call I. 1, chase I. 1, evidence I. 2, kiss2 I. 1, look I. 1, smile I.2. (hand over)to \give sb a cold jdn mit seiner Erkältung ansteckento \give a woman in marriage to sb eine Frau an jdn verheiratenshe gave him two sons sie schenkte ihm zwei Söhne3. (administer)to \give sb a sedative jdm ein Beruhigungsmittel geben4. (as present)this book was given to me by my best friend dieses Buch hat mir meine beste Freundin geschenktplease \give generously wir bitten um großzügige Spendento \give sb a present jdm etwas schenkento \give sb sth as a present jdm etw schenken5. (offer)▪ to \give sb sth jdm etw gebento \give sb food jdm zu essen gebento \give sb one's seat jdm seinen Platz anbietento \give sb something to eat/drink jdm etwas zu essen/trinken anbietenthey gave us pork for dinner zum Abendessen servierten sie Schweinefleisch6. (entrust)to \give one's baby/sth into sb's care jdm sein Baby/etw anvertrauento \give sb the power to do sth jdn dazu bevollmächtigen, etw zu tun7. (sacrifice)I'd \give anything [or the world] [or my right arm] to be... ich würde alles dafür geben [o tun],... zu sein8. (sell, pay)to \give sb sth for £20 jdm etw für 20 Pfund verkaufento \give sb £20 for sth jdm für etw akk 20 Pfund zahlenhow much did you \give for that? wie viel hast du dafür gezahlt?I'll \give you the camera for £100 für 100 Pfund gehört die Kamera dir!9. (cause)▪ to \give sb sth etw bei jdm hervorrufensth \gives sb a headache jd bekommt von etw dat Kopfschmerzen; ( fig) etw bereitet jdm Kopfschmerzento \give sb/sth a bad name jdn/etw in Verruf bringento \give sb to understand that... jdm zu verstehen geben, dass...the fresh air has \given us an appetite die frische Luft hat uns Appetit gemachtthat will \give you something to think about! darüber kannst du ja mal nachdenken!what gave you that idea? wie kommst du denn auf die Idee?; see also joy 1, pleasure 1, pain I. 1, 2, trouble I. 410. (grant)▪ to \give sb sth jdm etw gebento \give sb his/her due jdm Ehre erweisen\give the devil his due Ehre, wem Ehre gebührtto \give sb encouragement jdn ermutigento \give sb permission [to do sth] jdm die Erlaubnis erteilen[, etw zu tun]11. (impart)to \give one's age/name sein Alter/seinen Namen angebento \give a decision court ein Urteil fällento \give sb the news of sth jdm etw mitteilencan you \give me any details? können Sie mir irgendwelche Einzelheiten nennen?she wouldn't \give me her opinion sie wollte mir nicht sagen, was sie denkthe couldn't \give me a reason why... er konnte mir auch nicht sagen, warum...\give him my thanks richten Sie ihm meinen Dank aus\give her my regards [or my best wishes] grüß' sie schön von mir!; see also advice 1, answer I. 1, information I. 1, notice II. 4, warning 212. (assign)to be given full sentence/life imprisonment die Höchststrafe/lebenslang bekommenthe teacher gave us no exercises today der Lehrer hat uns heute nichts aufgegeben\give me the police/sales department/Mr Smith verbinden Sie mich bitte mit der Polizei/der Verkaufsabteilung/Mr. Smith14. (allow)just \give me two more days geben Sie mir noch zwei Tage extraI'll \give you a day to think it over ich lasse dir einen Tag Bedenkzeit\give yourself time to get over it lass' dir Zeit, um darüber hinwegzukommen\give or take mehr oder wenigerhe came at six o'clock, \give or take a few minutes er kam so gegen sechs15. (predict)to \give sb/sth three months/five years marriage, relationship jdm/etw drei Monate/fünf Jahre geben16. (present)to \give a concert ein Konzert gebento \give a speech/lecture eine Rede/einen Vortrag halten\give us a song, John sing uns was vor John!17. (host)to \give a party/reception eine Party/einen Empfang gebento \give a bark bellento \give a cry/groan aufschreien/-stöhnen19. (like best)20. (value)21. (devote)I'll \give you what for, young lady, coming home at 2 o'clock in the morning! ich geb' dir gleich was, junge Dame — um zwei Uhr morgens nach Hause zu kommen!23. (produce)▪ to \give sth result, number etw ergebento \give milk/light Milch/Licht gebento \give warmth Wärme spenden24. (do)to \give sb's hand a squeeze jdm die Hand drückento \give sb a [dirty/friendly] look jdm einen vernichtenden/freundlichen Blick zuwerfento \give a shrug mit den Schultern [o Achseln] zucken25. (admit/grant)she's quite brave, I'll \give you that das gestehe ich dir zu — Mut hat sieI'll \give you that das muss man dir lassen27. (toast)to \give a toast to sb auf jdn einen Tost ausbringenI \give you the president auf den Präsidenten!; (as speaker) das Wort hat der Präsident28.▶ \give me a break! jetzt mach aber mal halblang! fam; (stop) jetzt hör' aber auf! fam; (don't believe) das glaubst du doch selbst nicht! fam<gave, -n>1. (donate)to \give of one's best sein Bestes gebento \give of one's money/time sein Geld/seine Zeit opfernto \give generously großzügig spendento \give and take [gegenseitige] Kompromisse machenyou can't work so hard all the time, something's bound to \give du kannst nicht die ganze Zeit so hart arbeiten, sonst wird das irgendwann mal ganz böse ausgehen! sl4. (be at an end)what \gives? was gibt's Neues?what \gives here? was ist hier so los? fam6. (tell)\give! erzähl' schon! fam7.▶ it is better [or more blessed] to \give than to receive ( prov) Geben ist seliger denn Nehmen prov▶ to \give as good as one gets Gleiches mit Gleichem vergeltenIII. NOUNto [not] have much \give [nicht] sehr nachgeben; (elastic) [nicht] sehr elastisch sein* * *[gɪv] vb: pret gave, ptp given1. TRANSITIVE VERBWhen give is part of a set combination, eg. give evidence, give chase, look up the other word.1) gebenwe were given three exercises she was given a sedative — wir haben drei Übungen bekommen or (as homework) aufbekommen man hat ihr or ihr wurde ein Beruhigungsmittel gegeben
I'd give a lot/the world/anything to know... —
what wouldn't I give to be like you — was würde ich nicht darum geben, so wie du zu sein
he gave everything he had (fig) — er holte das Letzte aus sich heraus
11 o'clock, give or take a few minutes — so gegen 11 Uhr
six foot, give or take a few inches — ungefähr sechs Fuß
2) as present schenken; (= donate) spenden, gebenit was given to me by my uncle, I was given it by my uncle — ich habe es von meinem Onkel bekommen or geschenkt bekommen
he gave me a book as a present — er schenkte mir ein Buch, er machte mir ein Buch zum Geschenk
he gave the impression he didn't care — er machte den Eindruck, als ob es ihm egal wäre
to give sb support —
(God) give me strength to do it — Gott gebe mir die Kraft, es zu tun!
give me strength/patience! — großer Gott! (inf)
to give sb a look/smile — jdn ansehen/anlächeln
to give sb a blow — jdn schlagen, jdm einen Schlag versetzen
to give sb a push/kick — jdm einen Stoß/Tritt geben, jdn stoßen/treten
to give one's hair a brush/wash — sich (dat) die Haare bürsten/waschen
this incident gave him the basic plot of the story — durch dieses Ereignis bekam er die Grundidee für die Handlung der Geschichte
who gave you that idea? — wer hat dich denn auf die Idee gebracht?
that will give you something to think about — da hast du etwas, worüber du nachdenken kannst
I'll give you something to cry about — ich werde schon zusehen, dass du weißt, warum du weinst
give me Shakespeare/Spain (every time)! (inf) —
give me Renoir and Rembrandt, not these surrealist artists — mir sind Renoir und Rembrandt viel lieber als diese Surrealisten
radio has almost given way to television — das Radio ist vom Fernsehen fast verdrängt worden on road
I was expecting him to give way — ich nahm an, er würde mir die Vorfahrt lassen
"give way" — "Vorfahrt (gewähren)"
to give sb pain — jdm wehtun (also fig), jdm Schmerzen bereiten
it gives me great pleasure to... — es ist mir eine große Freude...
to give sb a shock — jdm einen Schock versetzen __diams; to give sb to understand that...
I was given to understand/believe that... — mir wurde zu verstehen gegeben, dass...
5) = punish with erteilenhe gave the child a smack — er gab dem Kind einen Klaps
to give sb five years — jdn zu fünf Jahren verurteilen, jdm fünf Jahre aufbrummen
he was given a thrashing/five years — er hat eine Tracht Prügel/fünf Jahre bekommen
6)= utter
to give a cry/groan/laugh/sigh — aufschreien/-stöhnen/-lachen/-seufzen8) = allow time gebenthey gave me a week to do it — sie gaben or ließen mir eine Woche Zeit, um es zu machen
give yourself time to recover — lassen Sie sich Zeit, um sich zu erholen
it's an improvement, I'll give you that — es ist eine Verbesserung, das gestehe ich (dir) ein
he's a good worker, I'll give him that — eines muss man ihm lassen, er arbeitet gut
9) = report, tell information, details, description, answer, advice geben; one's name, particulars angeben; suggestion machen; (= let sb know by letter, phone etc) decision, opinion, results mitteilenhe wouldn't give me his decision/opinion — er wollte mir seine Entscheidung/Meinung nicht sagen
they interrupted the film to give the football results — sie unterbrachen den Film, um die Fußballergebnisse zu bringen
give him my regards — bestellen Sie ihm (schöne) Grüße, richten Sie ihm (schöne) Grüße von mir aus
to give no/the right answer — nicht/richtig antworten
his letter gave us the latest news —
he forgot to give us the date — er hat vergessen, uns das Datum anzugeben or (verbally also) zu sagen or (by letter, phone etc also) mitzuteilen
10) = hold, perform party, dinner, play geben; speech halten; song singen; toast ausbringen (to sb auf jdn)give us a song —
I give you Mary (as toast) (as speaker) — auf Mary!, auf Marys Wohl! ich gebe Mary das Wort
11)= do
the child gave a little jump of excitement — das Kind machte vor Aufregung einen kleinen Luftsprung12) = devote widmen (to +dat)he has given himself entirely to medicine —
he gave himself/his life to God — er weihte sich/sein Leben Gott
2. INTRANSITIVE VERB1) = give way lit, fig = collapse, yield nachgeben; (strength, health, nerve, voice) versagen; (= break, rope, cable) reißen; (cold weather) nachlassenwhen you're under as much strain as that, something is bound to give (inf) — wenn man unter so viel Druck steht, muss es ja irgendwo aushaken (inf)
3) = give money etc geben, spendenyou have to be prepared to give and take (fig) — man muss zu Kompromissen bereit sein, man muss auch mal zurückstecken können
4)5)= tell US inf
OK, now give! — also, raus mit der Sprache! (inf)3. NOUNNachgiebigkeit f, Elastizität f; (of floor, bed, chair) Federung f4. PHRASAL VERBS* * *give [ɡıv]A sthere is too much give in the rope das Seil ist zu locker (gespannt)2. figa) Elastizität f, Flexibilität fb) Nachgiebigkeit f:there is no give in him er gibt nie nachB v/t prät gave [ɡeıv], pperf given [ˈɡıvn]1. a) geben:give sb the name of William jemandem den Namen William geben;give or take plus/minus;he has given me his cold er hat mich mit seiner Erkältung angestecktb) schenken:c) Blut etc spenden2. geben, reichen:give sb one’s hand jemandem die Hand geben3. einen Brief etc (über)geben4. (als Gegenwert) geben, (be)zahlen:how much did you give for that coat?;5. eine Auskunft, einen Rat etc geben, erteilen:6. sein Wort geben7. widmen:give one’s attention (energies) to sth einer Sache seine Aufmerksamkeit (Kraft) widmenfor für)9. ein Recht, einen Titel, ein Amt etc verleihen, geben, übertragen:give sb a part in a play jemandem eine Rolle in einem Stück geben10. geben, gewähren, zugestehen:give sb a favo(u)r jemandem eine Gunst gewähren;just give me 24 hours geben Sie mir (nur) 24 Stunden (Zeit);give sb until …b) jemandem bis … Bedenkzeit geben;I give you that point in diesem Punkt gebe ich Ihnen recht;give me the good old times! da lobe ich mir die gute alte Zeit!;give me Mozart any time Mozart geht mir über alles;it was not given to him to do it es war ihm nicht gegeben oder vergönnt, es zu tun11. einen Befehl, Auftrag etc geben, erteilen13. einen Preis zuerkennen, zusprechen14. eine Arznei (ein)geben, verabreichen15. jemandem ein Zimmer etc geben, zuteilen, zuweisen16. Grüße etc übermitteln:give him my love bestelle ihm herzliche Grüße von mir17. übergeben, einliefern:give sb into custody jemanden der Polizei übergeben, jemanden verhaften lassen18. jemandem einen Schlag etc geben, versetzen19. jemandem einen Blick zuwerfenb) eine Erklärung etc abgebenc) eine Rede etc halten21. (an)geben, mitteilen, seine Telefonnummer etc angeben:give a reason einen Grund angeben;don’t give me that! das glaubst du doch selbst nicht!;22. ein Lied etc zum Besten geben, vortragen23. ein Konzert etc geben, veranstalten:give a dinner ein Essen geben;give a play ein (Theater)Stück geben oder aufführen24. bereiten, verursachen:give pain Schmerzen bereiten, wehtun;25. (er)geben:give no result ohne Ergebnis bleiben26. geben, hervorbringen:cows give milk Kühe geben Milch;the lamp gives a good light die Lampe gibt gutes Licht27. einen Trinkspruch ausbringen auf (akk):I give you the ladies ich trinke auf das Wohl der Damen28. geben, zuschreiben:I give him 50 years ich schätze ihn auf 50 Jahre29. jemandem zu tun, zu trinken etc geben:I was given to understand that … man gab mir zu verstehen, dass …30. (in Redewendungen meist) geben:give it to him! umg gibs ihm!;give sb what for umg es jemandem geben oder besorgen; (siehe die Verbindungen mit den entsprechenden Substantiven)C v/i1. geben, spenden (to dat):give and take geben und nehmen, einander entgegenkommen, kompromissbereit sein2. nachgeben (auch Preise):the foundations are giving das Fundament senkt sich;the chair gives comfortably der Stuhl federt angenehm;his knees gave under him seine Knie versagten3. what gives? sl was gibts?;what gives with him? sl was ist los mit ihm?4. nachlassen, schwächer werden5. versagen (Nerven etc)6. a) nachgeben, (Boden etc) federnb) sich dehnen (Kleidungsstück)7. sich anpassen (to dat oder an akk)b) gehen (on[to] nach) (Fenster etc)9. US umga) sprechen:come on, give! los, raus mit der Sprache!b) aus sich herausgehen* * *1. transitive verb,1) (hand over, pass) geben; (transfer from one's authority, custody, or responsibility) überbringen; übergeben (to an + Akk.)give me... — (on telephone) geben Sie mir...; verbinden Sie mich mit...
give somebody something, give something to somebody — jemandem etwas schenken
the book was given [to] me by my son — das Buch hat mir mein Sohn geschenkt
I wouldn't have it if it was given [to] me — ich würde es nicht mal geschenkt nehmen; abs.
give [a donation] to charity — für wohltätige Zwecke spenden
give and take — (fig.) Kompromisse eingehen; (in marriage etc.) geben und nehmen
give somebody something [in exchange] for something — jemandem etwas für etwas [im Tausch] geben
I would give anything or my right arm/a lot to be there — ich würde alles/viel darum geben, wenn ich dort sein könnte
4) (assign) aufgeben [Hausaufgaben, Strafarbeit usw.]; (sentence to) geben [10 Jahre Gefängnis usw.]5) (grant, award) geben [Erlaubnis, Arbeitsplatz, Interview, Rabatt, Fähigkeit, Kraft]; verleihen [Preis, Titel, Orden usw.]he was given the privilege/honour of doing it — ihm wurde das Vorrecht/die Ehre zuteil, es zu tun
give somebody to understand or believe that... — jemanden glauben lassen, dass...
6) (entrust somebody with) übertragen (to Dat.)give somebody the power to do something — jemanden ermächtigen, etwas zu tun
7) (allow somebody to have) geben [Recht, Zeit, Arbeit]; überlassen [seinen Sitzplatz]; lassen [Wahl, Zeit]they gave me [the use of] their car for the weekend — sie überließen mir ihr Auto übers Wochenende
give yourself time to think about it — lass dir Zeit, und denk darüber nach
give me London any day or time or every time — (fig. coll.) London ist mir zehnmal lieber
I['ll] give you/him etc. that — (fig. coll.): (grant) das gebe ich zu; zugegeben
you've got to give it to him — (fig. coll.) das muss man ihm lassen
it cost £5, give or take a few pence — es hat so um die fünf Pfund gekostet (ugs.)
given that — (because) da; (if) wenn
given time, I'll do it — wenn ich Zeit habe, mache ich es
8) (offer to somebody) geben, reichen [Arm, Hand usw.]9) (cause somebody/something to have) geben; verleihen [Charme, Reiz, Gewicht, Nachdruck]; bereiten, machen [Freude, Mühe, Kummer]; bereiten, verursachen [Schmerz]; bieten [Abwechslung, Schutz]; leisten [Hilfe]; gewähren [Unterstützung]give a clear picture — (Telev.) ein gutes Bild haben
give somebody what for — (sl.) es jemandem geben (ugs.)
10) (convey in words, tell, communicate) angeben [Namen, Anschrift, Alter, Grund, Zahl]; nennen [Grund, Einzelheiten, Losungswort]; geben [Rat, Beispiel, Befehl, Anweisung, Antwort]; fällen [Urteil, Entscheidung]; sagen [Meinung]; bekannt geben [Nachricht, Ergebnis]; machen [Andeutung]; erteilen [Verweis, Rüge]; (present, set forth) [Wörterbuch, Brief:] enthalten; [Zeitung:] bringen [Bericht]give details of something — Einzelheiten einer Sache (Gen.) darlegen
give somebody the facts — jemanden mit den Fakten vertraut od. bekannt machen
don't give me that! — (coll.) erzähl mir [doch] nichts! (ugs.)
11) given (specified) gegeben12) (perform, read, sing, etc.) geben [Vorstellung, Konzert]; halten [Vortrag, Seminar]; vorlesen [Gedicht, Erzählung]; singen [Lied]; spielen [Schauspiel, Oper, Musikstück]13) ausbringen [Toast, Trinkspruch]; (as toast)ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Queen — meine Damen, meine Herren, auf die Königin od. das Wohl der Königin
14) (produce) geben [Licht, Milch]; tragen [Früchte]; ergeben [Zahlen, Resultat]; erbringen [Ernte]15) (cause to develop) machen16) (make somebody undergo) geben; versetzen [Schlag, Stoß]; verabreichen (geh.), geben [Arznei]give somebody a [friendly] look — jemandem einen [freundlichen] Blick zuwerfen
give as good as one gets — (coll.) es jemandem mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen
17) (execute, make, show) geben [Zeichen, Stoß, Tritt]; machen [Satz, Ruck]; ausstoßen [Schrei, Seufzer, Pfiff]give a [little] smile — [schwach] lächeln
give something/somebody a look — sich (Dat.) etwas/jemanden ansehen
18) (devote, dedicate) widmenbe given to something/doing something — zu etwas neigen/etwas gern tun
give all one's got — (coll.) sein möglichstes tun
19) (be host at) geben [Party, Empfang, Essen usw.]20)2. intransitive verb,give somebody/something two months/a year — jemandem/einer Sache zwei Monate/ein Jahr geben
gave, given1) (yield, bend) nachgeben (auch fig.); [Knie:] weich werden; [Bett:] federn; (break down) zusammenbrechen; [Brücke:] einstürzen; (fig.) nachlassen2) (lead)3. noungive on to the street/garden — [Tür usw.:] auf die Straße hinausführen/in den Garten führen
1) Nachgiebigkeit, die; (elasticity) Elastizität, diehave [no] give — [nicht] nachgeben
2)give and take — (compromise) Kompromiss, der; (exchange of concessions) Geben und Nehmen, das
Phrasal Verbs:- give in- give off- give out- give up- give way* * *(a lecture, etc.) v.abhalten (Lehrstunde, Vorlesung) v. v.(§ p.,p.p.: gave, given)= bereiten v.eingeben v.geben v.(§ p.,pp.: gab, gegeben)hingeben v.verursachen v.widmen v. -
6 caer
v.1 to fall.tropezó y cayó al suelo she tripped and fell (over o down)caer de un tejado/árbol to fall from a roof/treecaer rodando por la escalera to fall down the stairsMaría cayó por las gradas Mary fell down the stairs.2 to fall (rain, snow).cayeron cuatro gotas there were a few spots of rain3 to go down, to set (sun).al caer el día o la tarde at duskal caer el sol at sunset4 to fall for it.5 to drop in (to visit). ( Latin American Spanish)Se me cayó el vaso I dropped the glass.6 to decrease, to decline, to fall, to drop.La presión barométrica cayó The barometric pressure decreased=fell.7 to drop it.Se me cayó I dropped it.8 to fall on, to drop on, to fall over.Me cayó una gota de lluvia A raindrop fell on me.9 to crash on.Se me cayó el sistema The system crashed on me.* * *Present Indicativecaigo, caes, cae, caemos, caéis, caen.Past IndicativePresent SubjunctiveImperfect SubjunctiveFuture SubjunctiveImperative* * *verb1) to fall2) drop3) hang•- caerse- caer bien
- caer mal* * *Para las expresiones caer en la cuenta, caer en desuso, caer en el olvido, caer enfermo, caer redondo, caerse de risa, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) [persona, objeto]a) [desde la posición vertical] to fall•
[hacer] caer algo — to knock sth overb) [desde una altura] to fall•
[dejar] caer — [+ objeto] to drop; [+ comentario] to slip in•
[dejarse] caer — [sobre sofá, cama] to fall; (=visitar) to drop in, drop bysuele dejarse caer por aquí — he usually drops in {o} by
caer [sobre] algo/algn — to fall on sth/sbqueremos que caiga sobre él todo el peso de la Ley — we want the full weight of the law to be brought to bear on him
su excarcelación está al caer — his release is imminent {o} is expected any day
2) [lluvia, helada]¡qué nevada ha caído! — what a heavy snowfall!, what a heavy fall of snow!
3) (=colgar) to hang, falles una tela que cae mucho — it's a fabric which hangs {o} falls nicely
4) (=bajar) [precio, temperatura] to fall, droppicado 2., 2)caerá la temperatura por debajo de los veinte grados — the temperature will fall {o} drop below twenty degrees
5) (=ser derrotado) [soldados, ejército] to be defeated; [deportista, equipo] to be beaten; [ciudad, plaza] to fall, be captured; [criminal] to be arrested6) (=morir) to fall, diemuchos cayeron en el campo de batalla — many fell {o} died on the field of battle
caer [en] (=incurrir) —no debemos caer en el triunfalismo — we mustn't give way to triumphalism {o} to crowing over our triumphs
caer en el [error] de hacer algo — to make the mistake of doing sth•
caer en la [tentación] — to give in {o} yield to temptationy no nos dejes caer en la tentación — (Biblia) and lead us not into temptation
caer bajo —
trampa 2)¡qué bajo has caído! — [moralmente] how low can you get!, how can you sink so low?; [socialmente] you've certainly come down in the world!
8) (=darse cuenta)no caigo — I don't get it *, I don't understand
ya caigo — I see, now I understand, now I get it *
caer en [que] — to realize that9) [fecha] to fall, besu cumpleaños cae en viernes — her birthday falls {o} is on a Friday
¿en qué cae el día de Navidad? — what day is Christmas Day?, what day does Christmas fall on?
10) (=tocar)el premio gordo ha caído en Madrid — the first prize (in the lottery) {o} the jackpot went to Madrid
caerle [a algn], le pueden caer muchos años de condena — he could get a very long sentence11) (=estar situado) to be¿por dónde cae eso? — whereabouts is that?
eso cae más hacia el este — that lies {o} is further to the east
12)• caer [dentro] de (=estar comprendido en) —
eso cae dentro de la responsabilidad de los ayuntamientos — that falls within the remit of town councils
13) (=causar impresión)no les caí — CAm I didn't hit it off with them, I didn't get on well with them, they didn't take to me
caer [bien] a algn, me cae (muy) bien — I (really) like him, I like him (very much)Pedro no le cayó bien a mi padre — Pedro didn't make a very good impression on my father, my father didn't really take to Pedro
caer [gordo] {o} [fatal] a algn * —me cae gordo {o} fatal el tío ese — I can't stand that guy
caer [mal] a algn, me cae mal — I don't like him14) (=sentar)a) [información, comentario]me cayó fatal lo que me dijiste — I was very upset by what you said, what you said really upset me
b) [ropa]15) (=terminar)•
al caer la [noche] — at nightfall•
al caer la [tarde] — at dusk2.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de posición vertical) to fall overcaí mal — I fell badly o awkwardly
se dejó caer en el sillón/en sus brazos — she flopped into the armchair/fell into his arms
el avión cayó en picada or (Esp) en picado — the plane nosedived
caer parado — (AmL) ( literal) to land on one's feet; ( tener suerte) to fall o land on one's feet
dejar caer algo — < objeto> to drop; < noticia> to let drop o fall; < indirecta> to drop
2) chaparrón/nevada3)a) cortinas/falda to hangb) terreno to drop4)a) ( incurrir)caer en algo: no caigas en ese error don't make that mistake; cayó en la tentación de mirar she succumbed to the temptation to look; la obra por momentos cae en lo ridículo at times the play lapses into the ridiculous; caer muy bajo to stoop very low; qué bajo has caído — you've really sunk low this time
b) (en engaño, timo)caer como angelitos — (fam)
cayeron como chinos or angelitos — they swallowed it hook, line and sinker
5) (fam) (entender, darse cuenta)ah, ya caigo! — ( ya entiendo) oh, now I get it! (colloq); ( ya recuerdo) oh, now I remember
no caigo — I can't think o I'm not sure what (o who etc) you mean
no caí en que tú no tenías llave — I didn't realize o (fam) I didn't click that you didn't have keys
6) ( en un estado)caer en desuso — palabra to fall into disuse; costumbre to die out
7)a) gobierno/ciudad to fallb) ( perder el cargo) to lose one's jobse hará una investigación, caiga quien caiga — an inquiry will be held, however many heads have to roll
c) soldado ( morir) to fall, die; ( ser apresado) to be caught8)a) desgracia/maldicióncaer sobre alguien — to befall somebody (frml or liter)
la que me (te, etc) ha caído encima — (fam)
b)al caer la tarde/la noche — at sunset o dusk/nightfall
antes de que caiga la noche — before it gets dark o before nightfall
9) (fam) ( tocar en suerte)10) (+ compl)a) ( sentar)b) ( en cuestiones de gusto)me cae de gordo or de mal... — (fam) I can't stand him (colloq)
11)a) (fam) ( presentarse) to show up, turn up (BrE)de vez en cuando cae or se deja caer por aquí — she drops by o in now and then
estar al caer: los invitados están al caer — the guests will be here any minute o moment (now)
b) ( abalanzarse)caer sobre alguien — to fall upon o on somebody
caerle encima a alguien — (fam) to pounce o leap on somebody
12)a) ( estar comprendido)cae dentro de nuestra jurisdicción — it comes under o falls within our jurisdiction
b) cumpleaños/festividad to fall onel 20 cae en (un) domingo — the 20th falls on a Sunday o is a Sunday
¿el 27 (en) qué día cae or en qué cae? — what day's the 27th?
c) (Esp fam) ( estar situado) to be¿por dónde cae? — whereabouts is that?
13) precios/temperatura to fall, drop14) (Ven) ( aportar dinero) (fam) to chip in (colloq)15) (Ven fam) llamada2.caerse v pron1)a) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de la posición vertical) to fall, to fall overcaerse del caballo/de la cama — to fall off one's horse/out of bed
se cayó redondo — (fam) he collapsed in a heap
está que se cae de cansancio — (fam) she's dead on her feet (colloq)
b) (+ me/te/le etc)oiga, se le cayó un guante — excuse me, you dropped your glove
cuidado, no se te vaya a caer — be careful, don't drop it
caerse con alguien — (Col fam) to go down in somebody's estimation
no tiene/tienen dónde caerse muerto/muertos — (fam) he hasn't/they haven't got a penny to his/their name
se cae por su propio peso or de maduro — it goes without saying
2) ( desprenderse) diente to fall out; hojas to fall off; botón to come off, fall off* * *= drop, fall, tumble, slump, take + a tumble.Ex. The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.Ex. There may be pale drip marks in the neighbourhood of the tranchefiles, where drops of water fell from the deckle or from the maker's hand on to the new-made sheet.Ex. The form this 'hypothesis' has come to take is easily dismissed as a straw figure and serious consideration of the relation between language diversity and thinking has largely tumbled with it.Ex. The copy was grubby from use, a paperback with a photographically realistic full-color painting on its cover of an early teenage boy slumped in what looked to me like a corner of a very dirty back alley, a can of Coke in his hand.Ex. Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.----* al caer la noche = at nightfall.* caer aguanieve = sleet.* caer al vacío = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer como chinches = drop like + flies.* caer como moscas = drop like + flies.* caer de cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* caer de espaldas = fall on + Posesivo + back.* caer dentro de = fall within/into, fall into.* caer dentro de la competencia de = be the province of, fall within + the province of.* caer de pie = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* caer deshecho = flake out.* caer desplomado = slump in + a heap.* caer en = run + foul of, lapse into, slip into, slide into.* caer en barbecho = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en batalla = fall in + battle.* caer en combate = fall in + action.* caer en descrédito = come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute.* caer en desgracia = fall from + grace, fall into + disfavour, tumble into + disgrace, come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute, be in the doghouse, fall + foul of.* caer en desuso = fall into + disuse, fall out of + fashion, go out of + use, lapse, fall into + disfavour, die out, drop from + sight, go out of + favour, pass away, fall into + desuetude, fall into + desuetude, pass into + desuetude, sink into + desuetude, sink into + oblivion.* caer en el error de = fall into + the error of, blunder into.* caer en el olvido = fall into + obscurity, fall into + oblivion, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion, blow over.* caer enfermo = become + ill, fall + ill, get + sick.* caer en forma de cascada = cascade.* caer en gracia = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to, take + a liking to.* caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).* caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].* caer en la nada = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer en la oscuridad = fall into + obscurity, sink into + oblivion, sink into + obscurity, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion.* caer en la tentación = fall into + temptation.* caer en la trampa = fall into + the trap, fall for + it, fall into + the snare.* caer en manos de = fall into + the hands of.* caer en manos enemigas = fall into + enemy hands.* caer en oídos sordos = fall on + deaf ears, meet + deaf ears.* caer en picado = plummet, swoop, take + a nosedive, nosedive.* caer en redondo = flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out, keel over.* caer en terreno baldío = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en terreno pedregoso = fall on + stony ground.* caer en una broma = fall for + a joke, fall for + it.* caer en una trampa = tumble into + pitfall.* caer en un hábito = lapse into + habit.* caer fuera de = fall outside, lie beyond.* caer fuera del alcance de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.* caer fuera del interés de = lie outside + the scope of.* caer fuera del interés de uno = fall outside + Posesivo + interest.* caer fuera del objetivo de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer hecho polvo = flake out.* caer mal = rub + Nombre + up the wrong way.* caer por selección = drop.* caer presa de = fall + prey to, be prey of.* caerse = fall out, fall off, tumble down, topple over, come + a cropper, go down, fall over, take + a tumble.* caerse a = topple onto.* caerse bien = hit it off.* caerse colándose por = fall through.* caerse de = fall off of.* caerse de bruces = fall + flat on + Posesivo + face.* caerse de la cama = roll out of + bed.* caerse hacia atrás = fall backwards.* caerse hacia delante = fall forward.* caérsele la baba por = go + gaga (over).* caerse muerto = drop + dead.* caerse recondo = pass out.* caerse redondo = keel over, flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.* caer sobre = fall onto.* caer un chaparrón = the skies + open up.* caer un diluvio = the skies + open up.* cayéndose a pedazos = disintegrating.* comprar hasta caer muerto = shop 'til you drop.* dejar caer = drop, dump.* dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.* dejar caer una indirecta = drop + a hint.* dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.* empezar a caer en picado = hit + the skids, be on the skids.* hacer caer = oust.* maná caído del cielo = manna from heaven.* no caer bien = not take + kindly to, not take + kindly to.* no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.* noche + caer = night + fall.* no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.* palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.* precio + caer = price + fall.* recesión + caer en = recession + set in.* salir y caer = fall out (of).* sistema + caerse = system + crash.* telón + caer = curtain + fall.* trabajar hasta caer muerto = work + Reflexivo + to the ground, work + Reflexivo + to death.* volver a caer (en) = relapse (into).* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de posición vertical) to fall overcaí mal — I fell badly o awkwardly
se dejó caer en el sillón/en sus brazos — she flopped into the armchair/fell into his arms
el avión cayó en picada or (Esp) en picado — the plane nosedived
caer parado — (AmL) ( literal) to land on one's feet; ( tener suerte) to fall o land on one's feet
dejar caer algo — < objeto> to drop; < noticia> to let drop o fall; < indirecta> to drop
2) chaparrón/nevada3)a) cortinas/falda to hangb) terreno to drop4)a) ( incurrir)caer en algo: no caigas en ese error don't make that mistake; cayó en la tentación de mirar she succumbed to the temptation to look; la obra por momentos cae en lo ridículo at times the play lapses into the ridiculous; caer muy bajo to stoop very low; qué bajo has caído — you've really sunk low this time
b) (en engaño, timo)caer como angelitos — (fam)
cayeron como chinos or angelitos — they swallowed it hook, line and sinker
5) (fam) (entender, darse cuenta)ah, ya caigo! — ( ya entiendo) oh, now I get it! (colloq); ( ya recuerdo) oh, now I remember
no caigo — I can't think o I'm not sure what (o who etc) you mean
no caí en que tú no tenías llave — I didn't realize o (fam) I didn't click that you didn't have keys
6) ( en un estado)caer en desuso — palabra to fall into disuse; costumbre to die out
7)a) gobierno/ciudad to fallb) ( perder el cargo) to lose one's jobse hará una investigación, caiga quien caiga — an inquiry will be held, however many heads have to roll
c) soldado ( morir) to fall, die; ( ser apresado) to be caught8)a) desgracia/maldicióncaer sobre alguien — to befall somebody (frml or liter)
la que me (te, etc) ha caído encima — (fam)
b)al caer la tarde/la noche — at sunset o dusk/nightfall
antes de que caiga la noche — before it gets dark o before nightfall
9) (fam) ( tocar en suerte)10) (+ compl)a) ( sentar)b) ( en cuestiones de gusto)me cae de gordo or de mal... — (fam) I can't stand him (colloq)
11)a) (fam) ( presentarse) to show up, turn up (BrE)de vez en cuando cae or se deja caer por aquí — she drops by o in now and then
estar al caer: los invitados están al caer — the guests will be here any minute o moment (now)
b) ( abalanzarse)caer sobre alguien — to fall upon o on somebody
caerle encima a alguien — (fam) to pounce o leap on somebody
12)a) ( estar comprendido)cae dentro de nuestra jurisdicción — it comes under o falls within our jurisdiction
b) cumpleaños/festividad to fall onel 20 cae en (un) domingo — the 20th falls on a Sunday o is a Sunday
¿el 27 (en) qué día cae or en qué cae? — what day's the 27th?
c) (Esp fam) ( estar situado) to be¿por dónde cae? — whereabouts is that?
13) precios/temperatura to fall, drop14) (Ven) ( aportar dinero) (fam) to chip in (colloq)15) (Ven fam) llamada2.caerse v pron1)a) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de la posición vertical) to fall, to fall overcaerse del caballo/de la cama — to fall off one's horse/out of bed
se cayó redondo — (fam) he collapsed in a heap
está que se cae de cansancio — (fam) she's dead on her feet (colloq)
b) (+ me/te/le etc)oiga, se le cayó un guante — excuse me, you dropped your glove
cuidado, no se te vaya a caer — be careful, don't drop it
caerse con alguien — (Col fam) to go down in somebody's estimation
no tiene/tienen dónde caerse muerto/muertos — (fam) he hasn't/they haven't got a penny to his/their name
se cae por su propio peso or de maduro — it goes without saying
2) ( desprenderse) diente to fall out; hojas to fall off; botón to come off, fall off* * *= drop, fall, tumble, slump, take + a tumble.Ex: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.
Ex: There may be pale drip marks in the neighbourhood of the tranchefiles, where drops of water fell from the deckle or from the maker's hand on to the new-made sheet.Ex: The form this 'hypothesis' has come to take is easily dismissed as a straw figure and serious consideration of the relation between language diversity and thinking has largely tumbled with it.Ex: The copy was grubby from use, a paperback with a photographically realistic full-color painting on its cover of an early teenage boy slumped in what looked to me like a corner of a very dirty back alley, a can of Coke in his hand.Ex: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.* al caer la noche = at nightfall.* caer aguanieve = sleet.* caer al vacío = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer como chinches = drop like + flies.* caer como moscas = drop like + flies.* caer de cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* caer de espaldas = fall on + Posesivo + back.* caer dentro de = fall within/into, fall into.* caer dentro de la competencia de = be the province of, fall within + the province of.* caer de pie = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* caer deshecho = flake out.* caer desplomado = slump in + a heap.* caer en = run + foul of, lapse into, slip into, slide into.* caer en barbecho = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en batalla = fall in + battle.* caer en combate = fall in + action.* caer en descrédito = come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute.* caer en desgracia = fall from + grace, fall into + disfavour, tumble into + disgrace, come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute, be in the doghouse, fall + foul of.* caer en desuso = fall into + disuse, fall out of + fashion, go out of + use, lapse, fall into + disfavour, die out, drop from + sight, go out of + favour, pass away, fall into + desuetude, fall into + desuetude, pass into + desuetude, sink into + desuetude, sink into + oblivion.* caer en el error de = fall into + the error of, blunder into.* caer en el olvido = fall into + obscurity, fall into + oblivion, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion, blow over.* caer enfermo = become + ill, fall + ill, get + sick.* caer en forma de cascada = cascade.* caer en gracia = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to, take + a liking to.* caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).* caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].* caer en la nada = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer en la oscuridad = fall into + obscurity, sink into + oblivion, sink into + obscurity, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion.* caer en la tentación = fall into + temptation.* caer en la trampa = fall into + the trap, fall for + it, fall into + the snare.* caer en manos de = fall into + the hands of.* caer en manos enemigas = fall into + enemy hands.* caer en oídos sordos = fall on + deaf ears, meet + deaf ears.* caer en picado = plummet, swoop, take + a nosedive, nosedive.* caer en redondo = flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out, keel over.* caer en terreno baldío = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en terreno pedregoso = fall on + stony ground.* caer en una broma = fall for + a joke, fall for + it.* caer en una trampa = tumble into + pitfall.* caer en un hábito = lapse into + habit.* caer fuera de = fall outside, lie beyond.* caer fuera del alcance de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.* caer fuera del interés de = lie outside + the scope of.* caer fuera del interés de uno = fall outside + Posesivo + interest.* caer fuera del objetivo de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer hecho polvo = flake out.* caer mal = rub + Nombre + up the wrong way.* caer por selección = drop.* caer presa de = fall + prey to, be prey of.* caerse = fall out, fall off, tumble down, topple over, come + a cropper, go down, fall over, take + a tumble.* caerse a = topple onto.* caerse bien = hit it off.* caerse colándose por = fall through.* caerse de = fall off of.* caerse de bruces = fall + flat on + Posesivo + face.* caerse de la cama = roll out of + bed.* caerse hacia atrás = fall backwards.* caerse hacia delante = fall forward.* caérsele la baba por = go + gaga (over).* caerse muerto = drop + dead.* caerse recondo = pass out.* caerse redondo = keel over, flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.* caer sobre = fall onto.* caer un chaparrón = the skies + open up.* caer un diluvio = the skies + open up.* cayéndose a pedazos = disintegrating.* comprar hasta caer muerto = shop 'til you drop.* dejar caer = drop, dump.* dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.* dejar caer una indirecta = drop + a hint.* dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.* empezar a caer en picado = hit + the skids, be on the skids.* hacer caer = oust.* maná caído del cielo = manna from heaven.* no caer bien = not take + kindly to, not take + kindly to.* no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.* noche + caer = night + fall.* no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.* palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.* precio + caer = price + fall.* recesión + caer en = recession + set in.* salir y caer = fall out (of).* sistema + caerse = system + crash.* telón + caer = curtain + fall.* trabajar hasta caer muerto = work + Reflexivo + to the ground, work + Reflexivo + to death.* volver a caer (en) = relapse (into).* * *■ caer (verbo intransitivo)A de una alturaB caer: chaparrón, nevadaC1 caer: cortinas, falda2 caer: terrenoD1 incurrir2 en un engaño, un timoE entender, darse cuentaF1 en un estado2 caer en un vicioG1 caer: gobierno, plaza etc2 perder el cargo3 caer: soldado4 caer: fugitivo5 caer enfermoH1 caer: desgracia, maldición etc2 caer: tarde, nocheI tocar en suerteJ1 sentarle mal2 en cuestiones de gustoK1 presentarse, aparecer2 caer sobre alguienL1 estar comprendido2 caer: cumpleaños etc3 estar situadoM caer: precios etcN aportar dineroO caer: llamada■ caerse (verbo pronominal)A1 de una altura2 caerse + me/te/le etcB desprenderseC equivocarseD contribuirviA (de una altura) to fall; (de la posición vertical) to fall overcaí mal y me rompí una pierna I fell badly o awkwardly and broke my legtropezó y cayó cuan largo era he tripped and fell flat on his facecayó de espaldas/de bruces she fell flat on her back/facecayeron de rodillas y le pidieron perdón they fell o dropped to their knees and begged for forgivenesscayó el telón the curtain came down o fellla pelota cayó en el pozo the ball fell o dropped into the wellel coche cayó por un precipicio the car went over a cliffcayó muerto allí mismo he dropped down dead on the spotse dejó caer en el sillón she flopped into the armchairse dejó caer desde el borde del precipicio he jumped off from the edge of the cliffel avión cayó en picada or ( Esp) en picado the plane nosedivedel helicóptero cayó en el mar the helicopter came down o crashed in the seale caían lágrimas de los ojos tears fell from her eyes o rolled down her cheeksdejar caer algo ‹objeto› to drop;‹noticia› to let drop o falllo dejó caer así, como quien no quiere la cosa she just slipped it into the conversation, she just let it drop in passingB«chaparrón/nevada»: cayó una helada there was a frostcayó una fuerte nevada it snowed heavilyempezó a caer granizo it began to hailestá cayendo un aguacero it's pouringcayeron unas pocas gotas there were a few drops of rainel rayo cayó muy cerca de aquí the lightning struck very near hereC1 «cortinas/falda» (colgar, pender) to hangcon un poco de almidón la tela cae mejor a little starch makes the fabric hang betterel pelo le caía suelto hasta la cintura her hair hung down to her waist2 «terreno» to drop, fallel terreno cae en pendiente hacia el río the land falls away o slopes down toward(s) the riverD1 (incurrir) caer EN algo:no caigas en el error de decírselo don't make the mistake of telling himno nos dejes caer en la tentación lead us not into temptationcayó en la tentación de leer la carta she succumbed to the temptation to read the letterla obra por momentos cae en lo ridículo at times the play lapses into the ridiculousesos chistes ya caen en lo chabacano those jokes can only be described as vulgarcaer muy bajo to stoop very lowvenderse así es caer muy bajo I wouldn't stoop so low as to sell myself like that¡qué bajo has caído! you've sunk pretty low!, how low can you get!, that's stooping pretty low!2(en un engaño, un timo): a todos nos hizo el mismo cuento y todos caímos he told us all the same story and we all fell for it¿cómo pudiste caer en semejante trampa? how could you be taken in by o fall for a trick like that?caer como chinos or angelitos ( fam): todos cayeron como chinos or angelitos they swallowed it hook, line and sinkerE ( fam)(entender, darse cuenta): ¡ah, ya caigo! oh, now I get it! ( colloq)F1(en un estado): caer en desuso «palabra» to fall into disuse;«costumbre» to die outcaer en el olvido to sink into oblivion2caer en un vicio to get into a bad habitcaer en el alcohol to take to drinkcaer en la droga to start taking drugsG1 «gobierno/ciudad/plaza» to fallla capital había caído en poder del enemigo the capital had fallen into enemy hands¡que no vaya a caer en manos del profesor! don't let the teacher get hold of it!, don't let it fall into the teacher's hands!2 (perder el cargo) to lose one's jobcayó por disentir con ellos he lost his job o ( colloq) came to grief because he disagreed with themvamos a continuar con la investigación, caiga quien caiga we are going to continue with the investigation, however many heads have to roll3 «soldado» (morir) to fall, die4 «fugitivo» (ser apresado) to be caughthan caído los cabecillas de la pandilla the gang leaders have been caught5caer enfermo to fall ill, be taken illcayó en cama he took to his bedyo también caí con gripe I went o came down with flu as wellHla tragedia que ha caído sobre nuestro pueblo the tragedy that has befallen our nation2al caer la tarde/la noche at sunset o dusk/nightfallantes de que caiga la noche before it gets dark o before nightfallI ( fam)(tocar en suerte): le cayó una pregunta muy difícil he got a really difficult question¡te va a caer una bofetada! you're going to get a smack!le cayeron tres años (de cárcel) he got three years (in jail)¿cuántas (asignaturas) te han caído este año? ( Esp); how many subjects have you failed this year?el gordo ha caído en Bilbao the jackpot has been won in BilbaoJ (+ compl)1(sentar): el pescado me cayó mal the fish didn't agree with mele cayó muy mal que no la invitaran she wasn't invited and she took it very badly, she was very upset at o about not being invitedla noticia me cayó como un balde or jarro de agua fría the news came as a real shock2(en cuestiones de gusto): tu primo me cae muy bien or muy simpático I really like your cousinKno podías haber caído en mejor momento you couldn't have turned up o come at a better timede vez en cuando cae or se deja caer por aquí she drops by o in now and thenno podemos caerles así, de improviso we can't just show o turn up on their doorstep without any warningestar al caer: los invitados están al caer the guests will be here any minute o moment (now)2 (abalanzarse) caer SOBRE algn to fall upon o on sbtres enmascarados cayeron sobre él three masked men pounced on him o fell on him o set upon himcayeron sobre el enemigo a medianoche they fell on o ( frml) descended on the enemy at midnightcaerle encima a algn ( fam); to pounce o leap on sbL1 (estar comprendido) caer DENTRO DE algo:ese barrio no cae dentro de nuestra jurisdicción that area doesn't come under o fall within our jurisdictionsu caso no cae dentro de mi competencia his case falls outside the scope of my powers ( frml)eso cae dentro de sus obligaciones that's part of her job, that's one of her dutiescae de lleno dentro de la corriente posmodernista it fits squarely within the postmodernist style2 «cumpleaños/festividad» to fallel 20 de febrero cae en (un) domingo February 20 falls on a Sunday o is a Sunday¿el 27 (en) qué día cae or en qué cae? what day's the 27th?¿eso por dónde cae? whereabouts is that?M «precios/temperatura» (bajar) to fall, dropel dólar ha caído en el mercado internacional the dollar has fallen on the international marketO■ caerseA1 (de una altura) to fall; (de la posición vertical) to fall, fall overbájate de ahí, te vas a caer come down from there, you'll falltropecé y casi me caigo I tripped and nearly fell (over)casi me caigo al agua I nearly fell in o into the waterme caí por las escaleras I fell down the stairsse cayó del caballo he fell off his horsese cayó de la cama she fell out of bedse cayó redondo ( fam); he collapsed in a heapestá que se cae de cansancio ( fam); she's dead on her feet ( colloq), she's ready to drop ( colloq)se cayó y se rompió it fell and smashed2 (+ me/te/le etc):oiga, se le ha caído un guante excuse me, you've dropped your glovese me cayó de las manos it slipped out of my handsten cuidado, no se te vaya a caer be careful, don't drop itpor poco se me cae el armario encima the wardrobe nearly fell on top of mese me están cayendo las medias my stockings are falling downestoy caída con ella I'm in her bad books ( colloq)¡me caigo y no me levanto! ( fam euf) (expresando sorpresa) well, I'll be darned o ( BrE) blowed! ( colloq), good heavens! ( colloq) (expresando irritación) I don't believe it!se cae de or por su propio peso or de maduro it goes without sayingB (desprenderse) «diente» to fall out; «hojas» to fall off; «botón» to come off, fall offse le cayó un diente one of her teeth fell outse le ha empezado a caer el pelo he's started to lose his hair o go baldla ropa se le caía a pedazos de vieja her clothes were so old they were falling to pieces o falling apartD* * *
caer ( conjugate caer) verbo intransitivo
1 ( de una altura) to fall;
( de posición vertical) to fall over;
cayó muerto allí mismo he dropped down dead on the spot;
cayó en el mar it came down in the sea;
caer parado (AmL) to land on one's feet;
dejar caer algo ‹objeto/indirecta› to drop sth.;
dejó caer la noticia que … she let drop the news that …
2a) [chaparrón/nevada]:
cayó una fuerte nevada it snowed heavily;
el rayo cayó cerca the lightning struck nearby
◊ al caer la tarde/noche at sunset o dusk/nightfall
4 (en error, trampa):
todos caímos (en la trampa) we all fell for it;
cayó en la tentación de mirar she succumbed to the temptation to look;
caer muy bajo to stoop very low
5 (fam) (entender, darse cuenta):◊ ¡ah, ya caigo! ( ya entiendo) oh, now I get it! (colloq);
( ya recuerdo) oh, now I remember;
no caí en que tú no tenías llave I didn't realize o (fam) I didn't click that you didn't have keys
6 ( en un estado):
caer enfermo to fall ill
7 [gobierno/ciudad] to fall;
[ soldado] ( morir) to fall, die
8 [precios/temperatura] to fall, drop
9a) ( sentar):
le cayó muy mal que no la invitaran she was very upset about not being invitedb) [ persona]:
me cae muy mal (fam) I can't stand him (colloq);
¿qué tal te cayó? what did you think of him?
[cumpleaños/festividad] to fall on;◊ ¿el 27 en qué (día) cae? what day's the 27th?
caerse verbo pronominal
( de posición vertical) to fall, to fall over;
caerse del caballo/de la cama to fall off one's horse/out of bed;
está que se cae de cansancio (fam) she's dead on her feet (colloq)b) caérsele algo a algn:◊ oiga, se le cayó un guante excuse me, you dropped your glove;
no se te vaya a caer don't drop it;
se me cayó de las manos it slipped out of my hands;
se me están cayendo las medias my stockings are falling down
[ hojas] to fall off;
[ botón] to come off, fall off;
caer verbo intransitivo
1 to fall
caer desde lo alto, to fall from the top
caer por la ventana, to fall out of the window
caer por las escaleras, to fall down the stairs
2 (captar) to understand, see: no caí, I didn't twig
US I didn't realize it
ya caigo, ¡qué tontería!, I get it ¡it's easy!
3 (estar situado) to be: eso cae por aquí cerca, it is somewhere near here
4 (tener lugar) to be: ¿cuándo cae este año la Semana Santa?, when is Easter this year?
5 (causar buena o mala impresión) le cae bien/mal, he likes/doesn't like her
parece que el muchacho le cayó en gracia, it seems that he likes the boy
6 (en una situación) caer enfermo, to fall ill
caer en desgracia, to fall out of favour
7 (ir a parar) cayó en las garras del enemigo, she fell into the clutches of the enemy
fuimos a caer en una pensión de mala muerte, we turned up in the guesthouse from hell
♦ Locuciones: caer (muy) bajo, to sink (very) low
dejar caer, (un objeto, una indirecta) to drop
dejarse caer por, to drop by
estar al caer, (a punto de llegar) he'll arrive any minute now
(a punto de ocurrir) it's on the way
al caer el día, in the evening
al caer la noche, at nightfall
' caer' also found in these entries:
- abatirse
- al
- anillo
- burra
- burro
- chinche
- combatir
- cuenta
- dejarse
- derrumbar
- derrumbarse
- descolgar
- desgracia
- desmayada
- desmayado
- despatarrarse
- desuso
- estar
- gorda
- gordo
- lazada
- pelo
- picada
- picado
- plomo
- pura
- puro
- red
- redonda
- redondo
- resbalar
- tirar
- tirarse
- Tiro
- trampa
- tumbar
- ubicarse
- verter
- balde
- bomba
- caiga
- cama
- cayera
- dejar
- enfermar
- ir
- largar
- muerto
- olvido
bear down on
- clutch
- come down
- deaf
- die out
- disgrace
- disrepute
- down
- drop
- fall
- favor
- favour
- flat
- flop
- freeze
- intimate
- keel over
- land
- lapse
- oblivion
- plummet
- push over
- rub up
- shake down
- sharply
- sink
- slump
- snare
- steeply
- strike
- tailspin
- twig
- walk into
- wise
- beat
- blow
- cascade
- catch
- come
- crash
- die
- go
- hang
- keel
- knock
- nose
- plunge
- realize
- shower
- splash
* * *♦ vi1. [hacia abajo] to fall;cuando caen las hojas when the leaves fall;caer de un tejado/árbol to fall from a roof/tree;caer en un pozo to fall into a well;el avión cayó al mar the plane crashed into the sea;tropezó y cayó al suelo she tripped and fell (over o down);cayó en brazos de su madre she fell into her mother's arms;cayó por la ventana a la calle he fell out of the window into the street;cayó de bruces/de cabeza she fell flat on her face/headlong;cayó redondo he slumped to the ground, he collapsed in a heap;cayó rodando por la escalera she fell down the stairs;dejar caer algo [objeto] to drop sth;dejar caer que… [comentar] to let drop that…;dejó caer la noticia de su renuncia como si no tuviera importancia she casually mentioned the fact that she was resigning as if it were a matter of no importance;hacer caer algo to knock sth down, to make sth fall2. [lluvia, nieve] to fall;caerá nieve por encima de los 1.000 metros snow is expected in areas over 1,000 metres;cayeron cuatro gotas there were a few spots of rain;cayó una helada there was a frost;está cayendo un diluvio it's pouring down;Famestá cayendo una buena it's pouring down, Br it's chucking it down;cayó un rayo a pocos metros del edificio a bolt of lightning struck only a few metres from the building3. [sol] to go down, to set;al caer el sol at sunset;la noche cayó antes de que llegaran al refugio night fell before they reached the shelter4. [colgar] to fall, to hang down;el cabello le caía sobre los hombros her hair hung down to o fell over her shoulders5. [ciudad, gobierno] to fall;el aeropuerto cayó en poder de los insurgentes the airport fell to the rebels, the airport was taken by the rebels;el Imperio Romano cayó en el siglo V the Roman Empire fell in the 5th century;el escándalo hizo caer al Primer Ministro the scandal brought the Prime Minister down;han caído los líderes del comando terrorista the leaders of the terrorist unit have been captured6. [morir] [soldado] to fall, to be killed;caer como moscas to drop like flies7. [decrecer] [interés] to decrease, to subside;[precio] to fall, to go down;ha caído bastante el interés por estos temas interest in these subjects has fallen away o subsided quite a lot;ha caído el precio del café the price of coffee has gone down o fallen;los precios cayeron súbitamente prices fell suddenly;la libra ha caído frente al euro the pound has fallen o dropped against the euroRelno nos dejes caer en la tentación lead us not into temptation;tu actitud cae en lo patético your attitude is nothing less than pathetic;no debemos caer en la provocación we shouldn't allow ourselves to be provoked9. [darse cuenta]no dije nada porque no caí I didn't say anything because it didn't occur to me to do so;caer (en algo) [recordar] to be able to remember (sth);¡ahora caigo! [lo entiendo] I see it now!;[lo recuerdo] now I remember!;ahora caigo en lo que dices now I see what you are saying;Espno caigo I give up, I don't know;caer en la cuenta to realize, to understand;cuando cayó en la cuenta del error, intentó subsanarlo when she realized her mistake, she tried to correct it10. [picar] [en broma] to fall for it;me gastaron una broma, pero no caí they played a trick on me, but I didn't fall for it;caer en una trampa to fall into a trapnos cayó la mala suerte we had bad luck;me cayó el tema que mejor me sabía I got a question on the subject I knew best;le cayeron dos años (de cárcel) he got two years (in jail);la desgracia cayó sobre él he was overtaken by misfortune;¿cómo me ha podido caer a mí un trabajo así? how did I end up getting a job like this?;procura que el informe no caiga en sus manos try to avoid the report falling into her handscae en domingo it falls on a Sunday;¿en qué día cae Navidad este año? what day (of the week) is Christmas this year?¿por dónde cae la oficina de turismo? where's o whereabouts is the tourist information centre?;los baños caen a la izquierda the toilets are on the left;cae en el segundo capítulo it's in the second chapter;eso cae fuera de mis competencias that is o falls outside my remitcayó en cama he took to his bed;caer en desuso to fall into disuse;caer en el olvido to fall into oblivion;caer en la desesperación to fall into despair;caer en desgracia to fall into disgrace15. [sentar]caer bien/mal [comentario, noticia] to go down well/badly;su comentario no cayó nada bien her comment didn't go down well;caer bien/mal a alguien [comida, bebida] to agree/disagree with sb;Esp [ropa] to suit/not to suit sb; Esplos pantalones ajustados no te caen nada bien tight trousers don't suit you at all;caer como un jarro de agua fría to come as a real shockme cae mal I can't stand him;tu hermano me cae muy mal I can't stand your brother;me cayó mal I didn't like him at all;cae mal a todo el mundo he doesn't get on with anyone;Famtu jefe me cae gordo I can't stand your bosscayeron sobre la ciudad para saquearla they fell upon the city and pillaged itla mitad de la clase cayó en el primer examen half the class failed the first exam;¿cuántas te han caído? how many did you fail?el equipo ha caído mucho en el último mes the team has gone seriously off the boil over the last month21. Am [visitar] to drop in22. Compcaer (muy) bajo to sink (very) low;parece mentira que hayas caído tan bajo I can hardly believe that you would sink so low;¡qué bajo has caído! I never thought you'd sink so low!;caer por su propio peso to be self-evident;todos mis consejos cayeron en saco roto all my advice fell on deaf ears;dejarse caer por casa de alguien to drop by sb's house;estar al caer to be about to arrive;ya son las cinco, así que deben de estar al caer it's five o'clock, so they should be arriving any minute now;el anuncio debe de estar al caer the announcement should be made any minute now;se proseguirá con la investigación caiga quien caiga the investigation will proceed no matter who might be implicated o even if it means that heads will roll;RP Famcaer parado to fall on one's feet* * *I v/i1 fall;caer sobre fall on;dejar caer algo drop sth;caer enfermo fall ill;caer en lunes fall on a Monday;al caer la noche at sunset o nightfall;caiga quien caiga no matter whose head has to roll;caer muy bajo fig stoop very low;dejarse caer fam flop down2:me cae bien/mal fig I like/don’t like him:cae cerca it’s not far;¿por dónde cae este pueblo? whereabouts is this village?4:estar al caer be about to arrive;¡ahora caigo! fig now I get it!* * *caer {13} vi1) : to fall, to drop2) : to collapse3) : to hang (down)4)me caes bien: I like you5)caer mal or* * *caer vb2. (fecha) to be / to falleste año, mi cumpleaños cae en martes my birthday is on a Tuesday this year3. (entender) to get somethingcaer desmayado to faint / to collapseestar al caer to be almost here / to be about to arrive -
7 quedar
v.1 to be left, to remain.¿queda azúcar? is there any sugar left?nos quedan 100 pesos we have 100 pesos left¿cuánto queda para León? how much farther is it to León?quedan dos vueltas para que termine la carrera there are two laps to go until the end of the racequedar por hacer to remain to be donequeda por fregar el suelo the floor has still to be cleanedAlgo queda Something is left, something remains.Queda un solo carro There is only one car.Eso queda lejos This is far away.2 to remain, to stay.el viaje quedó en proyecto the trip never got beyond the planning stage¡esto no puede o no va a quedar así! I'm not going to let it rest at this!3 to look.te queda un poco corto el traje your suit is a bit too shortquedar bien/mal a alguien to look good/bad on somebodyquedar bien/mal con algo to go well/badly with something4 to be (informal) (estar situado).queda por las afueras it's somewhere on the outskirts¿por dónde queda? whereabouts is it?5 to keep on, to keep.Ella quedó trabajando She kept on working.6 to fit.Esta camisa me queda (bien) This shirts fits (well).Queda bien It fits well.7 to be left with, to have left, to have.Me quedó un dolar solamente I was left with one dollar only.8 to get, to become.Ella quedó alegre She got happy, she became happy.El caso quedó muy claro The case became very clear.9 to leave.Se me quedó mi sombrero I left my hat.10 to act, to perform, to come across, to do one's part.Quedé muy bien en la reunión I acted [did my part] very well at the meeting.11 to be still pending to.Queda pintar It is still pending to paint.12 to be left to be done.13 to be for.Me queda muy difícil It is very difficult for me.14 to make an appointment.* * *1 (permanecer) to remain, stay2 figurado (terminar) to end3 (cita) to arrange to meet4 (resultado de algo) to be■ al morir sus padres quedó solo en la vida when his parents died he was left all alone in the world5 (favorecer) to look, fit■ ¿qué tal me queda? does it suit me?, how does it look on me?6 (estar situado) to be■ ¿por dónde queda? whereabouts is it?7 (restar) to be left, remain8 (faltar) to be, be still9 quedar en (convenir) to agree to10 quedar por + inf not to have been + past participle■ la cama quedó por hacer the bed had not been made, the bed was left unmade■ queda por ver si llegarán a algún acuerdo it remains to be seen whether they will come to some agreement11 quedar + gerundio to be, remain1 (permanecer) to remain, stay, be2 (resultado de algo) to be, remain3 eufemístico (morirse) to die4 (mar, viento) to become calm; (viento) to drop5 quedarse con (retener algo) to keep\ahí quedó la cosa that's the way it was left¿en qué quedamos? so what's it to be?no quedar títere con cabeza familiar to leave nothing intact'Queda de usted atentamente...' (en cartas) "Yours faithfully..."quedar a deber algo to owe somethingquedar alguien bien/mal to make a good/bad impressionquedar como un señor/una señora familiar to create a very good impressionquedarse atrás figurado to be left behindquedarse con alguien familiar to make a fool of somebody, have somebody onquedarse con la boca abierta figurado to be dumbfounded, be stunnedquedarse con las ganas de algo figurado to go without somethingquedarse en blanco to go blankquedarse sin algo to run out of somethingquedarse sin blanca familiar to be brokequedarse tan tranquilo,-a familiar not to bat an eyelidquedar en nada to come to nothing* * *verb1) to remain2) fit, suit3) be left4) suit•- quedarse* * *Para expresiones como quedarse tan ancho, quedarse con las ganas, quedársele grabado algn, quedarse helado, quedarse parado, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) [indicando lugar] to be¿por dónde queda Correos? — where's the post office?
2) [indicando posición]•
quedar [atrás], no quieren quedar atrás en la carrera espacial — they don't want to be left behind {o} fall behind in the space race3) [indicando resultado]a) [con adjetivos, adverbios, locuciones preposicionales, participios]•
quedar [ciego] — to go blind•
quedar [huérfano] — to be orphaned•
quedar [viuda]/[viudo] — to be widowed, lose one's husband/wifeb)• quedar [en] algo, ¿en qué quedó la conversación? — how did the conversation end?
c)• quedar [sin], miles de personas han quedado sin hogar — thousands of people have been left homeless
la reconstrucción del puente ha quedado sin hacer por falta de presupuesto — the rebuilding of the bridge has been abandoned because of a shortage of funds
4) [en el trato, al hablar]•
quedar [bien], regalando flores siempre queda uno bien — taking flowers always makes a good impression•
quedar [mal], nos hiciste quedar mal haciendo esas preguntas — you made us look bad by asking those questions•
quedar [por] algo — to be left looking like sthaunque fue idea de todos, yo quedé por el culpable — although everyone was to blame, it ended up looking as if it was my fault
quedar en [ridículo], ha quedado en ridículo — he ended up looking a foolquería que su marido quedara en ridículo — she wanted to make her husband look a fool, she wanted to show her husband up
5) (=permanecer) to stayquedo a la espera de sus noticias — [en carta] I look forward to hearing from you
6) (=haber todavía) to be left¿queda algo de la cena? — is there any dinner left?
de la ciudad solo queda el castillo — all that remains {o} is left of the city is the castle
se me cayó un poco de vino, pero no ha quedado ninguna mancha — I spilt some wine, but it didn't leave a stain
si a 8 le quito 2, quedan 6 — if I take 2 from 8, I'm left with {o} it leaves 6
quedarle [a algn], ¿le quedan entradas para esta noche? — do you have any tickets left for tonight?•
quedar [a deber] algo — to owe sthno tenía suficiente y tuve que quedarle a deber — I didn't have enough money on me, so I had to owe him
quedan pocos días [para] la fiesta — the party is only a few days away•
quedar [por] hacer, nos queda por pagar la luz — we still have to pay the electricity bill•
no me queda más [remedio] — I have no alternative (left)que no quede —
por mí que no quede, yo he ayudado en lo que he podido — it won't be for want of trying on my part, I helped as much as I could
7) (Educ) [asignatura]8) [ropa] (=ser la talla) to fit; (=sentar) to suit¿qué tal (de grande) te queda el vestido? — does the dress fit you?
no queda bien así/aquí — it doesn't look right like that/here
9)• quedar [en] (=acordar) —
¿quedamos en eso, entonces? — we'll do that, then, all right?
quedar en {o} LAm de hacer algo — to agree to do sth
quedaron en esperar unos días antes de tomar una decisión definitiva — they agreed to wait a few days before taking a final decision
quedar en [que] — to agree that¿en qué quedamos? ¿lo compras o no? — so what's it to be then? are you going to buy it or not?
10) (=citarse) to arrange to meethabíamos quedado, pero no se presentó — we had arranged to meet, but he didn't turn up
¿quedamos a las cuatro? — shall we meet at four?
¿cómo quedamos? — where shall we meet and what time?
quedar [con] algn — to arrange to meet sb¿quedamos con ella en la parada? — shall we meet her at the bus stop?
2.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) (en un estado, una situación)quedar viudo/viuda — to be widowed
quedar sin hogar/en la miseria — to be left homeless/destitute
ha quedado acordado que... — it has been agreed that...
¿dónde quedamos la clase pasada? — where did we get (up) to in the last class?
¿quién quedó en primer/último lugar? — who was o came first/last?; (+ me/te/le etc)
me quedó muy claro que... — it was quite clear to me that...
si no vamos, quedamos mal — it'll look bad if we don't go
quedó en ridículo — ( por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself; ( por culpa ajena) he was made to look a fool
3) ( permanecer)¿queda alguien adentro? — is there anyone left inside?
quedamos a la espera de su confirmación — (frml) we await your confirmation (frml)
quedo a sus gratas órdenes — (frml) (Corresp) Sincerely yours (AmE), Yours faithfully (BrE)
quedar EN algo: todo quedó en suspenso everything was left in the air; nuestros planes quedaron en nada our plans came to nothing; quedar atrás — persona to fall behind; rencillas/problemas to be in the past
4) (+ me/te/le etc)a) tamaño/tallame queda grande/largo/apretado — it's too big/long/tight for me
la talla 12 le queda bien — the size 12 fits (you/him) fine
b) ( sentar)el azul/ese peinado te queda muy bien — blue/that hairdo really suits you
5)a) (acordar, convenir)quedar EN algo: ¿en qué quedaron? what did you decide?; ¿entonces en qué quedamos? so, what's happening, then?; quedamos en que yo iría we agreed o arranged that I would go; quedar EN or (AmL) DE + INF: quedaron en no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anything; quedó en venir a las nueve — she said she would come at nine
b) ( citarse)¿a qué hora/dónde quedamos? — what time/where shall we meet?
6) ( estar situado) to bequeda justo enfrente de la estación — it's right opposite the station; (+ me/te/le etc)
me queda muy lejos/cerca — it's very far/near from where I live (o work etc)
7) (en 3a pers)a) ( haber todavía)¿queda café? — is there any coffee left?
sólo quedan las ruinas — only the ruins remain; (+ me/te/le etc)
¿te queda algo de dinero? — do you have any money left?
¿te queda alguna duda? — is there anything you still don't understand?
b) ( sobrar) comida/vino to be left (over)8) ( faltar)¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? — how many kilometers are there to go?; (+ me/te/le etc)
2.quedar POR + INF: queda mucho por ver/visitar there is still a lot to see/visit; aún quedan estudiantes por pagar there are still some students who haven't paid; (+ me/te/le etc) aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to do; no me/le queda otra (AmL fam) I have/he has no choice; por... que no quede (Esp fam): venga, por intentarlo que no quede come on, let's at least give it a try; hazlo, por mí que no quede — go ahead, don't let me stop you
1) quedarse v pron2)a) ( en un lugar) to stayquedarse en casa/en la cama — to stay at home/in bed
se quedaron en París/en un hotel — they stayed in Paris/in a hotel
b) (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl)quédate tranquilo, yo me ocuparé del asunto — relax, I'll take care of it
¿te quedaste con hambre? — are you still hungry?
se me quedó mirando — he sat/stood there staring at me, he just stared at me
de repente el motor se quedó — (AmL) the engine suddenly died on me
3) (+ me/te/le etc)a) (fam) ( memorizar)b) (Andes) ( olvidarse)c) (Esp) ( llegar a ser)4)quedarse CON algo: se quedó con mi libro she kept my book; entre él y su mujer no sé con cuál me quedo there's not much to choose between him and his wife; me quedo con éste I'll take this one; quedarse con alguien — (Esp fam) ( engañarlo) to take somebody for a ride (colloq)
* * *= remain.Ex. Needless to say, any errors which remain are entirely our responsibility.----* aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda = You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.* el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.* estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).* hacer que Uno se quede dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.* hacer una marca para indicar el lugar donde uno se ha quedado leyen = mark + Posesivo + place.* mecer a Alguien hasta que quede dormido = rock + Nombre + to sleep.* mente + quedarse en blanco = mind + go blank.* mientras queden = while stocks last.* Nombre de Lugar + quedarse chico = outgrow + Nombre de Lugar.* no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.* para que quede más claro = for main effects.* quedar Algo a Alguien = be left with.* quedar anulado con el paso del tiempo = be overtaken by events.* quedar atrapado = get + caught.* quedar constatado = go on + record.* quedar deshecho = go to + pieces.* quedar destrozado = go to + pieces.* quedar en segundo plano = come in + a poor second.* quedar en suspenso = go into + abeyance.* quedar exempto de = discharge from.* quedar + Expresión Temporal = be + Expresión Temporal + off.* quedar igual = remain + the same.* quedar impactado = be impressed.* quedar impresionado = be impressed.* quedar impune = go + scot-free, go + scot-free, get away + scot-free.* quedar inpune = go + unpunished.* quedar libre = become + vacant.* quedar mal = lose + face.* quedar muchísimo por hacer = a great deal more needs to be done.* quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.* quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).* quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.* quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar patas arriba = flip-flop.* quedar pendiente = remain, remain + to be done.* quedar peor = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).* quedar por hacer = remain + to be done.* quedar por + Infinitivo = remain + to be + Participio.* quedar por ver = be an open question, remain + to be seen.* quedar registrado = go on + record.* quedarse = stay, stay behind, board.* quedarse abandonado en una isla desierta = be stranded on a desert island.* quedarse a dormir en la casa de un amigo = sleepover.* quedarse afónico = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse al margen = stand by.* quedarse a medias = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* quedarse anodadado = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse anticuado = date.* quedarse arriba = sit on + top.* quedarse atascado = get + stuck.* quedarse atónito = be astonished, be bowled over, stun into + speechlessness.* quedarse atrancado = get + stuck.* quedarse atrás = fall behind, hang back, trail, trail behind, be behind.* quedarse boquiabierto = give + a gasp of, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse completamente atónito = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse con = pocket, cream off.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* quedarse congelado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse corto = stop + short of, fall + short, fall + short of.* quedarse dentro de casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse de piedra = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse dormido = fall + asleep, doze off, nod off, drop off to + sleep, go to + sleep.* quedarse dormido al volante = fall + asleep at the wheel.* quedarse embarazada = become + pregnant, be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse en = stick at.* quedarse en blanco = go + blank, mind + go blank.* quedarse encallado = be stranded.* quedarse en casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse en el camino = fall by + the wayside.* quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.* quedarse en el sitio = die + there and then.* quedarse en estado = become + pregnant.* quedarse en la cama hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.* quedarse en la estacada = be left out on a limb.* quedarse en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.* quedarse en silencio = fall + silent, lapse into + silence.* quedarse en tablas = split down the middle.* quedarse estancado = stagnate.* quedarse estupefacto = stun into + speechlessness, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, be speechless, be gobsmacked, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedar segundo = come off + second-best.* quedarse hecho polvo = be gutted, feel + gutted.* quedarse helado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse huérfano = orphan.* quedarse igual = be none the wiser.* quedarse impresionado = be bowled over.* quedarse inamovible = stay in + place.* quedarse inmóvil = stay + still.* quedarse levantado = stay up.* quedarse mudo = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse obsoleto = be overtaken by events, outgrow.* quedarse parado = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse pasmado = stun.* quedarse patidifuso = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse patitieso = freeze to + death.* quedarse pequeño = overflow.* quedarse prendado = smite.* quedarse prendado de = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to.* quedarse prendado por = take + a liking to.* quedarse preñada = become + pregnant, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse quieto = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse ronco = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sin = run + short (of), miss out on, run out of, run out.* quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.* quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin fuelle = run out of + steam.* quedarse sin fuerza = lose + steam.* quedarse sin gas = lose + steam.* quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness, be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.* quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* quedarse sin sentido = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* quedarse sin voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sorprendido por = be amazed by, be amazed at.* quedarse tan fresco = not bat an eyelash, not bat an eyelid.* quedarse tieso = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tieso de frío = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tirado = be stranded.* quedarse varado = get + stuck, be stranded.* quedarse viudo = widow.* quedar sin castigo = go + unpunished.* quedar un poco = be some way off.* quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar vacante = become + vacant.* quedar vacío = empty.* que no queda bien = ill-fitting.* que queda = surviving.* que queda mal = ill-fitting.* que quede entre nosotros = between you and me, between ourselves.* según quedó indicado en = as was pointed out in.* siempre queda una esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* si queda tiempo = time permitting.* todo queda en casa = all in the family.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) (en un estado, una situación)quedar viudo/viuda — to be widowed
quedar sin hogar/en la miseria — to be left homeless/destitute
ha quedado acordado que... — it has been agreed that...
¿dónde quedamos la clase pasada? — where did we get (up) to in the last class?
¿quién quedó en primer/último lugar? — who was o came first/last?; (+ me/te/le etc)
me quedó muy claro que... — it was quite clear to me that...
si no vamos, quedamos mal — it'll look bad if we don't go
quedó en ridículo — ( por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself; ( por culpa ajena) he was made to look a fool
3) ( permanecer)¿queda alguien adentro? — is there anyone left inside?
quedamos a la espera de su confirmación — (frml) we await your confirmation (frml)
quedo a sus gratas órdenes — (frml) (Corresp) Sincerely yours (AmE), Yours faithfully (BrE)
quedar EN algo: todo quedó en suspenso everything was left in the air; nuestros planes quedaron en nada our plans came to nothing; quedar atrás — persona to fall behind; rencillas/problemas to be in the past
4) (+ me/te/le etc)a) tamaño/tallame queda grande/largo/apretado — it's too big/long/tight for me
la talla 12 le queda bien — the size 12 fits (you/him) fine
b) ( sentar)el azul/ese peinado te queda muy bien — blue/that hairdo really suits you
5)a) (acordar, convenir)quedar EN algo: ¿en qué quedaron? what did you decide?; ¿entonces en qué quedamos? so, what's happening, then?; quedamos en que yo iría we agreed o arranged that I would go; quedar EN or (AmL) DE + INF: quedaron en no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anything; quedó en venir a las nueve — she said she would come at nine
b) ( citarse)¿a qué hora/dónde quedamos? — what time/where shall we meet?
6) ( estar situado) to bequeda justo enfrente de la estación — it's right opposite the station; (+ me/te/le etc)
me queda muy lejos/cerca — it's very far/near from where I live (o work etc)
7) (en 3a pers)a) ( haber todavía)¿queda café? — is there any coffee left?
sólo quedan las ruinas — only the ruins remain; (+ me/te/le etc)
¿te queda algo de dinero? — do you have any money left?
¿te queda alguna duda? — is there anything you still don't understand?
b) ( sobrar) comida/vino to be left (over)8) ( faltar)¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? — how many kilometers are there to go?; (+ me/te/le etc)
2.quedar POR + INF: queda mucho por ver/visitar there is still a lot to see/visit; aún quedan estudiantes por pagar there are still some students who haven't paid; (+ me/te/le etc) aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to do; no me/le queda otra (AmL fam) I have/he has no choice; por... que no quede (Esp fam): venga, por intentarlo que no quede come on, let's at least give it a try; hazlo, por mí que no quede — go ahead, don't let me stop you
1) quedarse v pron2)a) ( en un lugar) to stayquedarse en casa/en la cama — to stay at home/in bed
se quedaron en París/en un hotel — they stayed in Paris/in a hotel
b) (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl)quédate tranquilo, yo me ocuparé del asunto — relax, I'll take care of it
¿te quedaste con hambre? — are you still hungry?
se me quedó mirando — he sat/stood there staring at me, he just stared at me
de repente el motor se quedó — (AmL) the engine suddenly died on me
3) (+ me/te/le etc)a) (fam) ( memorizar)b) (Andes) ( olvidarse)c) (Esp) ( llegar a ser)4)quedarse CON algo: se quedó con mi libro she kept my book; entre él y su mujer no sé con cuál me quedo there's not much to choose between him and his wife; me quedo con éste I'll take this one; quedarse con alguien — (Esp fam) ( engañarlo) to take somebody for a ride (colloq)
* * *= remain.Ex: Needless to say, any errors which remain are entirely our responsibility.
* aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda = You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.* el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.* estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).* hacer que Uno se quede dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.* hacer una marca para indicar el lugar donde uno se ha quedado leyen = mark + Posesivo + place.* mecer a Alguien hasta que quede dormido = rock + Nombre + to sleep.* mente + quedarse en blanco = mind + go blank.* mientras queden = while stocks last.* Nombre de Lugar + quedarse chico = outgrow + Nombre de Lugar.* no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.* para que quede más claro = for main effects.* quedar Algo a Alguien = be left with.* quedar anulado con el paso del tiempo = be overtaken by events.* quedar atrapado = get + caught.* quedar constatado = go on + record.* quedar deshecho = go to + pieces.* quedar destrozado = go to + pieces.* quedar en segundo plano = come in + a poor second.* quedar en suspenso = go into + abeyance.* quedar exempto de = discharge from.* quedar + Expresión Temporal = be + Expresión Temporal + off.* quedar igual = remain + the same.* quedar impactado = be impressed.* quedar impresionado = be impressed.* quedar impune = go + scot-free, go + scot-free, get away + scot-free.* quedar inpune = go + unpunished.* quedar libre = become + vacant.* quedar mal = lose + face.* quedar muchísimo por hacer = a great deal more needs to be done.* quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.* quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).* quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.* quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar patas arriba = flip-flop.* quedar pendiente = remain, remain + to be done.* quedar peor = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).* quedar por hacer = remain + to be done.* quedar por + Infinitivo = remain + to be + Participio.* quedar por ver = be an open question, remain + to be seen.* quedar registrado = go on + record.* quedarse = stay, stay behind, board.* quedarse abandonado en una isla desierta = be stranded on a desert island.* quedarse a dormir en la casa de un amigo = sleepover.* quedarse afónico = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse al margen = stand by.* quedarse a medias = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* quedarse anodadado = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse anticuado = date.* quedarse arriba = sit on + top.* quedarse atascado = get + stuck.* quedarse atónito = be astonished, be bowled over, stun into + speechlessness.* quedarse atrancado = get + stuck.* quedarse atrás = fall behind, hang back, trail, trail behind, be behind.* quedarse boquiabierto = give + a gasp of, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse completamente atónito = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse con = pocket, cream off.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* quedarse congelado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse corto = stop + short of, fall + short, fall + short of.* quedarse dentro de casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse de piedra = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse dormido = fall + asleep, doze off, nod off, drop off to + sleep, go to + sleep.* quedarse dormido al volante = fall + asleep at the wheel.* quedarse embarazada = become + pregnant, be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse en = stick at.* quedarse en blanco = go + blank, mind + go blank.* quedarse encallado = be stranded.* quedarse en casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse en el camino = fall by + the wayside.* quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.* quedarse en el sitio = die + there and then.* quedarse en estado = become + pregnant.* quedarse en la cama hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.* quedarse en la estacada = be left out on a limb.* quedarse en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.* quedarse en silencio = fall + silent, lapse into + silence.* quedarse en tablas = split down the middle.* quedarse estancado = stagnate.* quedarse estupefacto = stun into + speechlessness, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, be speechless, be gobsmacked, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedar segundo = come off + second-best.* quedarse hecho polvo = be gutted, feel + gutted.* quedarse helado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse huérfano = orphan.* quedarse igual = be none the wiser.* quedarse impresionado = be bowled over.* quedarse inamovible = stay in + place.* quedarse inmóvil = stay + still.* quedarse levantado = stay up.* quedarse mudo = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse obsoleto = be overtaken by events, outgrow.* quedarse parado = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse pasmado = stun.* quedarse patidifuso = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse patitieso = freeze to + death.* quedarse pequeño = overflow.* quedarse prendado = smite.* quedarse prendado de = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to.* quedarse prendado por = take + a liking to.* quedarse preñada = become + pregnant, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse quieto = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse ronco = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sin = run + short (of), miss out on, run out of, run out.* quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.* quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin fuelle = run out of + steam.* quedarse sin fuerza = lose + steam.* quedarse sin gas = lose + steam.* quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness, be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.* quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* quedarse sin sentido = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* quedarse sin voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sorprendido por = be amazed by, be amazed at.* quedarse tan fresco = not bat an eyelash, not bat an eyelid.* quedarse tieso = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tieso de frío = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tirado = be stranded.* quedarse varado = get + stuck, be stranded.* quedarse viudo = widow.* quedar sin castigo = go + unpunished.* quedar un poco = be some way off.* quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar vacante = become + vacant.* quedar vacío = empty.* que no queda bien = ill-fitting.* que queda = surviving.* que queda mal = ill-fitting.* que quede entre nosotros = between you and me, between ourselves.* según quedó indicado en = as was pointed out in.* siempre queda una esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* si queda tiempo = time permitting.* todo queda en casa = all in the family.* * *quedar [A1 ]viA(en un estado, una situación): quedó viuda muy joven she was widowed o she lost her husband when she was very youngquedó huérfano a los siete años he was orphaned when he was seven years oldtuvo un ataque y quedó paralítico he had a stroke and was left paralyzedcientos de familias quedaron sin hogar/en la miseria hundreds of families were left homeless/destitutelas calles quedaron desiertas the streets were left desertedel sombrero quedó hecho un acordeón the hat was o got squashed flatel coche ha quedado como nuevo the car is as good as new (now)algunas fotos quedaron mal some of the photos came out badlyha quedado precioso pintado de blanco it looks beautiful painted whiteha quedado acordado que … it has been agreed that …y que esto quede bien claro and I want to make this quite clear¿cómo quedó la cosa? ¿quién tenía razón? what happened in the end? who was right?¿dónde quedamos la clase pasada? where did we get (up) to in the last class?¿quién quedó en primer/último lugar? who was o who came first/last?(+ me/te/le etc): no me había quedado claro y se lo pregunté otra vez I hadn't quite understood o I hadn't got things quite clear, so I asked him againel postre te quedó riquísimo that dessert (you made) was deliciousB(en la opinión de los demás): si no vamos, quedamos mal it'll look bad if we don't goquedarás muy bien con ese regalo it's a lovely present, they'll be delightedme hiciste quedar muy mal diciendo eso you really showed me up saying thatse emborrachó y nos hizo quedar mal a todos he got drunk and embarrassed us allquedó en ridículo (por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself; (por culpa ajena) he was made to look a foolquedar mal/bien con algn: si no voy quedaré mal con ellos they won't think much of me o it won't go down very well if I don't turn upno se puede quedar bien con todo el mundo you can't please everybodylos invitó a todos para no quedar mal con nadie he invited them all so as not to offend anyone o to cause any offense*C(permanecer): quedaron en casa they stayed at home¿queda alguien adentro? is there anyone left inside?le quedó la cicatriz she was left with a scarlo lavé pero le quedó la mancha I washed it but the stain didn't come outesto no puede quedar así we can't leave/I'm not going to leave things like thisquedo a sus gratas órdenes ( frml) ( Corresp) Sincerely yours ( AmE), Yours faithfully o ( frml) I remain, yours faithfully ( BrE)le quedo a deber 5 euros I owe you 5 eurosquedar EN algo:todo ha quedado en un mero proyecto none of it has got beyond the planning stagetodos nuestros planes quedaron en nada all our plans came to nothingquedar atrás: pronto quedó atrás he soon fell behindhemos tenido nuestras diferencias pero todo eso ha quedado atrás we've had our differences but all that's behind us now o that's all water under the bridge nowD (+ me/te/le etc)1«tamaño/talla»: me queda grande/largo/apretado it's too big/long/tight for mela talla 12 le queda bien or (Col, Méx) le queda the size 12 fits (you/him) fine2(sentar): el azul te queda muy bien blue really suits you, you look really good in blueese peinado le quedaba muy bien that hairstyle really suited her, her hair looked really good like thatese vestido te queda estupendo that dress looks fantastic on you, you look great in that dressA (acordar, convenir) quedar EN algo:quedamos en eso, vienes tú a mi casa let's do that, then, you come to my house, so that's agreed, you're coming to my house¿al final en qué quedaron? what did you decide/arrange/agree in the end?¿en qué quedamos? ¿lo quieres o no? well o so, do you want it or not?¿entonces en qué quedamos? ¿nos vemos mañana o no? so, what's happening, then? are we meeting tomorrow or not?quedar EN + INFor ( AmL) quedar DE + INF:quedaron en no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anythingquedó en venir a las nueve she said she would come at nine, she arranged to come at ninequedar EN QUE:quedamos en que iría él a recogerlo we agreed o arranged that he would go and pick it upB(citarse): me tengo que ir porque he quedado con Rafael I have to go because I've arranged to meet Rafael¿a qué hora/dónde quedamos? what time/where shall we meet?quedé con unos amigos para cenar I arranged to meet some friends for dinner, I arranged to go out for dinner with some friendsSentido III (estar situado) to bequeda justo enfrente de la estación it's right opposite the station(+ me/te/le etc): puedo ir yo, me queda muy cerca I can go, it's very near where I live ( o work etc)A1(haber todavía): no queda café there's no coffee leftno quedan entradas there are no tickets leftsólo quedan las ruinas only the ruins remain(+ me/te/le etc): es el único pariente que me queda he is the only relative I have left, he is my only living relative¿te queda algo de dinero? do you have any money left?¿te ha quedado alguna duda? is there anything you still don't understand?me han quedado dos asignaturas (pendientes) I have to make up two subjects o take two subjects over ( AmE), I have to retake two subjects ( BrE)no nos queda más remedio que ir we have no alternative o no choice but to go, we'll just have to goya no me quedan fuerzas para seguir I no longer have the strength to go on, I don't have the strength to go on any moreme queda la satisfacción de haber cumplido con mi deber I have the satisfaction of having done my duty2 (sobrar) to be left, be left overme comí la ensalada que había quedado del almuerzo I ate up the salad that was left (over) from lunchel vino que quede se puede guardar para la próxima fiesta we can keep any wine that's left (over) for the next partyB1(faltar): quedan cinco minutos para que acabe la clase there are five minutes to go to o five minutes left to the end of the class¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? how many kilometers are there to go?, how far is it now?(+ me/te/le etc): todavía le quedan dos años he still has two years to go o do¡ánimo! ¡ya te queda poco para terminar! come on! you've almost finished!2 quedar POR + INF:quedan tres pacientes por ver there are three more patients to be seenaún queda gente por pagar some people haven't paid yet, some people still haven't paid(+ me/te/le etc): aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to dopor … que no quede ( Esp fam): venga, por intentarlo que no quede come on, let's at least give it a tryhazlo, por mí que no quede go ahead, don't let me stop you■ quedarseA1 (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):te estás quedando calvo you're going baldse quedó huérfana/sorda a los seis años she was orphaned/she went deaf when she was six years oldcuando se fue me quedé muy sola when he left I felt very lonelyme quedé helado cuando me lo dijo I was staggered when she told mequédate tranquilo, yo me ocuparé del asunto don't (you) worry about it, I'll take care of itme quedé dormido en el sofá I fell asleep on the sofa2quedarse con/sin algo: ¿te has quedado con hambre? are you still hungry?me quedé sin postre I didn't get any dessertse ha quedado sin trabajo she's out of work, she's lost her jobme quedé sin saber qué había pasado I never did find out what had happened3( Esp) (llegar a ser) (+ me/te/le etc): el vestido se te ha quedado corto the dress is too short on you nowla casa se les está quedando pequeña the house is getting (to be) too small for them4 (olvidarse) (+ me/te/le etc):se me quedó el paraguas I left my umbrella behindB1(permanecer): pienso quedarme soltera I intend to stay singleno me gusta quedarme sola en casa I don't like being (left) on my own o being alone in the houseno te quedes ahí parado y haz algo don't just stand there, do something!nos quedamos charlando toda la noche we spent the whole night chattingse me quedó mirando he sat/stood there staring at me, he just stared at mela escena se me ha quedado grabada en la memoria the scene has remained engraved o is engraved on my memoryiba para pintor pero se quedó en profesor de dibujo he set out to be a painter but he ended up as an art teacherse quedó en la mesa de operaciones ( euf); he died on the operating tablede repente el motor se quedó ( AmL); the engine suddenly died on me2 (en un lugar) to stayquédate aquí stay hereme quedé a dormir en su casa I spent o stayed the night at his housenos quedamos en un hotel/en casa de unos amigos we stayed at a hotel/with some friendsse tuvo que quedar en el hospital una semana más she had to stay o remain in (the) hospital for another weekse quedó en casa/en la cama todo el día she stayed at home/in bed all dayA ‹cambio/lápiz› to keepquédatelo, yo tengo otro keep it, I have another onequedarse CON algo:quédate con la foto si quieres you can keep the photo o ( colloq) hang on to the photo if you wantse quedó con mi libro she kept my book, she didn't give my book backentre él y su mujer no sé con cuál de los dos me quedo there's not much to choose between him and his wifesi me lo rebaja me quedo con él if you knock something off the price, I'll take it ( colloq)quedarse con algn ( Esp fam) (burlarse de él) to have sb on ( colloq) (engañarlo) to take sb for a ride ( colloq)B( Chi) «pierna/brazo» (+ me/te/le etc): quiso levantarse pero se le quedó la pierna he tried to get up but he couldn't move his legse le queda la pierna al caminar he drags one leg when he walks* * *
quedar ( conjugate quedar) verbo intransitivo
1 (en un estado, una situación):◊ quedar viudo/huérfano to be widowed/orphaned;
quedó paralítico he was left paralyzed;
el coche quedó como nuevo the car is as good as new (now);
y que esto quede bien claro and I want to make this quite clear;
¿quién quedó en primer lugar? who was o came first?
2 ( en la opinión de los demás):◊ si no voy quedaré mal con ellos it won't go down very well o it'll look bad if I don't turn up;
lo hice para quedar bien con el jefe I did it to get in the boss's good books;
quedé muy bien con el regalo I made a very good impression with my present;
me hiciste quedar muy mal diciendo eso you really showed me up saying that;
nos hizo quedar mal a todos he embarrassed us all;
quedó en ridículo ( por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself;
( por culpa ajena) he was made to look a fool
3 ( permanecer):◊ ¿queda alguien adentro? is there anyone left inside?;
le quedó la cicatriz she was left with a scar;
esto no puede quedar así we can't leave things like this;
nuestros planes quedaron en nada our plans came to nothing;
quedar atrás [ persona] to fall behind;
[rencillas/problemas] to be in the past
4 (+ me/te/le etc)a) [tamaño/talla]:
la talla 12 le queda bien the size 12 fits (you/him) fineb) ( sentar):◊ el azul le queda bien/mal blue suits her/doesn't suit hera) (acordar, convenir):◊ ¿en qué quedaron? what did you decide?;
¿entonces en qué quedamos? so, what's happening, then?;
quedaron en or (AmL) de no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anything;
quedó en or (AmL) de venir a las nueve she said she would come at nineb) ( citarse):◊ ¿a qué hora quedamos? what time shall we meet?;
quedé con unos amigos para cenar I arranged to meet some friends for dinner
( estar situado) to be;
me queda muy lejos it's very far from where I live (o work etc)
(en 3a pers)
◊ ¿te queda algo de dinero? do you have any money left?;
¿queda café? is there any coffee left?;
solo quedan las ruinas only the ruins remain;
no nos queda más remedio que ir we have no choice but to go
2 ( faltar):
¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? how many kilometers are there to go?;
todavía le quedan dos años he still has two years to go o do;
queda mucho por ver there is still a lot to see;
aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to do;
no me/le queda otra (fam) I have/he has no choice
quedarse verbo pronominal
b) (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):
quedarse dormido to fall asleep;
quedarse sin trabajo to lose one's job
2 (+ me/te/le etc)a) ( permanecer):
no me gusta quedarme sola en casa I don't like being alone in the house;
no te quedes ahí parado don't just stand there!;
nos quedamos charlando hasta tarde we went on chatting until late in the evening;
se me quedó mirando he sat/stood there staring at me;
de repente el motor se quedó (AmL) the engine suddenly died on meb) (Andes) ( olvidarse):
c) (Esp) ( llegar a ser):
‹cambio/lápiz› to keep;
me quedo con este I'll take this one
quedar verbo intransitivo
1 (en un estado) quedar bien, (una persona) to make a good impression
(un objeto) to look nice
quedar en ridículo, to make a fool of oneself
2 (en un lugar) to be: mi casa no queda lejos, my house is not far from here
3 (sobrar) to be left: ¿queda más té?, is there any tea left?
4 (faltar) (tiempo) to go: quedan dos días para las vacaciones, there are two days to go till the holidays
5 (convenir) to agree: quedamos en ir al cine, we agreed to go to the cinema
6 (citarse) to meet: quedaré con mi hermana, I'll arrange to meet my sister
7 (una ropa, un peinado, etc) to suit: te queda grande, it's too big for you
' quedar' also found in these entries:
- cumplir
- descolgarse
- embarazarse
- enmudecer
- estar
- lucirse
- restar
- sobrar
- sopa
- venir
- aire
- aislado
- anillo
- bailar
- calle
- constar
- descubierto
- desmano
- enganchar
- faltar
- lejísimos
- manifiesto
- mano
- rezagado
- tabla
- appal
- appall
- arrange
- date
- egg
- fit
- flu
- gasp
- go
- leave
- lie
- long
- meet
- one-upmanship
- remain
- rest
- side
- smoke
- stand
- stand about
- stand around
- agree
- alternatively
- catch
- come
- get
- keep
- narrow
- out
- over
- place
- remand
- runner
- scar
- scot-free
- show
- strand
- unpunished
- water
- widow
* * *♦ vi1. [permanecer] to remain, to stay;nuestros problemas quedaron sin resolver our problems remained unsolved;los tipos de interés han quedado al mismo nivel interest rates have stayed o remained at the same level;no le quedaron secuelas del accidente he suffered no after-effects from the accident;Andes, RPen el apuro, quedaron los abrigos the coats got left behind o forgotten in the rush;quedo a su entera disposición para cualquier consulta [en cartas] I am available to answer any enquiries you may have;todo quedó en un buen susto she suffered nothing worse than a shock;el viaje quedó en proyecto the trip never got beyond the planning stage;todos nuestros problemas han quedado atrás all our problems are behind us now2. [haber aún] to be left, to remain;¿queda azúcar? is there any sugar left?;no queda azúcar there isn't any sugar left;no nos queda leche we're out of milk;queda gente dentro haciendo el examen there are still some people left inside doing the exam;queda poco del casco antiguo de la ciudad little remains of the old part of the city;nos quedan 50 pesos we have 50 pesos left;lo que quede dáselo al perro give whatever's left over to the dog;no me quedan ganas de seguir hablando I don't feel like talking any more;me queda la esperanza de volver algún día I can only hope that one day I will return;Amno queda otra there's nothing else for it;voy a tener que vender el auto para pagar las cuentas, no queda otra I'm going to have to sell the car to pay the bills, there's nothing else for it3. [faltar]¿cuánto queda para Buenos Aires? how much further is it to Buenos Aires?;quedan dos vueltas para que termine la carrera there are two laps to go until the end of the race;queda poco/un mes para las vacaciones there's not long to go/there's a month to go until the holidays, it's not long/it's a month until the holidays;queda mucho para mi cumpleaños my birthday's a long way off;me quedan dos días para terminar el trabajo I have two days (left) to finish the work;sólo me queda despedirme hasta la próxima semana all that remains is for me to say goodbye until next week;quedar por hacer to remain to be done;queda por fregar el suelo the floor has still to be cleaned;nos quedan bastantes sitios por visitar we still have quite a lot of places to visit4. [mostrarse, dar cierta imagen]quedar bien/mal (con alguien) to make a good/bad impression (on sb);le gusta quedar bien con todo el mundo he likes to keep everyone happy;quedaste estupendamente trayendo flores you made a very good impression by bringing flowers;voy a quedar fatal si no voy it'll look really bad if I don't go;no me hagas quedar mal don't show me up;quedaste como un mentiroso you ended up looking like o you came across like a liar;quedó como un idiota he ended up o he was left looking stupidel cuadro queda muy bien ahí the picture looks great there;el salón os ha quedado muy bonito the living-room has turned out lovely, you've made a great job of the living-room;quedar claro to be clear;no quiero que llegues después de las once, ¿queda claro? I don't want you back later than eleven, is that clear?;quedar en [llegar, acabar] to end in;quedar en quinto lugar, quedar el quinto to come fifth;quedar en nada to come to nothing;RP Famquedamos en veremos we left it openesta falda me queda un poco justa this skirt is a bit tight;¡qué bien te queda ese traje! that dress really suits you!, you look great in that dress!;esa camisa te queda mal that shirt doesn't suit you;¿te quedan bien los zapatos? do the shoes fit you?;quedar bien/mal con algo to go well/badly with sth;Méx Méxesas cortinas le quedan mal al salón those curtains don't go well in the living-room¿cuándo/dónde quedamos? when/where shall we meet?;hemos quedado el lunes we've arranged to meet on Monday;he quedado con Juan para jugar al tenis I've arranged to play tennis with Juan¿en qué has quedado? what have you decided to do?;quedar en que… to agree that…;quedé con ellos en que iría I told them I'd go;¿en qué quedamos? what's it to be, then?9. [estar situado] to be;queda por las afueras it's somewhere on the outskirts;¿por dónde queda? whereabouts is it?¿cuántas te han quedado? how many subjects from last year do you have to resit this year?♦ vtRP Famquedarla: no apuestes todo a una sola posibilidad porque si no sale, la quedás don't put all your eggs in one basket because if it doesn't work out, you've had it;¿quién la queda? [en juego] who's counting?♦ v impersonalpor mí que no quede don't let me be the one to stop you;que no quede por falta de dinero we don't want it to fall through for lack of money;por probar que no quede we should at least try it* * *v/i1 ( permanecer) stay;esto queda entre nosotros this is just between us;quedar cerca be nearbyquedó sin resolver it remained unresolved, it wasn’t sorted out;¿cómo quedó? how did it end up?;queda por hacer it still has o needs to be done3 ( sentar):4 ( sobrar) be left;¿queda mucho tiempo? is there much time left?;5 ( encontrarse):quedar con alguien fam arrange to meet (with) s.o.;¿dónde habíamos quedado? where had we arranged to meet?6 ( acordar):quedar en algo agree to sth;¿en qué quedamos? what did we agree?7:por mí que no quede it’s fine by me* * *quedar vi1) permanecer: to remain, to stay2) : to bequedamos contentos con las mejoras: we were pleased with the improvements3) : to be situatedqueda muy lejos: it's very far, it's too far away4) : to be leftquedan sólo dos alternativas: there are only two options left5) : to fit, to suitestos zapatos no me quedan: these shoes don't fit6)quedar bien (mal) : to turn out well (badly)7)quedar en : to agree, to arrange¿en qué quedamos?: what's the arrangement, then?* * *quedar vb1. (haber) to be left¿quedan cebollas? are there any onions left?2. (permanecer) to remain3. (tener) to have left4. (faltar) to have to do5. (distancia, tiempo)6. (resultar) to be7. (estar) to be¿dónde queda la estación? where's the station?¿a qué hora quedamos? what time shall we meet?9. (ponerse de acuerdo) to agree10. (sentar bien ropa) to suit -
8 agarrar
v.1 to grab.me agarró de la cintura he grabbed me by the waistSilvia agarró la mano de Ricardo Silvia grabbed John's hand.2 to catch (atrapar) (ladrón).¡si la agarro, la mato! if I catch her I'll kill her!me agarró desprevenido he caught me off guardMaría agarra el bejuco Mary catches the liMaría.3 to catch (informal) (enfermedad). (peninsular Spanish)4 to get, to take. ( Latin American Spanish)Agarrar impulso Take impulse.5 to take (tinte).6 to be taken to prison, to get nicked.Lo agarraron He was taken to prison.[He got nicked]* * *1 (con la mano) to clutch, seize, grasp3 familiar (conseguir) to take advantage of1 (cogerse) to hold on, cling (a, to)2 (pegarse) to stick3 familiar (pelearse) to quarrel, fight\agarrar un cabreo to fly off the handleagarrar una borrachera to get drunk/pissedagarrarla to get drunk/pissedagarrarse a un clavo ardiendo figurado to try anything, do anything* * *verb1) to hold, seize, grab, grasp2) catch•* * *1. VT1) (=asir)a) [sujetando] to hold (on to)le señalaron falta por agarrar a un jugador contrario — a free kick was given against him for holding on to one of the opposition
entró agarrada del brazo de su padre — she came in holding her father's armb) [con violencia] to grabc) [con fuerza] to grip2) (=capturar) to catch3) [+ resfriado] to catch4) * (=conseguir) to get, wangle *5) esp LAm (=coger)la casa tiene tanto trabajo que no sé por dónde agarrarla — the house needs such a lot doing to it, I don't know where to start
7) Cono Sur•
agarrar a palos a algn — * to beat sb up *8) Caribe *** to fuck ***2. VI1) (=asir)agarra por este extremo — hold it by this end, take hold of it by this end
2) (Bot) [planta] to take (root)3) [color] to take4) esp LAm (=coger)agarró y se fue — * he upped and went *
3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) ( sujetar) to grab, get hold ofme agarró del brazo — ( para apoyar) she took hold of my arm; (con violencia, rapidez) she grabbed me by the arm
te lo tiro agárralo! — I'll throw it to you, catch!
no hay por dónde agarrarlo — (fam) <tema/asunto> you can't make head nor tail of it (colloq); < persona> you don't know how to take him
3) (AmL) (pescar, atrapar) to catchsi lo agarro, lo mato — if I get o lay my hands on him, I'll kill him
agarrarla con alguien — (AmL fam) to take it out on somebody
4) (esp AmL) ( adquirir) <resfriado/pulmonía> to catch; <costumbre/vicio> to pick up; < ritmo> to get into; < velocidad> to gather, pick up; (+ me/te/le etc)5) (AmL) ( entender) <indirecta/chiste> to get2.agarrar vi1) (asir, sujetar) to take hold of, holdtoma, agarra — here, hold this
3) (esp AmL) (ir)4) (esp AmL fam)3.agarrar y...: un buen día agarró y lo dejó todo one fine day she upped and left everything; así que agarré y presenté la renuncia — so I gave in my notice there and then
agarrarse v pron1) ( asirse) to hold onagárrate bien or fuerte — hold on tight
¿sabes a quién vi? agárrate! — (fam) do you know who I saw? wait for it! (colloq)
agarrarse a or de algo — to hold on to something
2) ( pillarse)3) (esp AmL) <resfriado/pulmonía> to catch4) (AmL fam) ( pelearse) to get into a fightagarrársela(s) con alguien — (AmL fam) to take it out on somebody (colloq)
* * *= grip, bust, grab, grasp.Ex. The entrance door should be automatic or with a handle easy to grip.Ex. On Saturday, a trooper stood on a street corner dressed in plain clothes and helped bust 30 people for not wearing their seat belts.Ex. If we move fast, we can grab the space for the library.Ex. A mouse is commonly moved or lifted from its cage by grasping the base of the tail.----* agarrarse = clutch.* agarrarse a = latch on to, hold to, hold on to, hold fast to, cling to.* agarrarse a un clavo ardiendo = catch at + straws, grasp at + straws, clutch at + straws.* agarrarse desesperadamente = hang on + for dear life, cling on + for dear life.* agarrarse los machos = batten down + the hatches.* agarrar un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).* * *1.verbo transitivo1) ( sujetar) to grab, get hold ofme agarró del brazo — ( para apoyar) she took hold of my arm; (con violencia, rapidez) she grabbed me by the arm
te lo tiro agárralo! — I'll throw it to you, catch!
no hay por dónde agarrarlo — (fam) <tema/asunto> you can't make head nor tail of it (colloq); < persona> you don't know how to take him
3) (AmL) (pescar, atrapar) to catchsi lo agarro, lo mato — if I get o lay my hands on him, I'll kill him
agarrarla con alguien — (AmL fam) to take it out on somebody
4) (esp AmL) ( adquirir) <resfriado/pulmonía> to catch; <costumbre/vicio> to pick up; < ritmo> to get into; < velocidad> to gather, pick up; (+ me/te/le etc)5) (AmL) ( entender) <indirecta/chiste> to get2.agarrar vi1) (asir, sujetar) to take hold of, holdtoma, agarra — here, hold this
3) (esp AmL) (ir)4) (esp AmL fam)3.agarrar y...: un buen día agarró y lo dejó todo one fine day she upped and left everything; así que agarré y presenté la renuncia — so I gave in my notice there and then
agarrarse v pron1) ( asirse) to hold onagárrate bien or fuerte — hold on tight
¿sabes a quién vi? agárrate! — (fam) do you know who I saw? wait for it! (colloq)
agarrarse a or de algo — to hold on to something
2) ( pillarse)3) (esp AmL) <resfriado/pulmonía> to catch4) (AmL fam) ( pelearse) to get into a fightagarrársela(s) con alguien — (AmL fam) to take it out on somebody (colloq)
* * *= grip, bust, grab, grasp.Ex: The entrance door should be automatic or with a handle easy to grip.
Ex: On Saturday, a trooper stood on a street corner dressed in plain clothes and helped bust 30 people for not wearing their seat belts.Ex: If we move fast, we can grab the space for the library.Ex: A mouse is commonly moved or lifted from its cage by grasping the base of the tail.* agarrarse = clutch.* agarrarse a = latch on to, hold to, hold on to, hold fast to, cling to.* agarrarse a un clavo ardiendo = catch at + straws, grasp at + straws, clutch at + straws.* agarrarse desesperadamente = hang on + for dear life, cling on + for dear life.* agarrarse los machos = batten down + the hatches.* agarrar un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).* * *agarrar [A1 ]vtA (sujetar) to get hold of, grablo agarró de or por las solapas he grabbed him o took hold of him by the lapelsagárralo, que se va a caer grab him, he's going to fallme agarró del brazo (para apoyarse) she took hold of my arm; (con violencia, rapidez) she grabbed me by the arm, she seized my armya agarra bien el sonajero she can already hold her rattle properlyagarra el dinero de mi cartera take the money out of my walletagarra un papel y toma nota get a piece of paper and take this down¿alguien agarró el libro que dejé en la mesa? did anyone pick up o take the book I left on the table?¿puedo agarrar una manzana? may I take an apple?agarró las llaves/sus cosas y se fue he took the keys/his things and leftte lo tiro ¡agárralo! I'll throw it to you, catch!este capítulo es dificilísimo, no hay or no tiene por dónde agarrarlo ( fam); this chapter is really difficult, I can't make head nor tail of it ( colloq)C1 ( AmL) (pescar, atrapar) to catchsi te agarra el profesor, ya verás if the teacher catches you, you'll be for itsi lo agarro, lo mato if I get o lay my hands on him, I'll kill himse acaba de ir, pero si corres, lo agarras he's just left, but if you run, you'll catch himme agarró desprevenido/de buen humor she caught me off guard/in a good mood3 (CS) ‹televisión/emisora› to get, pick upD1 ‹resfriado› to catchno salgas así, vas a agarrar una pulmonía don't go out like that, you'll catch your death of cold2 ‹velocidad› to gather, pick up3 ‹asco/odio/miedo› (+ me/te/le etc):se ha caído tantas veces que le ha agarrado miedo al caballo she's had so many falls that now she's afraid of the horsecon los años le he ido agarrando cariño over the years I've grown fond of her4 (entender) ‹indirecta/chiste› to get5 ( RPl) ‹calle› to take■ agarrarviA (asir, sujetar) to take hold of, holdtoma, agarra here, hold thisagarra por ahí take o get hold of that partB1 «planta/injerto» to take2 «tornillo» to grip, catch; «ruedas» to grip3 «tinte» to takeC ( esp AmL) (ir) agarrar POR algo; ‹por una calle/la costa› to go ALONG sth agarrar PARA algo to head FOR sthagarraron para la capital they headed for the capitaltiene tantos problemas, que no sabe para dónde agarrar he has so many problems, he doesn't know which way to turnD( esp AmL fam): agarrar y …: un buen día agarró y lo dejó todo one fine day she upped and left everythingcuando ya había hecho la reserva agarra y me dice que no quiere ir I had already made the reservations when he goes and tells me he doesn't want to goasí que agarré y presenté la renuncia so I gave in my notice on the spot o there and thenA (asirse) to hold onagárrate bien or fuerte hold on tight¿sabes cuánto dinero nos queda? ¡agárrate! ( fam); do you know how much money we have left? wait for it! o prepare yourself for a shock! ( colloq)agarrarse A or DE algo to hold on TO sthse agarró al or del pasamanos she held on to o gripped the handrailiban agarrados del brazo they were walking along arm in armse agarró de eso para no venir he latched on to that as an excuse not to comese ha agarrado a esa promesa/esperanza she's clinging to that promise/hopeB(pillarse): me agarré el dedo en el cajón I caught my finger in the drawerC( esp AmL): se agarró una borrachera de padre y señor mío he got absolutely blind drunkse agarró una rabieta he got o flew into a temper¡qué disgusto se agarró cuando se enteró! she got really upset when she heard!no vale la pena agarrarse con él por esa estupidez there's no point arguing with him over a silly thing like thatse las agarró conmigo he took it out on me2(pelearse): se agarraron a patadas/puñetazos they started kicking/punching each otherpor poco se agarran de los pelos they almost came to blowsE (pegarse) «comida» to stick* * *
agarrar ( conjugate agarrar) verbo transitivo
1 ( sujetar) to grab, get hold of;
(con violencia, rapidez) she grabbed me by the arm
2 (esp AmL) ‹ objeto› ( tomar) to take;
( atajar) to catch;
3 (AmL) (pescar, atrapar) to catch;◊ si lo agarro, lo mato if I get o lay my hands on him, I'll kill him
4 (esp AmL) ( adquirir) ‹resfriado/pulmonía› to catch;
‹costumbre/vicio› to pick up;
‹ ritmo› to get into;
‹ velocidad› to gather, pick up;
le agarró asco he got sick of it;
le he agarrado odio I've come to hate him
5 (AmL) ( entender) ‹indirecta/chiste› to get
verbo intransitivo
1 (asir, sujetar):◊ toma, agarra here, hold this;
agarra por ahí take hold of that part
2 [planta/injerto] to take;
[ tornillo] to grip, catch;
[ ruedas] to grip;
[ tinte] to take
agarrarse verbo pronominal
1 ( asirse) to hold on;
agárrate bien or fuerte hold on tight;
agarrarse a or de algo to hold on to sth;
2 ‹dedo/manga› to catch;
3 (esp AmL) ‹resfriado/pulmonía› to catch;
agarrarse un disgusto/una rabieta to get upset/into a temper
4 (AmL fam) ( pelearse) to get into a fight;
agarrarse con algn to have a set-to with sb (colloq)
agarrar verbo transitivo
1 (sujetar con fuerza) to grasp, seize: lo tienes bien agarrado, you are holding it tightly
2 LAm (coger) to take
3 fam (pillar a alguien, un resfriado) to catch
agarrar(se) una borrachera, to get drunk o fam pissed
' agarrar' also found in these entries:
- melopea
- sujetar
- tomar
- turca
- alcanzar
- atajar
- cuete
- fuerte
- hueveo
- insolación
- jalar
- mano
- mona
- catch
- clasp
- clutch
- collar
- grab
- grasp
- grip
- hold
- seize
- take
- act
- bust
- clench
- get
- knack
- latch
- nab
- nail
- pick
- red
- rope
- surprise
- unawares
- up
* * *♦ vt1. [asir] to grab;me agarró de la cintura he grabbed me by the waist;agarra bien al niño y no se caerá hold onto the child tight and he won't fall¡si la agarro, la mato! if I catch her I'll kill her!;me agarró desprevenido he caught me off guard4. CompFamagarrarla, agarrar una buena to get sloshed;Famesta novela no hay por dónde agarrarla I can't make head or tail of this novel;RP Famagarrar la mano a algo to get to grips with sth;Méx Famagarrar patín to have a good laugh;RP Famagarrar viaje to accept an offer;RP Famagarrar viento en la camiseta to really get going;después de un comienzo accidentado, el proyecto agarró viento en la camiseta after a shaky start the project really took off♦ vi¡agarra de la cuerda! grab the rope!2. [tinte] to take3. [planta] to take root4. [ruedas] to grip5. [clavo] to go in;el tornillo no ha agarrado the screw hasn't gone in properlyagarró para la izquierda he took a left;RP Famagarrar para el lado de los tomates to get hold of the wrong end of the stick7. [tomar costumbre]agarrarle a alguien por: le agarró por el baile she took it into her head to take up dancing;le agarró por cantar en medio de la clase he got it into his head to start singing in the middle of the class;le agarró por no tomar alcohol she suddenly started not drinking alcohol;¿está aprendiendo ruso? – sí, le agarró por ahí is she learning Russian? – yes, that's her latest mad idea8. CompFamagarrar y hacer algo to go and do sth;agarró y se fue she upped and went;agarró y me dio una bofetada she went and slapped me* * *I v/t1 ( asir) grab3 L.Am. ( tomar) take4 L.Am.velocidad gather, pick up5 L.Am.agarrar una calle go up o along a streetII v/i1 ( asirse) hold on2 de planta take root3 L.Am.por un lugar go;agarró y se fue he upped and went* * *agarrar vt1) : to grab, to grasp2) : to catch, to takeagarrar viel día siguiente agarró y se fue: the next day he up and left* * *agarrar vb -
9 palabra
intj.really, honest to goodness, honest, honest to God.f.1 word.de palabra by word of mouth, verballydejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca to cut somebody off in mid-sentenceen cuatro o dos palabras in a few wordsen una palabra in a wordno dijo palabra he didn't say a wordmedir las palabras to weigh one's words (carefully)no habla ni (media) palabra de español she doesn't speak a word of Spanishpalabra por palabra word for wordser palabras mayores to be an important mattersin mediar palabra without a single wordpalabra divina o de Dios word of God2 word (juramento, promesa).dar su palabra to give one's wordfaltó a su palabra he went back on his word, he broke o didn't keep his wordmantuvo su palabra she kept her wordtienes mi palabra you have my wordtomar la palabra a alguien to hold somebody to their word3 speech (habla).4 word of honor, troth, word, word of honour.* * *1 word\dar su palabra to give one's word, promisedecir la última palabra to have the last worddejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca to cut somebody offdirigirle la palabra a alguien to address somebodyen una palabra in a wordno decir ni media palabra a nadie not to breath a word to anyonemedir las palabras to weigh one's wordsno dirigirle la palabra a alguien not to be speaking to somebodypalabra por palabra word for wordquitarle a alguien la palabra to cut somebody short, interrupt somebodyser hombre/mujer de palabra to be a man of his word/a woman of her wordser hombre/mujer de pocas palabras to be a man/woman of few wordstener la palabra to have the floortener palabra to keep one's wordtener unas palabras con alguien to have words with somebodytomarle a alguien la palabra to take somebody at their wordpalabra clave key wordpalabra de honor word of honour* * *noun f.1) word2) faith* * *SF1) (=vocablo) word¿me permiten decir unas palabras? — could I say a few words?
no tengo palabras o me faltan palabras para expresar lo que siento — I haven't got the o there aren't words to express how I feel, words fail to express how I feel
sin decir o chistar * palabra — without a word
con buenas palabras, me lo dijo con muy buenas palabras — he told me as cool as you like *nos entretenía con buenas palabras, pero nunca nos daba el dinero — he palmed us off with smooth talk, but he never gave us the money
medias palabras — hints•
en una palabra — in a word¡ni una palabra más! — not another word!
- no cruzar una palabra con algnme dejó con la palabra en la boca y se fue de la habitación — he walked out of the room while I was in mid-sentence
palabras cruzadas — LAm (=crucigrama) crossword sing
palabras mayores — † offensive language sing
ser palabras mayores (=ser importante) —
juego II, 2)¿te han hecho directora? ¡eso ya son palabras mayores! — so you've been appointed director, that's really something!
2) (=facultad de hablar)tiene el don de la palabra, es de palabra fácil — he has a way with words, he has the gift of the gab *
de palabra, he pecado solo de palabra — I've sinned in word only•
dirigir la palabra a algn, hace tiempo que no me dirige la palabra — he hasn't spoken to me for a long time3) frm (=turno para hablar) floor•
pedir la palabra — to ask for the floor, ask to be allowed to speak•
tener la palabra — to have the floor•
tomar la palabra — to take the floor, speak•
hacer uso de la palabra — to take the floor, speak4) (=promesa) wordcumplió su palabra — he kept his word, he was true to his word
palabra que yo no tengo nada que ver — * I've got nothing to do with it, (I) promise!
-¿de verdad que no sabías nada? -¡palabra! o hum ¡palabrita del Niño Jesús! — "you really didn't know anything?" - "cross my heart and hope to die!"
bajo palabra — (Mil) on parole•
faltar a su palabra — to go back on o break one's wordpalabra de casamiento, dar palabra de casamiento — to promise to marry
palabra de honor — word of honour, word of honor (EEUU)
¿me das tu palabra de honor de que no dirás nada? — do you give me your word of honour you won't say anything?
¡palabra de honor! — word of honour!
* * *1) ( vocablo) worden pocas palabras, es un cobarde — in a word, he's a coward
yo no sabía ni una palabra del asunto — I didn't know a thing o anything about it
eso ya son palabras mayores — (refiriéndose - a insulto, acusación) those are strong words; (- a propuesta excesiva) that's taking things too far
quitarle las palabras de la boca a alguien — to take the words right out of somebody's mouth
tener la última palabra — to have the final say
2) ( promesa) wordnunca falta a su palabra — he never breaks o goes back on his word
se lo devolví palabra! — I gave it back to her, honest! (colloq)
cobrarle la palabra a alguien — (Chi fam) to hold somebody to his/her word (colloq)
tomarle la palabra a alguien: le tomé la palabra y le pedí un préstamo — I took him up on his offer and asked for a loan
3)a) ( habla) speechdejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca: me dejó con la palabra en la boca — ( me interrumpió) he cut me off in mid-sentence; ( no me dejó hablar) he didn't give me a chance to open my mouth
b) (frml) (en ceremonia, asamblea)pido la palabra — may I say something?, I'd like to say something
tener/tomar la palabra — to have/to take the floor (frml)
ceder (le) la palabra a alguien — to give the floor to somebody (frml), to call upon somebody to speak
* * *= word, headword.Ex. A subject index has alphabetical terms or words as headings; These terms represent concepts or subjects.Ex. This tool allows the user to generate all known inflected forms from a list of headwords.----* agrupar palabras que tienen la mism = merge + word forms.* agrupar palabras que tienen la misma raíz = merge + word forms.* análisis de la coocurrencia de palabras = co-word analysis.* anuncio por palabras = classified advertisement, classified ad.* búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.* búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.* catálogo alfabético de palabras clave = keyword catalogue.* citar las palabras de Alguien = quote + Nombre + words.* compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word.* concepto de múltiples palabras = multiple-word concept.* concepto expresado con varias palabras = database host.* con sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own words.* con una separación de + Número + palabras = within + Número + words of each other.* coocurrencia de palabras = co-word [coword].* cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.* dejar sin palabras = nonplus, leave + Nombre + speechless.* de múltiples palabras = multiple-word.* de palabra = by word of mouth, word-of-mouth.* describir con palabras = describe + in words.* descriptor compuesto de varias palabras = multiple-word descriptor.* de sólo palabras = word-oriented.* de una palabra = one-word.* de una única palabra = single-word.* dirigir la palabra = be civil towards.* dirigirse la palabra = on speaking terms.* encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.* en dos palabras = in a nutshell.* en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.* en las palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.* en las propias palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.* en ningún sentido de la palabra = in any sense of the word.* en otras palabras = in other words, to put it another way, which is to say.* en palabras = verbally.* en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.* entrada por palabra clave del título = catchword entry.* en una palabra = in a nutshell, in a word.* escoger las palabras = choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully).* expresar con palabras = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].* expresar los sentimientos con palabras = put + Posesivo + feelings into words.* fiarse de la palabra de Alguien = take + Posesivo + word for it.* fiel a la palabra de Uno = true to + Posesivo + word.* frecuencia de palabras = word count.* gesticular palabras con la boca sin emitir sonido = mouth.* hilvanar palabras = orchestrate + words.* hombre que no tiene palabra = not a man of his word.* índice de palabras del documento = textwords ratio.* índice invertido de las palabras del título = title word dictionary.* índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto) = KWIC (Keyword-in-Context).* índice KWIT (Palabra Clave del Título) = KWIT (Keyword-in-Title).* índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto) = KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context).* índice permutado de palabras clave = permuted keyword index.* indización por palabras clave = keyword indexing.* indización por palabras clave del título = catchword indexing, catchword title indexing.* indización por palabras del título = title-term indexing.* inflexión lingüística de una palabra = word form.* intercambiar palabras = bandy + words.* juego de palabras = turn of phrase, pun, play of words, play on words.* la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.* ley de frecuencias de palabras de Zipf = Zipf's word frequency law.* lista de palabras clave = go-list [golist].* lista de palabras vacías = stop list [stoplist], stopword list.* lista permutada de palabras clave = permuted keyword list.* mala palabra = dirty word.* mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* medir las palabras = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say, weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).* memorizar palabra por palabra = memorise + word for word.* método de ordenación palabra por palabra = word by word method, nothing before something method.* !ni una palabra a nadie! = not a word to anyone!.* no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.* nombre compuesto por varias palabras = multiple-word name.* número de palabras = wordage.* ordenación alfabética palabra por palabra = word by word alphabetisation.* ordenación palabra por palabra = word-by-word filing, nothing before something arrangement, word by word arrangement.* ordenar alfabéticamente palabra por palabra = arrange + alphabetically word by word.* orden inverso de palabras = indirect word order.* palabra ambigua = weasel word.* palabra clave = keyword [key word], key term.* palabra coloquial = slang word.* palabra común = common word.* palabra de contenido = content word.* palabra de control = control word.* palabra de Dios = word of God.* palabra de entrada principal = primary entry word.* palabra del documento = textword.* palabra del texto = text word.* palabra del título = title word, title term.* palabra de moda = buzzword [buzz word], byword.* palabra engañosa = weasel word.* palabra equívoca = weasel word.* palabra escrita, la = written word, the.* palabra fosilizada = fossil word.* palabra hablada, la = spoken word, the.* palabra híbrida = portmanteau word.* palabra impresa = words in print.* palabra impresa, la = printed word, the.* palabra justa, la = mot juste, the.* palabra llena de contenido = substantive word.* palabra malsonate = expletive.* palabra oculta = hidden word.* palabra por la que se ordena una entrada = filing word.* palabra por palabra = verbatim, word for word.* palabra puente = transitional word.* palabras = wordage.* palabras al viento = hot air.* palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.* palabras de agradecimiento = vote of thanks, word of thanks, words of gratitude, congratulatory speech, congratulatory remarks.* palabras de alabanza = words of praise.* palabras de aliento = pep talk.* palabras de ánimo = pep talk.* palabras de bienvenida = welcoming remarks, welcome remarks.* palabras de consuelo = words of comfort.* palabra significativa = content-bearing word, significant word.* palabras iniciales = opening statement.* palabras literales = quote... unquote.* palabras para levantar la moral = pep talk.* palabras + penetrar = words + sink.* palabras sabias = words of wisdom, pearls of wisdom, nuggets of truth, nuggets of wisdom.* palabras usadas = wording.* palabra vacía = stopword [stop-word], function word.* primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.* primeras palabras = opening statement.* pronunciar las palabras de corrido = slur + words.* quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.* raíz de palabra = word stem.* recordar + Posesivo + palabras = mark + Posesivo + words.* reducción de una palabra a su raíz = stemming.* reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.* secuencia de palabras = word string.* según las palabras de = to quote + Nombre de Persona, in the words of.* según sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own terms.* sentido de la palabra = word sense.* ser la última palabra = be all the rage.* significado de la palabra = word sense.* sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.* sin palabras = wordless.* sopesar las palabras = weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).* tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.* tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* tomarle la palabra a Alguien = take + Nombre + at + Posesivo + word.* última palabra + depender de = ultimate authority + rest with.* Posesivo + últimas palabras = last words, Posesivo + dying last words.* últimas palabras que se han hecho famosas = famous last words.* una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.* una imagen vale mil palabras = every picture tells a story.* un hombre de palabra = a man of his word.* un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.* variante morfológica de una palabra = word variant.* * *1) ( vocablo) worden pocas palabras, es un cobarde — in a word, he's a coward
yo no sabía ni una palabra del asunto — I didn't know a thing o anything about it
eso ya son palabras mayores — (refiriéndose - a insulto, acusación) those are strong words; (- a propuesta excesiva) that's taking things too far
quitarle las palabras de la boca a alguien — to take the words right out of somebody's mouth
tener la última palabra — to have the final say
2) ( promesa) wordnunca falta a su palabra — he never breaks o goes back on his word
se lo devolví palabra! — I gave it back to her, honest! (colloq)
cobrarle la palabra a alguien — (Chi fam) to hold somebody to his/her word (colloq)
tomarle la palabra a alguien: le tomé la palabra y le pedí un préstamo — I took him up on his offer and asked for a loan
3)a) ( habla) speechdejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca: me dejó con la palabra en la boca — ( me interrumpió) he cut me off in mid-sentence; ( no me dejó hablar) he didn't give me a chance to open my mouth
b) (frml) (en ceremonia, asamblea)pido la palabra — may I say something?, I'd like to say something
tener/tomar la palabra — to have/to take the floor (frml)
ceder (le) la palabra a alguien — to give the floor to somebody (frml), to call upon somebody to speak
* * *= word, headword.Ex: A subject index has alphabetical terms or words as headings; These terms represent concepts or subjects.
Ex: This tool allows the user to generate all known inflected forms from a list of headwords.* agrupar palabras que tienen la mism = merge + word forms.* agrupar palabras que tienen la misma raíz = merge + word forms.* análisis de la coocurrencia de palabras = co-word analysis.* anuncio por palabras = classified advertisement, classified ad.* búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.* búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.* catálogo alfabético de palabras clave = keyword catalogue.* citar las palabras de Alguien = quote + Nombre + words.* compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word.* concepto de múltiples palabras = multiple-word concept.* concepto expresado con varias palabras = database host.* con sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own words.* con una separación de + Número + palabras = within + Número + words of each other.* coocurrencia de palabras = co-word [coword].* cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.* dejar sin palabras = nonplus, leave + Nombre + speechless.* de múltiples palabras = multiple-word.* de palabra = by word of mouth, word-of-mouth.* describir con palabras = describe + in words.* descriptor compuesto de varias palabras = multiple-word descriptor.* de sólo palabras = word-oriented.* de una palabra = one-word.* de una única palabra = single-word.* dirigir la palabra = be civil towards.* dirigirse la palabra = on speaking terms.* encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.* en dos palabras = in a nutshell.* en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.* en las palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.* en las propias palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.* en ningún sentido de la palabra = in any sense of the word.* en otras palabras = in other words, to put it another way, which is to say.* en palabras = verbally.* en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.* entrada por palabra clave del título = catchword entry.* en una palabra = in a nutshell, in a word.* escoger las palabras = choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully).* expresar con palabras = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].* expresar los sentimientos con palabras = put + Posesivo + feelings into words.* fiarse de la palabra de Alguien = take + Posesivo + word for it.* fiel a la palabra de Uno = true to + Posesivo + word.* frecuencia de palabras = word count.* gesticular palabras con la boca sin emitir sonido = mouth.* hilvanar palabras = orchestrate + words.* hombre que no tiene palabra = not a man of his word.* índice de palabras del documento = textwords ratio.* índice invertido de las palabras del título = title word dictionary.* índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto) = KWIC (Keyword-in-Context).* índice KWIT (Palabra Clave del Título) = KWIT (Keyword-in-Title).* índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto) = KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context).* índice permutado de palabras clave = permuted keyword index.* indización por palabras clave = keyword indexing.* indización por palabras clave del título = catchword indexing, catchword title indexing.* indización por palabras del título = title-term indexing.* inflexión lingüística de una palabra = word form.* intercambiar palabras = bandy + words.* juego de palabras = turn of phrase, pun, play of words, play on words.* la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.* ley de frecuencias de palabras de Zipf = Zipf's word frequency law.* lista de palabras clave = go-list [golist].* lista de palabras vacías = stop list [stoplist], stopword list.* lista permutada de palabras clave = permuted keyword list.* mala palabra = dirty word.* mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* medir las palabras = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say, weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).* memorizar palabra por palabra = memorise + word for word.* método de ordenación palabra por palabra = word by word method, nothing before something method.* !ni una palabra a nadie! = not a word to anyone!.* no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.* nombre compuesto por varias palabras = multiple-word name.* número de palabras = wordage.* ordenación alfabética palabra por palabra = word by word alphabetisation.* ordenación palabra por palabra = word-by-word filing, nothing before something arrangement, word by word arrangement.* ordenar alfabéticamente palabra por palabra = arrange + alphabetically word by word.* orden inverso de palabras = indirect word order.* palabra ambigua = weasel word.* palabra clave = keyword [key word], key term.* palabra coloquial = slang word.* palabra común = common word.* palabra de contenido = content word.* palabra de control = control word.* palabra de Dios = word of God.* palabra de entrada principal = primary entry word.* palabra del documento = textword.* palabra del texto = text word.* palabra del título = title word, title term.* palabra de moda = buzzword [buzz word], byword.* palabra engañosa = weasel word.* palabra equívoca = weasel word.* palabra escrita, la = written word, the.* palabra fosilizada = fossil word.* palabra hablada, la = spoken word, the.* palabra híbrida = portmanteau word.* palabra impresa = words in print.* palabra impresa, la = printed word, the.* palabra justa, la = mot juste, the.* palabra llena de contenido = substantive word.* palabra malsonate = expletive.* palabra oculta = hidden word.* palabra por la que se ordena una entrada = filing word.* palabra por palabra = verbatim, word for word.* palabra puente = transitional word.* palabras = wordage.* palabras al viento = hot air.* palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.* palabras de agradecimiento = vote of thanks, word of thanks, words of gratitude, congratulatory speech, congratulatory remarks.* palabras de alabanza = words of praise.* palabras de aliento = pep talk.* palabras de ánimo = pep talk.* palabras de bienvenida = welcoming remarks, welcome remarks.* palabras de consuelo = words of comfort.* palabra significativa = content-bearing word, significant word.* palabras iniciales = opening statement.* palabras literales = quote... unquote.* palabras para levantar la moral = pep talk.* palabras + penetrar = words + sink.* palabras sabias = words of wisdom, pearls of wisdom, nuggets of truth, nuggets of wisdom.* palabras usadas = wording.* palabra vacía = stopword [stop-word], function word.* primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.* primeras palabras = opening statement.* pronunciar las palabras de corrido = slur + words.* quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.* raíz de palabra = word stem.* recordar + Posesivo + palabras = mark + Posesivo + words.* reducción de una palabra a su raíz = stemming.* reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.* secuencia de palabras = word string.* según las palabras de = to quote + Nombre de Persona, in the words of.* según sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own terms.* sentido de la palabra = word sense.* ser la última palabra = be all the rage.* significado de la palabra = word sense.* sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.* sin palabras = wordless.* sopesar las palabras = weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).* tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.* tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* tomarle la palabra a Alguien = take + Nombre + at + Posesivo + word.* última palabra + depender de = ultimate authority + rest with.* Posesivo + últimas palabras = last words, Posesivo + dying last words.* últimas palabras que se han hecho famosas = famous last words.* una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.* una imagen vale mil palabras = every picture tells a story.* un hombre de palabra = a man of his word.* un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.* variante morfológica de una palabra = word variant.* * *A (vocablo) worduna palabra de seis letras a six-letter wordes un bruto en toda la extensión de la palabra he's a brute, in every sense of the wordpalabras, palabras, yo lo que quiero son hechos I've heard enough words o talk, I want to see some actionno son más que palabras it's all talkes un hombre de pocas palabras he's a man of few wordssólo quiero decir unas palabras I just want to say a few wordstras unas palabras de saludo after a few words of welcomeno encuentro or tengo palabras para expresarles mi agradecimiento I cannot find words to express my gratitude to youmira, yo te lo puedo explicar en dos palabras look, let me put it to you simplyen pocas palabras, es un cobarde basically o to put it bluntly, he's a coward¿te parece bien? — en una palabra, no is that all right? in a word, nolo tradujo palabra por palabra he translated it word for wordni una palabra más, te quedas a cenar not another word o I don't want to hear another word, you're staying for dinneryo no sabía ni una palabra del asunto I didn't know a thing o anything about itde esto ni una palabra a nadie not a word to anyone about thisno entendí (ni) una palabra de lo que dijo I didn't understand a (single) word of what he saidsin decir (una) palabra without a wordcomerse las palabras to gabblecon (muy) buenas palabras in the nicest possible waydecirle a algn cuatro palabras bien dichas to tell sb a few home truthseso ya son palabras mayores (refiriéndose — a un insulto) those are strong words; (— a una acusación) that's a serious accusation, those are strong words; (— a una propuesta excesiva) that's taking things too far, that's a bit excessivela última palabra the last wordsiempre tiene que ser él el que diga la última palabra he always has to have the last worden este asunto la última palabra le corresponde a Juárez Juárez has the final say on this matterquitarle las palabras de la boca a algn to take the words right out of sb's mouthtener unas palabras con algn to have words with sb ( colloq)tuvieron unas palabras por un asunto de dinero they had words over some money matterlas palabras se las lleva el viento actions speak louder than wordsa palabras necias oídos sordos take no notice of the stupid things people sayCompuestos:key wordcompound word● palabra funcional or vacíafunction wordfpl (CS) crossword, crossword puzzleB (promesa) wordme basta con tu palabra your word is enough for meme dio su palabra she gave me her wordes una mujer de palabra she's a woman of her wordsiempre cumple con su palabra she always keeps her wordnunca falta a su palabra he never breaks o goes back on his wordpalabra que yo no sabía nada ( fam); honest o really o ( BrE) straight up, I didn't know a thing about it ( colloq)se lo devolví ¡palabra! I gave it back to her, honest! ( colloq)cobrarle la palabra a algn ( Chi fam); to take sb up on sth ( colloq), to keep o hold sb to his/her wordtomarle la palabra a algn: le tome la palabra y le pedí un préstamo I took him up on his offer and asked for a loanCompuesto:word of honor*le dio su palabra de honor de que no volvería a hacerlo he gave her his word of honor o his solemn word that he wouldn't do it againyo no fui ¡palabra de honor! it wasn't me, word of honor o I swear!C1 (habla) speechel don de la palabra the gift of speechme invitó sólo de palabra I only got a verbal invitationfue un acuerdo de palabra it was a verbal agreementpecar de pensamiento, palabra y obra to sin in thought, word and deedno me dirigió la palabra en toda la noche she didn't speak to me all nightnos ha retirado la palabra she doesn't speak to us anymore, she no longer deigns to speak to us ( hum)dejar a algn con la palabra en la boca: me dejó con la palabra en la boca (me interrumpió) he cut me off in mid-sentence; (no me dejó hablar) he didn't give me a chance to open my mouth2 ( frml)(en una ceremonia, asamblea): pido la palabra may I say something?, I'd like to say somethingtiene la palabra el delegado estudiantil the student delegate has the floor ( frml)no le concedieron la palabra he was denied permission to speak, he was denied the floor ( frml)ceder la palabra a algn to give the floor to sb ( frml), to call upon sb to speaka continuación hizo uso de la palabra el presidente de la institución then the president of the institute made a speech* * *
palabra sustantivo femenino
1 ( vocablo) word;
no son más que palabras it's all talk;
en pocas palabras, es un cobarde in a word, he's a coward;
palabra por palabra word for word;
yo no sabía ni una palabra del asunto I didn't know a thing o anything about it;
no entendí (ni) una palabra I didn't understand a (single) word;
sin decir (una) palabra without a word;
palabra compuesta compound word;
tener la última palabra to have the final say
2 ( promesa) word;
una mujer de palabra a woman of her word;
cumplió con su palabra she kept her word;
nunca falta a su palabra he never breaks o goes back on his word
un acuerdo de palabra a verbal agreement;
no me dirigió la palabra she didn't speak to me;
dejar a algn con la palabra en la boca to cut sb off in mid-sentenceb) (frml) (en ceremonia, asamblea):
tener/tomar la palabra to have/to take the floor (frml)
palabra sustantivo femenino
1 word
lo resumió en pocas palabras, she summarised it in a few words
(discurso) me quedé con la palabra en la boca, I was left speechless
Juan es hombre de pocas palabras, Juan is a man of few words
2 (capacidad para hablar) me dejó sin palabra, I was speechless
3 (compromiso) word: me dio su palabra, he gave me his word
no tiene palabra, she never keeps her word
4 (turno para hablar) right to speak
tener la palabra, to have the floor
♦ Locuciones: dirigir la palabra a alguien, to address sb
de palabra, by word of mouth
' palabra' also found in these entries:
- abogado
- abreviar
- acento
- ayunas
- baja
- bajo
- bañera
- bar
- bastante
- calor
- ceder
- chalet
- chimenea
- ciudad
- colmo
- comida
- comprometerse
- culta
- culto
- decirse
- disonante
- empeñar
- entredicho
- faltar
- fresca
- fresco
- histórica
- histórico
- honor
- justa
- justo
- ladrón
- ladrona
- lata
- mayoría
- mirar
- muletilla
- padre
- piso
- promesa
- pronunciar
- recta
- recto
- saludar
- saludo
- sigla
- subrayar
- taco
- tela
- buzz off
- cagey
- clinch
- connotation
- current
- date
- dated
- derive
- do
- engine driver
- female
- fish
- floor
- fuck
- go back on
- high
- honour
- interrogative
- lady
- marmalade
- match
- mint
- misuse
- operative
- score out
- sense
- shorten
- speak
- spectacle
- speech
- state-of-the-art
- storey
- true
- use
- verbatim
- way
- word
- a
- call
- compound
- key
- strict
- swear
- take
- unwritten
* * *♦ nf1. [término, vocablo] word;con palabras no puedo expresar lo que sentía words cannot express what I felt;dilo con tus propias palabras say it in your own words;lo dijo, aunque no con esas palabras she said it, though not in so many words;no son más que palabras (vacías) it's all talk;buenas palabras fine-sounding words;no cruzaron palabra en todo el camino they didn't exchange a word throughout the journey;dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca to cut sb off in mid-sentence;dirigir la palabra a alguien to speak to sb;no le dirige la palabra a su madre desde hace semanas he hasn't spoken to his mother for weeks;en otras palabras in other words;en una palabra in a word;lo dijo todo a medias palabras she only hinted at what she meant;medir las palabras to weigh one's words (carefully);no habla ni (media) palabra de español she doesn't speak a word of Spanish;yo de este tema no sé ni (media) palabra I don't know a thing about this subject;no dijo palabra he didn't say a word;palabra por palabra word for word;me has quitado la palabra de la boca you took the words right out of my mouth;lo de comprar una casa son palabras mayores buying a house is a very serious matter;no hace falta llegar a palabras mayores there is no need to get nasty about it;le aguanto casi todo, pero eso ya son palabras mayores I'll put up with almost anything from him, but that's going a bit (too) far;sin mediar palabra without a single word;tener la última palabra to have the last word;tener unas palabras con alguien to have words with sb;tuvo que tragarse sus palabras he had to eat his words;a palabras necias, oídos sordos sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me)Informát palabra clave keyword;palabra compuesta compound word;CSur palabras cruzadas crossword;palabra de Dios word of God2. [juramento, promesa] word;es su palabra contra la mía it's her word against mine;dar/empeñar la palabra to give/pledge one's word;ella me dio su palabra she gave me her word;dio (su) palabra de que nada saldría mal he gave his word that nothing would go wrong;estar bajo palabra [en juicio] to be under oath;faltó a su palabra he went back on his word, he broke o didn't keep his word;mantuvo su palabra she kept her word;no tiene palabra he's not a man of his word;tienes mi palabra you have my word;tomar la palabra a alguien to hold sb to their wordpalabra de honor word of honour;¡palabra (de honor)! honestly!;yo no sabía nada, ¡palabra (de honor)! I didn't know anything, honestly! o I swear!3. [habla] speech;con el susto perdió la palabra the shock left her speechless;de palabra by word of mouth, verbally;el trato se hizo de palabra it was a purely verbal agreement o a gentleman's agreementpedir la palabra to ask for the floor;¡pido la palabra! could I say something, please?;tomar la palabra to take the floor5.palabras [discurso] words;a continuación nuestro invitado nos dirigirá unas palabras our guest will now say a few words♦ nmpalabra de honor [vestido] strapless dress* * *f tb figword;palabra por palabra word for word;bajo palabra on parole;en una palabra in a word;en pocas palabras briefly;tomar la palabra speak;de palabra acuerdo verbal;de pocas palabras persona of few words;tomar a alguien la palabra take s.o. at his/her word;dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca fig cut s.o. off in mid-sentence;buenas palabras fine words;lo de tener un hijo son palabras mayores having a child is a serious business o is not something to be undertaken lightly;con medias palabras dijo … he hinted that …, he half said that …* * *palabra nf1) vocablo: word2) promesa: word, promiseun hombre de palabra: a man of his word3) habla: speech4) : right to speaktener la palabra: to have the floor* * *palabra n word¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? what does this word mean? -
10 life
noun, pl. lives1) Leben, dasit is a matter of life and death — es geht [dabei] um Leben und Tod; (fig.): (it is of vital importance) es ist äußerst wichtig (to für)
come to life — [Bild, Statue:] lebendig werden
run etc. for one's life — um sein Leben rennen usw.
life is not worth living — das Leben ist nicht lebenswert
late in life — erst im fortgeschrittenen Alter
for life — lebenslänglich [inhaftiert]
he's doing life — (coll.) er sitzt lebenslänglich (ugs.)
get life — (coll.) lebenslänglich kriegen (ugs.)
expectation of life — Lebenserwartung, die
get the fright/shock of one's life — (coll.) zu Tode erschrecken/den Schock seines Lebens bekommen (ugs.)
he will do anything for a quiet life — für ihn ist die Hauptsache, dass er seine Ruhe hat
make life easy for oneself/somebody — es sich (Dat.) /jemandem leicht machen
make life difficult for oneself/somebody — sich (Dat.) /jemandem das Leben schwer machen
this is the life! — (expr. content) so lässt sich's leben!
that's life, life's like that — so ist das Leben [nun mal]
not on your life — (coll.) nie im Leben! (ugs.)
save one's/somebody's life — sein Leben/jemandem das Leben retten
something is as much as somebody's life is worth — mit etwas setzt jemand sein Leben aufs Spiel
take one's [own] life — sich (Dat.) das Leben nehmen
get a life — (coll.) was aus seinem Leben machen
there is still life in something — in etwas (Dat.) steckt noch Leben
3) (living things and their activity) Leben, dasbird/insect life — die Vogelwelt/die Insekten
draw somebody from life — jemanden nach dem Leben zeichnen
as large as life — (life-size) lebensgroß; (in person) in voller Schönheit (ugs. scherzh.)
5) (specific aspect) [Privat-, Wirtschafts-, Dorf]leben, dasin this life — (on earth) in diesem Leben
eternal or everlasting life — ewiges Leben
* * *plural - lives; noun1) (the quality belonging to plants and animals which distinguishes them from rocks, minerals etc and things which are dead: Doctors are fighting to save the child's life.) das Leben2) (the period between birth and death: He had a long and happy life.) das Leben3) (liveliness: She was full of life and energy.) das Leben4) (a manner of living: She lived a life of ease and idleness.) das Leben5) (the period during which any particular state exists: He had many different jobs during his working life.) das Leben6) (living things: It is now believed that there may be life on Mars; animal life.) das Leben7) (the story of a life: He has written a life of Churchill.) die Lebensbeschreibung8) (life imprisonment: He was given life for murder.) lebenslängliche Haftstrafe, lebenslang•- academic.ru/42849/lifeless">lifeless- lifelike
- life-and-death
- lifebelt
- lifeboat
- lifebuoy
- life-cycle
- life expectancy
- lifeguard
- life-jacket
- lifeline
- lifelong
- life-saving
- life-sized
- life-size
- lifetime
- as large as life
- bring to life
- come to life
- for life
- the life and soul of the party
- not for the life of me
- not on your life! - take life
- take one's life
- take one's life in one's hands
- to the life* * *<pl lives>[laɪf, pl laɪvz]I. ncats are supposed to have nine lives man sagt, Katzen haben neun Leben ntrun for your \life! renn um dein Leben!it's a matter of \life and death! es geht um Leben und Tod!a \life and death issue eine Frage, die über Leben und Tod entscheiden kannin a previous \life in einem früheren Lebento believe in \life after death an ein Leben nach dem Tod[e] glaubento lose one's \life sein Leben lassen, ums Leben kommento save sb's \life jdm das Leben rettento seek sb's \life jdm nach dem Leben trachtento take sb's \life ( form) jdn töten [o umbringen]to take one's own \life sich dat [selbst] das Leben nehmen\life is a precious gift das Leben ist ein wertvolles Guthe tried to discover some sign of \life in the boy's body er versuchte irgendein Lebenszeichen im Körper des Jungen festzustellenI love \life ich liebe das Lebento be one/another of \life's great mysteries ( hum) eines/ein weiteres der großen Geheimnisse des Lebens seinthere are no signs of \life on the planet auf dem Planeten gibt es keinen Hinweis auf Lebenanimal \life Tierwelt fplant \life Pflanzenwelt finsect \life Welt f der Insekten, Insekten plintelligent/sentient \life intelligentes/empfindendes Lebento be deeply rooted in American \life tief im Leben der Amerikaner verwurzelt seinfamily \life Familienleben ntlove \life Liebesleben ntprivate \life Privatleben ntworking \life Arbeitsleben ntcome on, show a little \life! los, jetzt zeig' mal ein bisschen Temperament! famput more \life into your voice bringen Sie etwas mehr Timbre in die Stimmethere isn't much \life here hier ist nicht viel losto be full of \life voller Leben sein, vor Leben [nur so] sprühento bring sth to \life etw lebendiger machento come to \life lebendig werden figafter an hour the party finally came to \life nach einer Stunde kam endlich Leben in die Partyteaching has been her \life der Lehrberuf war ihr Lebenshe only wants two things in \life sie wünscht sich nur zwei Dinge im Lebenwho's the man in your \life now? [und] wer ist der neue Mann in deinem Leben?a dull/exciting \life ein langweiliges/aufregendes Lebento want sth out of [or in] \life etw vom Leben erwartenhow many lives were lost in the fire? wie viele Menschenleben hat der Brand gekostet?to save a \life ein Menschenleben rettenI left home at 16 to see \life ich ging mit 16 von zu Hause fort, um etwas vom Leben und von der Welt zu sehento give sb an outlook on \life jdm eine Lebenseinstellung vermittelnI believe marriage is for \life ich finde, eine Ehe sollte für das ganze Leben geschlossen werdenhe's behind bars for \life er sitzt lebenslänglich [hinter Gittern] fama job for \life eine Stelle auf Lebenszeit11. (duration) of a device, battery Lebensdauer f, Nutzungsdauer f; of an institution Bestehen nt kein pl; of a contract Laufzeit fduring the \life of the present parliament während der jetzigen Legislaturperiode [des Parlaments]to be doing/get \life lebenslänglich sitzen fam/bekommentaken from the \life nach einem Modell14. (reality)true to \life wirklichkeitsgetreu15.▶ for dear \life verzweifeltshe hung on for dear \life sie klammerte sich fest, als hinge ihr Leben davon ab▶ to frighten [or scare] the \life out of sb jdn furchtbar [o zu Tode] erschrecken▶ not for the \life of me nicht um alles in der Weltget a \life! komm endlich auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurück!▶ the good \life das süße Leben, das [o die] Dolce Vita▶ to be the \life [ BRIT and soul] of the/any party der [strahlende] Mittelpunkt der/jeder Party sein▶ \life's rich tapestry die Sonnen- und Schattenseiten des Lebens▶ to save one's [own] \life:he couldn't sing to save his \life er konnte ums Verrecken nicht singen sl▶ to be set [up] for \life für den Rest des Lebens ausgesorgt habenthat sketch is Joanna to the \life diese Zeichnung trifft Joanna aufs Haar▶ one's \life [or \life's] work jds Lebenswerk\life drawing/[drawing] class Aktzeichnung f/Aktzeichnen nt (Kunststunde, in der nach Modell gemalt wird)* * *[laɪf]n pl lives1) Leben ntbird/plant life — die Vogel-/Pflanzenwelt
to bring sb back to life — jdn wiederbeleben, jdn ins Leben zurückrufen
I'm the sort of person who comes to life in the evenings — ich bin ein Typ, der erst abends munter wird
after half an hour the discussion came to life — nach einer halben Stunde kam Leben in die Diskussion
they swam for dear life —
they looked at him in the oxygen tent fighting for dear life — sie sahen, wie er im Sauerstoffzelt um sein Leben kämpfte
the murderer was imprisoned for life — der Mörder wurde zu lebenslänglicher Freiheitsstrafe verurteilt
2)(= individual life)
how many lives were lost? — wie viele (Menschen) sind ums Leben gekommen?to take one's own life — sich (dat) das Leben nehmen
to save sb's life (lit) — jdm das Leben retten; (fig) jdn retten
the suspected murderer is on trial for his life —
early in life, in early life — in frühen Jahren
later in life, in later life — in späteren Jahren, später im Leben
she began ( her working) life as a teacher — sie begann ihr Berufsleben als Lehrerin
it gave me the fright of my life — es hat mich zu Tode erschreckt
I can't for the life of me... (inf) — ich kann beim besten Willen nicht...
never in my life have I heard such nonsense — ich habe mein Lebtag noch nicht or noch nie im Leben so einen Unsinn gehört
would you ever disobey him? – not on your life! (inf) — würdest du je seine Befehle missachten? – nie im Leben!
get a life! (inf) — sonst hast du keine Probleme? (inf)
it seemed to have a life of its own —
he is a good/bad life (Insur) — er ist ein niedriges/hohes Risiko
3)(= the world, social activity)
to see life — die Welt sehen4) (= liveliness) Leben ntwas full of life —
there's life in the old girl yet (inf) — sie ist noch schwer aktiv (inf); (of car) die Kiste bringts noch (sl)
of the party — John will überall im Mittelpunkt stehen
5) (= way of life) Leben ntthis is the life! — ja, ist das ein Leben!
such is life, that's life — so ist das Leben
6) (= useful or active life) Lebensdauer fduring the life of the present Parliament —
there's not much life left in the battery, the battery's nearing the end of its life — die Batterie machts nicht mehr lange (inf)
* * *life [laıf] pl lives [laıvz] s1. (organisches) Leben:how did life begin? wie ist das Leben entstanden?2. Leben(skraft) n(f)3. Leben n:a) Lebenserscheinungen plb) Lebewesen pl:there is no life on the moon auf dem Mond gibt es kein Leben;marine life das Leben im Meer, die Lebenserscheinungen oder Lebewesen im Meerthey lost their lives sie verloren ihr Leben, sie kamen ums Leben;three lives were lost drei Menschenleben sind zu beklagen;with great sacrifice of life mit schweren Verlusten an Menschenleben;risk life and limb Leib und Leben riskieren5. Leben n (eines Einzelwesens):a matter (question) of life and death eine lebenswichtige Angelegenheit (Frage);early in life in jungen Jahren;my early life meine Jugend;late in life in vorgerücktem Alter;as if ( oder though) his life depended on it als ob sein Leben davon abhinge, als ob es um sein Leben ginge;he’s out of my life er existiert für mich überhaupt nicht mehr; → danger A 1, matter A 3, own Bes Redew, risk B 1all his life sein ganzes Leben lang;the life of a book die Erfolgszeit eines Buches;b) WIRTSCH, JUR Laufzeit f (eines Wechsels, Vertrags etc), besonders WIRTSCH Haltbarkeit f, Lagerfähigkeit f:8. Leben(sbeschreibung) n(f), Biografie f9. Leben n, menschliches Tun und Treiben, Welt f:life in Australia das Leben in Australien;10. Leben n, Schwung m:full of life lebendig, voller Leben;the life of the Constitution der wesentliche Inhalt der Verfassung;he was the life and soul of the party er brachte Schwung in die Party, er unterhielt die ganze Party11. KUNST Leben n:12. Versicherungswesen:a) auf Lebenszeit Versicherte(r) m/f(m) (im Hinblick auf die Lebenserwartung)13. JUR umg lebenslängliche Freiheitsstrafe:he is doing life er sitzt lebenslänglich;a) fürs (ganze) Leben, für den Rest seines Lebens,imprisonment for life lebenslängliche Freiheitsstrafe;not for the life of me umg nicht um alles in der Welt;I couldn’t get to sleep for the life of me umg ich konnte ums Verrecken nicht einschlafen;not on your life umg ganz bestimmt nicht, unter keinen Umständen;to the life nach dem Leben, lebensecht, naturgetreu;upon my life! so wahr ich lebe!;that’s life so ist nun einmal das Leben;music was his life die Musik war sein Leben;where ( oder while) there’s life there’s hope (Sprichwort) MED man darf die Hoffnung nie aufgeben, weitS. a. es hofft der Mensch, solange er lebt;a) auch put life into beleben, Leben oder Schwung bringen in (akk), auch jemanden in Schwung bringenafter some time the party came to life nach einiger Zeit kam Leben oder Schwung in die Party;a) wieder zu(m) Bewusstsein oder zu sich kommen,I couldn’t get it open to save my life umg ich brachte es nicht ums Verrecken auf;sell one’s life dearly sein Leben teuer verkaufen;show (signs of) life Lebenszeichen von sich geben;seek sb’s life jemandem nach dem Leben trachten;take sb’s life jemanden umbringen;take one’s own life sich das Leben nehmen;take one’s life in one’s (own) hands umg sein Leben riskieren oder aufs Spiel setzen; → bet B, bowl1 1 b, breathe B 1, bring back 4, charm B 2* * *noun, pl. lives1) Leben, dasit is a matter of life and death — es geht [dabei] um Leben und Tod; (fig.): (it is of vital importance) es ist äußerst wichtig (to für)
come to life — [Bild, Statue:] lebendig werden
run etc. for one's life — um sein Leben rennen usw.
for life — lebenslänglich [inhaftiert]
he's doing life — (coll.) er sitzt lebenslänglich (ugs.)
get life — (coll.) lebenslänglich kriegen (ugs.)
expectation of life — Lebenserwartung, die
get the fright/shock of one's life — (coll.) zu Tode erschrecken/den Schock seines Lebens bekommen (ugs.)
he will do anything for a quiet life — für ihn ist die Hauptsache, dass er seine Ruhe hat
make life easy for oneself/somebody — es sich (Dat.) /jemandem leicht machen
make life difficult for oneself/somebody — sich (Dat.) /jemandem das Leben schwer machen
this is the life! — (expr. content) so lässt sich's leben!
that's life, life's like that — so ist das Leben [nun mal]
not on your life — (coll.) nie im Leben! (ugs.)
save one's/somebody's life — sein Leben/jemandem das Leben retten
take one's [own] life — sich (Dat.) das Leben nehmen
get a life — (coll.) was aus seinem Leben machen
2) (energy, animation) Leben, dasthere is still life in something — in etwas (Dat.) steckt noch Leben
3) (living things and their activity) Leben, dasbird/insect life — die Vogelwelt/die Insekten
as large as life — (life-size) lebensgroß; (in person) in voller Schönheit (ugs. scherzh.)
5) (specific aspect) [Privat-, Wirtschafts-, Dorf]leben, dasin this life — (on earth) in diesem Leben
the other or the future or the next life — (in heaven) das zukünftige Leben [nach dem Tode]
eternal or everlasting life — ewiges Leben
6) (of battery, lightbulb, etc.) Lebensdauer, die* * *n.(§ pl.: lives)Lebensdauer f. -
11 have
1. transitive verb,1) (possess) habenI have it! — ich hab's[!]
and what have you — (coll.) und so weiter
2) (obtain) bekommenlet's not have any... — lass uns... vermeiden
come on, let's have it! — (coll.) rück schon raus damit! (ugs.)
3) (take) nehmen4) (keep) behalten; habenhave breakfast/dinner/lunch — frühstücken/zu Abend/zu Mittag essen
6) (experience) haben [Spaß, Vergnügen]7) (suffer) haben [Krankheit, Schmerz, Enttäuschung, Abenteuer]; (show) haben [Güte, Freundlichkeit, Frechheit]8) (engage in)9) (accept)I won't have it — das lasse ich mir nicht bieten
10) (give birth to) bekommen11) (coll.): (swindle)ever been had! — da bist du ganz schön reingefallen (ugs.)
12) (know)I have it on good authority that... — ich weiß es aus zuverlässiger Quelle, dass...
13) (as guest)14) (summon)he had me into his office — er hat mich in sein Büro beordert
15) (in coll. phrases)you've had it now — (coll.) jetzt ist es aus (ugs.)
2. auxiliary verb,this car/dress has had it — (coll.) dieser Wagen/dieses Kleid hat ausgedient
I have/I had read — ich habe/hatte gelesen
I have/I had gone — ich bin/war gegangen
having seen him — (because) weil ich ihn gesehen habe/hatte; (after) wenn ich ihn gesehen habe/nachdem ich ihn gesehen hatte
if I had known... — wenn ich gewusst hätte...
2) (cause to be)have something made/repaired — etwas machen/reparieren lassen
have the painters in — die Maler haben
have somebody do something — jemanden etwas tun lassen
have a tooth extracted — sich (Dat.) einen Zahn ziehen lassen
3)she had her purse stolen — man hat ihr das Portemonnaie gestohlen
4) (expr. obligation)I only have to do the washing-up — ich muss nur noch den Abwasch machen
3. nounI have only to see him to feel annoyed — ich brauche ihn nur zu sehen, und ich ärgere mich
Phrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/33887/have_off">have off- have on- have out* * *(to have or keep (something) in case or until it is needed: If you go to America please keep some money in reserve for your fare home.) in Reserve halten* * *[hæv, həv]<has, had, had>1. (forming past tenses)he has never been to Scotland before er war noch nie zuvor in Schottlandwe had been swimming wir waren schwimmen gewesenI've heard that story before ich habe diese Geschichte schon einmal gehörtI wish I'd bought it ich wünschte, ich hätte es gekauftI've passed my test — \have you? congratulations! ich habe den Test bestanden — oh, wirklich? herzlichen Glückwunsch!they still hadn't had any news sie hatten immer noch keine Neuigkeiten2. (experience)she had her car stolen last week man hat ihr letzte Woche das Auto gestohlenhe had a window smashed es wurde ihm eine Scheibe eingeschlagen3. (render)▪ to \have sth done etw tun lassen4. (must)▪ to \have [or \have got] to do sth etw tun müssenwhat time \have we got to be there? wann müssen wir dort sein?do I \have to? muss ich [das] wirklich?had I/she/he etc. done sth,... hätte ich/sie/er etc. etw getan,..., wenn ich/sie/er etc. etw getan hätte,...if only I'd known this wenn ich das nur gewusst hätteII. TRANSITIVE VERB<has, had, had>1. (possess)he's got green eyes er hat grüne Augen; (own) etw haben [o besitzen]I don't have [or haven't got] a car ich habe [o besitze] kein Autodo you have a current driving licence? haben Sie einen gültigen Führerschein?she has a degree in physics sie hat einen Hochschulabschluss in Physikto \have [or esp BRIT, AUS \have got] the time (know the time) die Uhrzeit haben, wissen, wie spät [o wie viel Uhr] es ist; (have enough time) Zeit haben\have you got the time? kannst du mir die Uhrzeit sagen?will you \have time to finish the report today? reicht es Ihnen, den Bericht heute noch zu Ende zu schreiben?2. (suffer from)to \have cancer/polio Krebs/Polio haben, an Krebs/Polio erkrankt seinto \have a cold erkältet sein, eine Erkältung haben3. (feel)at least she had the good sense to turn the gas off zumindest war sie so schlau, das Gas abzudrehenhe had the gall to tell me that I was fat! hat er doch die Frechheit besessen, mir zu sagen, ich sei dick!to \have the decency to do sth die Anständigkeit besitzen, etw zu tunto \have the honesty to do sth so ehrlich sein, etw zu tunto \have patience/sympathy Geduld/Mitgefühl habenI \haven't any sympathy for this troublemaker ich empfinde keinerlei Mitleid mit diesem Unruhestifter4. (engage in)to \have a bath/shower ein Bad/eine Dusche nehmen, baden/duschento \have a party eine Party machento \have a swim schwimmento \have a try es versuchenI'd like to \have a try ich würde es gern einmal probierento \have a walk spazieren gehen, einen Spaziergang machen5. (consume)I haven't had shrimps in ages! ich habe schon ewig keine Shrimps mehr gegessen!\have a cigarette/some more coffee nimm doch eine Zigarette/noch etwas Kaffeewe're having sausages for lunch today zum Mittagessen gibt es heute Würstchento \have a cigarette eine Zigarette rauchento \have lunch/dinner zu Mittag/Abend essen6. (experience)we're having a wonderful time in Venice wir verbringen eine wundervolle Zeit in Venedigwe didn't \have any difficulty finding the house wir hatten keinerlei Schwierigkeiten, das Haus zu findenwe'll soon \have rain es wird bald regnenlet's not \have any trouble now! bloß kein Ärger jetzt!to \have fun/luck Spaß/Glück haben\have a nice day/evening! viel Spaß!; (to customers) einen schönen Tag noch!7. (receive)I've just had a letter from John ich habe gerade erst einen Brief von John erhaltenokay, let's \have it! okay, her [o rüber] damit! famto let sb \have sth back jdm etw zurückgebento \have news of sb Neuigkeiten von jdm erfahrenmy mother's having the children to stay die Kinder bleiben bei meiner Mutterwe had his hamster for weeks wir haben wochenlang für seinen Hamster gesorgtthey've got Ian's father staying with them Ians Vater ist bei ihnen zu Besuchthanks for having us danke für Ihre Gastfreundschaftthey solved their problems, and she had him back sie haben ihre Probleme gelöst und sie ist wieder mit ihm zusammento \have sb to visit jdn zu [o auf] Besuch habento \have visitors Besuch haben9. (feature)the new model has xenon headlights das neue Modell ist mit Xenon-Scheinwerfern ausgestattet10. (exhibit)this wine has a soft, fruity flavour dieser Wein schmeckt weich und fruchtig11. (comprise)a week has 7 days eine Wochen hat [o geh zählt] 7 Tage12. (have learned)to \have [a little] French/German Grundkenntnisse in Französisch/Deutsch haben13. (think)14. (be obliged)you simply \have to see this film! diesen Film musst du dir unbedingt anschauen!15. (give birth to)to \have a child ein Kind bekommenmy mother was 18 when she had me meine Mutter war 18, als ich geboren wurdeto be having a baby (be pregnant) ein Baby bekommen, schwanger sein16. (render)to \have [or esp BRIT, AUS \have got] sth ready (finish) etw fertig haben; (to hand) etw bereit haben17. (induce)▪ to \have sb do sth jdn [dazu] veranlassen, etw zu tun▪ to \have sb/sth doing sth jdn/etw dazu bringen, etw zu tunthe film soon had us crying der Film brachte uns schnell zum WeinenGuy'll \have it working in no time Guy wird es im Handumdrehen zum Laufen bringen18. (request)▪ to \have sb do sth jdn [darum] bitten, etw zu tunI'll \have the secretary run you off a copy for you ich werde von der Sekretärin eine Kopie für Sie anfertigen lassen19. (find)20. (place)she had her back to me sie lag/saß/stand mit dem Rücken zu mir21. (hold)she had the dog by the ears sie hielt den Hund fest an den Ohrento \have [or esp BRIT, AUS \have got] sb by the throat jdn bei [o an] der Kehle [o Gurgel] gepackt haben▪ to \have sb mit jdm Sex habenhow many men have you had? wie viele Männer hast du gehabt?£80 for a CD? you've been had! 80 Pfund für eine CD? dich hat man ganz schön übern Tisch gezogen! famthe GNP of Greece? you \have me there das BSP von Griechenland? da hab ich nicht den leisesten Schimmer famI think I'm going to have myself an ice cream Ich glaub', ich gönne mir ein Eisdon't worry about it anymore — just go and have yourself a nice little holiday mach dir mal keine Gedanken mehr darüber — genieße erstmal deinen Urlaub26.▶ to not \have sb/sth doing sth nicht erlauben [o zulassen], dass jd/etw etw tutwe \have it! wir haben es!rumour has it that... es geht das Gerücht [um], dass...▶ to have had it ( fam: be broken) hinüber sein fam, ausgedient haben; (be tired) fix und fertig sein fam; (be in serious trouble) dran fam [o sl geliefert] seinif she finds out, you've had it! wenn sie es herausfindet, bist du dran [o ist der Ofen aus]! fam▶ to have had it with sb/sth ( fam) von jdm/etw die Nase [gestrichen] voll haben fam, jdn/etw satthabenI've had it with his childish behaviour! sein kindisches Benehmen steht mir bis hier oben!there's no real Italian cheese to be had round here man bekommt hier nirgendwo echten italienischen KäseI won't \have it! kommt nicht infrage [o fam in die Tüte]!I'm not having any squabbling in this house ich toleriere in diesem Haus keine ZankereiI'm not having your behaviour spoil my party ich werde mir meine Feier durch dein Benehmen nicht verderben lassenI wont have you insult my wife ich lasse es nicht zu, dass Sie meine Frau beleidigen▶ to \have [or esp BRIT, AUS\have got] nothing on sb ( fam: be less able) gegen jdn nicht ankommen, mit jdm nicht mithalten können; (lack evidence) nichts gegen jdn in der Hand haben, keine Handhabe gegen jdn habenhe's a good player, but he's got nothing on his brother er spielt gut, aber seinem Bruder kann er noch lange nicht das Wasser reichenIII. NOUN( fam)the \haves and the \have-nots die Besitzenden und die Besitzlosen* * *[hv] pret, ptp had, 3rd pers sing present has When have is part of a set combination, eg have a look, have a dream, have a good time, look up the noun.1. AUXILIARY VERB1) habenThe verb haben is the auxiliary used with most verbs to form past tenses in German. For important exceptions see (b).to have seen/heard/eaten — gesehen/gehört/gegessen haben
I have/had seen — ich habe/hatte gesehen
I have not/had not or I haven't/I hadn't seen him — ich habe/hatte ihn nicht gesehen
had I seen him, if I had seen him — hätte ich ihn gesehen, wenn ich ihn gesehen hätte
having said that he left — nachdem or als er das gesagt hatte, ging er Note the tenses used in the following:
I have lived or have been living here for 10 years/since January — ich wohne or lebe schon 10 Jahre/seit Januar hier
2) seinThe verb sein is used with verbs of motion, eg. gehen, fahren, or verbs implying development, eg. wachsen, and to form past tenses.to have gone/run — gegangen/gelaufen sein
3)you've seen her, haven't you? — du hast sie gesehen, oder nicht?you haven't seen her, have you? — du hast sie nicht gesehen, oder?
you haven't seen her – yes, I have — du hast sie nicht gesehen – doch or wohl (inf)
you've made a mistake – no, I haven't — du hast einen Fehler gemacht – nein(, hab ich nicht)
you've dropped your book – so I have — dir ist dein Buch hingefallen – stimmt or tatsächlich
have you been there? if you have/haven't... — sind Sie schon mal da gewesen? wenn ja/nein or nicht,...
I have seen a ghost – have you? — ich habe ein Gespenst gesehen – wahrhaftig or tatsächlich?
I've lost it – you haven't! (disbelieving) — ich habe es verloren – nein!
2. MODAL AUXILIARY VERB__diams; to have to do sth (= to be obliged) etw tun müssenI have (got esp Brit) to do it — ich muss es tun or machen
she was having to get up at 6 o'clock each morning — sie musste jeden Morgen um 6 Uhr aufstehen
it's got to be or it has to be the biggest scandal this year — das ist todsicher der (größte) Skandal des Jahres
I don't have to do it — ich muss es nicht tun, ich brauche es nicht zu tun
you didn't have to tell her — das mussten Sie ihr nicht unbedingt sagen, das hätten Sie ihr nicht unbedingt sagen müssen or brauchen
he doesn't have to work — er braucht nicht zu arbeiten, er muss nicht arbeiten
3. TRANSITIVE VERB1) = possess habenhave you (got esp Brit) or do you have a car? — hast du ein Auto?
to have something/nothing to do — etwas/nichts zu tun haben
I have (got esp Brit) work/a translation to do — ich habe zu arbeiten/eine Übersetzung zu erledigen
I must have more time —
she has (got esp Brit) blue eyes — sie hat blaue Augen
what time do you have? (US) — wie viel Uhr hast du? (inf), wie spät hast du es?
2) = receive, obtain, get habenI have it on good authority that... — ich habe aus zuverlässiger Quelle gehört or erfahren, dass...
I must have something to eat — ich brauche etwas zu essen, ich muss dringend etwas zu essen haben
there are no newspapers to be had —
I'll have the bed in this room — das Bett möchte or werde ich in dieses Zimmer stellen
thanks for having me — vielen Dank für Ihre Gastfreundschaft __diams; to let sb have sth
please let me have your address I'll let you have it for £50 — geben Sie mir bitte Ihre Adresse ich gebe es dir für £ 50
3)= eat, drink, take
to have breakfast — frühstückento have lunch/dinner — zu Mittag/Abend essen
will you have a drink/cigarette? — möchten Sie etwas zu trinken/eine Zigarette?
what will you have? – I'll have the steak — was möchten or hätten Sie gern(e)? – ich hätte or möchte gern das Steak
he had a cigarette/drink/steak —
have another one — nimm noch eine/einen/eines; (drink) trink noch einen; (cigarette) rauch noch eine
4) = catch, hold (gepackt) habenme by the throat/the hair — er hatte or hielt mich am Hals/bei den Haaren gepackt
him where I want him —
the champion had him now — der Meister hatte ihn jetzt fest im Griff or in der Tasche (inf)
5)= suffer from
he has diabetes — er ist zuckerkrank, er hat Zucker (inf)6)= experience
to have a pleasant evening — einen netten Abend verbringento have a good time — Spaß haben, sich amüsieren
8)= go for
to have a walk — einen Spaziergang machen, spazieren gehen9)= give birth to
to have a child or baby —she is having a baby in April she had twins — sie bekommt or kriegt (inf) im April ein Kind sie hat Zwillinge bekommen or geboren or gekriegt (inf)
our cat has had kittens — unsere Katze hat Junge gekriegt (inf) or bekommen
10)= cause to be
I had him in such a state that... — er war in einer solchen Verfassung, dass...he had the police baffled —
she nearly had the table over (Brit) — sie hätte den Tisch beinahe umgekippt or zum Umkippen gebracht
11)= maintain, insist
as he has it, Paul is guilty — er besteht darauf, dass Paul schuldig istas he had it, Paul isn't guilty — er wollte nichts davon hören, dass Paul schuldig ist
has it —
as the Bible/Shakespeare has it — wie es in der Bibel/bei Shakespeare steht
12)= refuse to allow
in negative sentences I won't have this nonsense — dieser Unsinn kommt (mir) nicht infrage or in Frage!I won't have this sort of rudeness! —
I won't have him insulted —
I won't have him insult his mother — ich lasse es nicht zu, dass er seine Mutter beleidigt
13) = wish mögenwhich one will you have? —
as fate would have it,... — wie es das Schicksal so wollte,...
what would you have me do? — was wollen Sie, dass ich mache?
to have one's hair cut — sich (dat) die Haare schneiden lassen
to have a suit made — sich (dat) einen Anzug machen lassen
have it mended — geben Sie es in Reparatur, lassen Sie es reparieren
he had his arm broken — er hat/hatte einen gebrochenen Arm
I've had three windows broken — (bei) mir sind drei Fenster eingeworfen worden __diams; to have sb do sth = make them do
I'll have you know... — Sie müssen nämlich wissen...
I had my friends turn against me — ich musste es erleben, wie or dass sich meine Freunde gegen mich wandten
she soon had them all reading and writing — dank ihres Engagements konnten alle schon bald lesen und schreiben __diams; to have had it
if I miss the last bus, I've had it — wenn ich den letzten Bus verpasse, bin ich geliefert (inf) or ist der Ofen aus (inf) __diams; let him have it! (inf) gibs ihm! (inf) __diams; have it your own way machen Sie es or halten Sie es, wie Sie wollen __diams; to be had ( inf
* * *A s1. the haves and the have-nots die Begüterten und die Habenichtse, die Reichen und die Armen2. Br umg Trick mB v/t prät und pperf had [hæd], 2. sg präs obs hast [hæst], 3. sg präs has [hæz], obs hath [hæθ], 2. sg prät obs hadst [hædst]1. allg haben, besitzen:he has a house (a friend, a good memory);we can’t have everything man kann nicht alles haben;you have my word for it ich gebe Ihnen mein Wort darauf;I had the whole road to myself ich hatte die ganze Straße für mich allein;2. haben, erleben:we had a fine time wir hatten viel Spaß, wir hatten es schön3. a) ein Kind bekommen4. behalten:5. Gefühle, einen Verdacht etc haben, hegenfrom von):(not) to be had (nicht) zu haben, (nicht) erhältlich7. (erfahren) haben:I have it from reliable sources ich habe es aus verlässlicher Quelle (erfahren);I have it from my friend ich habe oder weiß es von meinem FreundI had a glass of sherry ich trank ein Glas Sherry;have another sandwich nehmen Sie noch ein Sandwich!;what will you have? was nehmen Sie?;9. haben, ausführen, (mit)machen:10. können, beherrschen:she has no French sie kann nicht oder kein Französisch;have sth by heart etwas auswendig können11. (be)sagen, behaupten:he will have it that … er behauptet steif und fest, dass …;12. sagen, ausdrücken:as Byron has it wie Byron sagt13. umg erwischt haben:he had me there da hatte er mich (an meiner schwachen Stelle) erwischt, da war ich überfragt14. Br umg jemanden reinlegen:you have been had man hat dich reingelegt oder übers Ohr gehauen15. haben, dulden:I won’t have it mentioned ich will nicht, dass es erwähnt wird;he wasn’t having any umg er ließ sich auf nichts ein;16. haben, erleiden:they had broken bones sie erlitten Knochenbrüche;he had a shock er bekam einen Schock17. (vor inf) müssen:he will have to do it er wird es tun müssen;we have to obey wir haben zu oder müssen gehorchen;18. (mit Objekt und pperf) lassen:I had a suit made ich ließ mir einen Anzug machen;they had him shot sie ließen ihn erschießen19. mit Objekt und pperf zum Ausdruck des Passivs:he had a son born to him ihm wurde ein Sohn geboren;I’ve had some money stolen mir ist Geld gestohlen worden20. (mit Objekt und inf) (veran)lassen:have them come here at once lass sie sofort hierherkommen;I had him sit down ich ließ ihn Platz nehmen21. (mit Objekt und inf) es erleben, dass:I had all my friends turn against me ich erlebte es oder ich musste es erleben, dass sich alle meine Freunde gegen mich wandtenI would have you to know it ich möchte, dass Sie es wissenI had rather go than stay ich möchte lieber gehen als bleiben;you had best go du tätest am besten daran, zu gehen;he better had das wäre das Beste(, was er tun könnte)C v/i1. obs eilen:have after sb jemandem nacheilen3. they had until July 3 sie hatten bis zum 3. Juli Zeit4. I have to ich muss;do you have to? muss das sein?D v/aux1. haben:I have seen ich habe gesehen2. sein:I have it! ich habs! (ich habe die Lösung gefunden);he has had it umga) er ist reingefallen,b) er hat sein Fett (seine Strafe) weg,I didn’t know he had it in him ich wusste gar nicht, dass er dazu fähig ist oder dass er das Zeug dazu hat;I have nothing against him personally ich habe nichts gegen ihn persönlich;a) jemandem in keiner Weise überlegen sein,b) nichts gegen jemanden in der Hand haben, jemandem nichts anhaben können have it (all) over sb umg jemandem (haushoch) überlegen sein;he has it over me that … umg er ist mir insofern voraus, als …;* * *1. transitive verb,1) (possess) habenI have it! — ich hab's[!]
and what have you — (coll.) und so weiter
2) (obtain) bekommenlet's not have any... — lass uns... vermeiden
come on, let's have it! — (coll.) rück schon raus damit! (ugs.)
3) (take) nehmen4) (keep) behalten; haben5) (eat, drink, etc.)have breakfast/dinner/lunch — frühstücken/zu Abend/zu Mittag essen
6) (experience) haben [Spaß, Vergnügen]7) (suffer) haben [Krankheit, Schmerz, Enttäuschung, Abenteuer]; (show) haben [Güte, Freundlichkeit, Frechheit]8) (engage in)9) (accept)10) (give birth to) bekommen11) (coll.): (swindle)I was had — ich bin [he]reingelegt worden (ugs.)
12) (know)I have it on good authority that... — ich weiß es aus zuverlässiger Quelle, dass...
13) (as guest)14) (summon)15) (in coll. phrases)you've had it now — (coll.) jetzt ist es aus (ugs.)
2. auxiliary verb,this car/dress has had it — (coll.) dieser Wagen/dieses Kleid hat ausgedient
I have/I had read — ich habe/hatte gelesen
I have/I had gone — ich bin/war gegangen
having seen him — (because) weil ich ihn gesehen habe/hatte; (after) wenn ich ihn gesehen habe/nachdem ich ihn gesehen hatte
if I had known... — wenn ich gewusst hätte...
have something made/repaired — etwas machen/reparieren lassen
have a tooth extracted — sich (Dat.) einen Zahn ziehen lassen
3)4) (expr. obligation)3. nounI have only to see him to feel annoyed — ich brauche ihn nur zu sehen, und ich ärgere mich
Phrasal Verbs:- have off- have on- have out* * *(a) temperature expr.fiebern v. (take) pity on someone expr.mit jemandem Mitleid haben ausdr. (to possess) v.besitzen v. v.(§ p.,p.p.: had)= bekommen v.haben v.(§ p.,pp.: hatte, gehabt) -
12 reggere
1. v/t ( sostenere) support( tenere in mano) hold( sopportare) beargrammar take2. v/i di tempo lastdi ragionamento stand upfig non reggo più I can't take any more* * *reggere v.tr.1 ( sostenere, sorreggere) to bear*, to support, to carry, to hold*: l'arco è retto da due pilastri, the arch is supported by two pillars; quattro pilastri reggono il tetto, four pillars hold up (o support) the roof; questa mensola non può reggere tanti libri, this shelf won't hold so many books; quella corda non lo reggerà, that rope will not hold him; questa carriola non regge più di così, this wheelbarrow cannot carry more than that; le gambe non mi reggono più, my legs cannot carry me any longer; lo reggeva per il braccio, she was holding him up by the arm; reggere un bimbo fra le braccia, to hold a child in one's arms; reggimi il bastone, il cappello, hold my stick, my hat; reggere un peso, to bear a weight // il partito al potere è retto dalla stampa, the party in power is sustained (o supported) by the press // reggere il moccolo, la candela, (fig., fam.) to play gooseberry2 (fig.) ( sopportare) to stand*: si è licenziato perché non reggeva il ritmo di lavoro, he gave up the job because he couldn't stand the pace of the work (o couldn't keep pace with the work); quando fa così non lo reggo proprio, I really can't stand (o bear) him when he acts like that; reggere la prova, to stand the test; reggere la spesa, to stand the expense // non reggo bene il vino, I can't take much wine3 ( governare) to rule (over): reggere un impero, to rule over an empire; reggere un paese, to rule a country // reggere il governo, to hold government4 ( dirigere) to manage; to run*: reggere un'azienda, to manage (o to run) a firm; reggere una scuola, to run a school5 (gramm.) to govern, to take*: preposizione che regge l'accusativo, preposition which governs (o takes) the accusative; un verbo che regge l'infinito, a verb which must be followed by (o which takes o which governs) the infinitive◆ v. intr.1 ( resistere) to hold* (out): il nemico non reggerà a lungo, the enemy will not hold out long; questa corda, questo ramo non regge, this rope, this branch will break; questo edificio reggerà almeno cent'anni, this building will stand a hundred years at least // sono stanco, non reggo più, I'm tired, I cannot hold out any longer // non mi regge il cuore a vederlo così afflitto, my heart breaks (o it breaks my heart) to see him so sad; non mi regge il cuore di farlo; I have not the heart to do it2 (fig.) ( sopportare) to stand* (sthg.), to stand* up to (sthg.), to bear*: quella ditta non ha retto alla concorrenza, that firm did not stand up to competition; il suo ultimo libro non regge al confronto con i precedenti, his latest book doesn't bear comparison with his earlier works; reggere al caldo, al freddo, to stand (o to bear) the heat, the cold; reggere alle fatiche, to stand up to hard work; reggere alla prova, to stand the test; reggere alle lusinghe, to resist flattery // non regge allo scherzo, he can't take a joke3 (fig.) ( essere plausibile) to stand* up, to hold* water: questa teoria non regge, this theory does not stand; le sue opinioni non reggono, his opinions do not hold water; le vostre accuse non reggono, there are no grounds for your accusations4 ( durare) to last, to hold* (out): questo bel tempo non reggerà molto a lungo, this fine weather will not hold out (o last) long; la situazione non resse a lungo, the situation did not last long5 (avere il dominio, il potere) to be in power, to hold* power, to hold* sway: in quel paese reggono i monarchici, the monarchists are in power (o hold sway) in that country.◘ reggersi v.rifl. o intr.pron.1 ( sostenersi) to stand*, to hold* on to (sthg.) (anche fig.): reggere agli appositi sostegni, to hold on to the handgrips provided; si regge in piedi, sulle gambe a fatica, he can hardly stand; ero così stanco che non mi reggevo più, I was so tired that I could not hold out any longer // reggere a galla, to float // con tante spese la ditta stenta a reggere, with so much expense the firm can hardly keep going // erano tanto ubriachi che dovevano reggere l'un l'altro, they were so drunk that they had to hold each other up* * *1. ['rɛddʒere]vb irreg vt1) (tenere: persona) to hold up, support, (pacco, valigia, timone) to holdreggi questa borsa, per favore — hold this bag, please
2) (sopportare: peso) to bear, carry, (fig : situazione) to stand, bearnon lo reggo più — (fig : persona) I can't put up with him any more
3) (Gramm: sogg: proposizione) to govern, take, be followed by4) (essere a capo di: Stato) to govern, rule, (ditta) to run, manage1) (resistere) to hold onnon regge al paragone — it (o he ecc) doesn't stand comparison
2) (durare: bel tempo, situazione) to last3) (fig : stare in piedi: teoria) to hold up, hold water3. vr (reggersi)1) (stare dritto) to stand, (fig : dominarsi) to control o.s.reggersi a — to hold on to(
fig : ipotesi) reggersi su — to be based onreggersi sulle gambe o in piedi — to stand up
2)reggersi a vicenda — to support each another* * *['rɛddʒere] 1.verbo transitivo1) (impedire la caduta di) [ persona] to hold* [ scala]; to hold* up [anziano, ubriaco]; [ cintura] to hold* up [ pantaloni]; (tenere in mano) [ persona] to hold* [ oggetto]reggimi gli sci — please, hold the skis
2) (sostenere) [colonna, struttura] to bear*, to hold*, to support [tetto, peso]reggere qcs. sulle spalle — to carry sth. on one's back
3) (resistere a, far fronte a) to stand* [ prova]; to withstand*, to absorb [ impatto]; to stand*, to handle [ ritmo]; to bear* [ dolore]; to hold* [ sguardo]reggere il mare — [ nave] to be seaworthy
4) (sopportare)5) (governare) to rule [ paese]; (amministrare) to manage, to run* [ azienda]6) ling. to govern, to take*2.1) (resistere)reggere a — to withstand [assalto, urto, shock]; to stand up to [sforzo, fatica]
reggere alla tensione — [ persona] to take the strain
reggere al confronto con — to bear o stand comparison with, to compare favourably with
ha smesso di fumare, ma non reggerà a lungo! — he's given up smoking, but he'll never last out!
2) (essere valido) [teoria, ipotesi] to hold* (good); [ accusa] to hold* up; [ alibi] to stand* up3.verbo pronominale reggersi1) (sostenersi) to stand*reggere a — to hold on o cling on to [ ringhiera]
3) (governarsi)••* * *reggere/'rεddʒere/ [59]1 (impedire la caduta di) [ persona] to hold* [ scala]; to hold* up [anziano, ubriaco]; [ cintura] to hold* up [ pantaloni]; (tenere in mano) [ persona] to hold* [ oggetto]; reggimi gli sci please, hold the skis2 (sostenere) [colonna, struttura] to bear*, to hold*, to support [tetto, peso]; reggere qcs. sulle spalle to carry sth. on one's back; il ramo non ti regge the branch won't hold you; le gambe non mi reggevano più my legs couldn't carry me any longer3 (resistere a, far fronte a) to stand* [ prova]; to withstand*, to absorb [ impatto]; to stand*, to handle [ ritmo]; to bear* [ dolore]; to hold* [ sguardo]; reggere l'alcol to (be able to) hold one's drink; reggere il mare [ nave] to be seaworthy4 (sopportare) non la reggo I can't stand her6 ling. to govern, to take*(aus. avere)1 (resistere) reggere a to withstand [assalto, urto, shock]; to stand up to [sforzo, fatica]; reggere alla tensione [ persona] to take the strain; reggere al confronto con to bear o stand comparison with, to compare favourably with; ha smesso di fumare, ma non reggerà a lungo! he's given up smoking, but he'll never last out!III reggersi verbo pronominale1 (sostenersi) to stand*; - rsi in piedi to stand up; fa fatica a -rsi in piedi he can hardly stand; non si regge sulle gambe he can't stand up3 (governarsi) - rsi a repubblica to be a republicreggere il colpo to tough it out. -
13 retourner
retourner [ʀ(ə)tuʀne]➭ TABLE 1━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. transitive verba. ( = mettre dans l'autre sens) [+ caisse, seau] to turn upside down ; [+ matelas, carte, omelette] to turn overb. [+ terre] to turn overc. ( = mettre l'intérieur à l'extérieur) [+ parapluie, sac, vêtement] to turn inside out ; [+ col] to turnd. ( = orienter dans le sens opposé) [+ mot, phrase] to turn rounde. ( = renvoyer) [+ lettre, marchandise] to returnf. ( = bouleverser) [+ maison, pièce] to turn upside down ; [+ personne] to shake• il a tout retourné dans la maison pour retrouver ce livre he turned the whole house upside down to find that bookg. ( = tourner plusieurs fois) retourner une idée dans sa tête to turn an idea over in one's mind2. intransitive verba. ( = aller à nouveau) to return, to go back• retourner en Italie/à la mer to return or go back to Italy/to the seaside• retourner en arrière or sur ses pas to turn back• il retourne demain à son travail/à l'école he's going back to work/to school tomorrow4. reflexive verba. [personne couchée, automobiliste, véhicule] to turn over ; [bateau] to capsize• il doit se retourner dans sa tombe ! he must be turning in his grave!b. ( = tourner la tête) to turn round• tout le monde se retournait sur lui or sur son passage everyone turned round as he went byc. [situation] to be turned round• se retourner contre qn [personne] to turn against sb ; [acte, situation] to backfire on sb ; ( = poursuivre en justice) to take court action against sb━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━* * *ʀ(ə)tuʀne
verbe transitif (+ v avoir)1) ( changer de côté) to turn [something] over [seau, steak]; to turn [matelas]2) ( mettre à l'envers) to turn [something] inside out [vêtement, sac]3) ( tourner à plusieurs reprises) to turn over [terre]; to toss [salade, foin]retourner une idée dans sa tête — fig to turn an idea over in one's mind
4) ( changer d'orientation) to return [compliment, critique]5) ( bouleverser) [personne] to turn [something] upside down [maison]; [nouvelle, spectacle] to shake [personne]je suis encore tout retourné — (colloq) I'm still quite shaken
6) ( renvoyer) to send [something] back, to return [colis, lettre]
verbe intransitif (+ v être) to go back (à to), to return (à to)
se retourner verbe pronominal1) ( tourner la tête) to turn aroundpartir sans se retourner — lit, fig to leave without a backward glance
elle est tellement grande que tout le monde se retourne sur son passage — she's so tall that everybody turns to look as she goes past
2) to turn over3) ( s'organiser) to get organized4) ( prendre un tour inverse)se retourner contre quelqu'un — [personne, animal] to turn against somebody; [situation, agissements] to backfire on somebody
5) ( se tordre)6) ( repartir)
verbe impersonnel••retourner quelqu'un comme une crêpe (colloq) or un gant — (colloq) to make somebody change their mind completely
* * *ʀ(ə)tuʀne1. vt1) (= changer de côté) [matelas, crêpe] to turn overElle a retourné la crêpe. — She turned the pancake over.
2) (= renverser) to turn upside downIl a retourné la poubelle. — He turned the bin upside down.
3) [sac, vêtement] to turn inside outretourner sa veste fig — to change sides, to go over to the other side
4) [terre, sol, foin] to turn over5) [arme] to turn roundretourner une arme contre soi — to turn a weapon against o.s.
6) [argument] to turn round7) (= émouvoir) [personne] to shake8) (= renvoyer)2. vi(= aller, revenir)retourner à [endroit] — to go back to, to return to, [état, activité] to return to, to go back to
3. vb impers(= s'agir)* * *retourner verb table: aimerA vtr (+ v avoir)1 ( changer de côté) to turn [sth] over [seau, caisse, steak, poisson]; to turn [matelas]; retourner une carte à jouer ( figure visible) to turn up a playing card; ( figure pas visible) to put a playing card face down; retourner un tableau contre le mur to turn a painting to the wall;2 ( mettre à l'envers) to turn [sth] inside out [vêtement, sac]; Cout to turn [vêtement, coussin, col]; un coup de vent a retourné son parapluie a gust of wind turned his umbrella inside out; il a retourné ses poches à la recherche de quelques sous he turned his pockets inside out looking for some change;3 ( tourner à plusieurs reprises) to turn over [terre]; to toss [salade, foin]; retourner une idée or pensée dans sa tête to turn an idea ou a thought over in one's mind;4 ( changer d'orientation) to return [compliment, critique]; retourner la situation to reverse the situation; elle a retourné le pistolet contre elle-même she then turned the gun on herself; si tu retournes l'argument contre lui if you turn his own argument against him;5 ( bouleverser) [personne] to turn [sth] upside down [maison, pièce]; [nouvelle, spectacle] to shake [personne]; elle a retourné toute la maison pour retrouver la facture she turned the house upside down trying to find the bill; je suis encore tout retourné○ I'm still quite shaken;6 ( renvoyer) to send [sth] back, to return [colis, lettre, marchandise].B vi (+ v être)1 ( aller à nouveau) to go back, to return (à to); retourner dans son village natal to return to the village where one was born; retourner chez le dentiste/médecin pour une nouvelle visite to go back to the dentist's/doctor's for another visit; retourner à l'école/au bureau to go back to school/to the office; je n'y suis jamais retourné depuis I've never been back ou never returned since;2 ( à un état antérieur) to go back (à to), to return (à to); animal qui est retourné à l'état sauvage animal that has gone back ou returned to its wild state; retourner à ses premières amours liter to return to one's first love; il est retourné à son laboratoire et à ses expériences he went back to his laboratory and to his experiments; les biens retournent à leur légitime possesseur the property reverts to its rightful owner.C se retourner vpr1 ( tourner la tête) to turn around, to turn round GB; je l'ai appelée et elle s'est retournée I called her and she turned around; partir sans se retourner lit, fig to leave without once looking back; elle est tellement grande que tout le monde se retourne sur son passage she's so tall that everybody turns to look as she goes past;2 ( changer de position) [personne couchée] to turn over; [véhicule, automobiliste] to turn over, to overturn; se retourner sur le dos/ventre to turn over onto one's back/stomach; il n'a pas arrêté de se retourner (dans son lit) pendant toute la nuit he kept tossing and turning all night long; la voiture s'est retournée dans un fossé the car overturned into a ditch;3 ( s'organiser) to get organized; ça lui laissera le temps de se retourner it'll give her time to sort things out ou to get organized;4 ( prendre un tour inverse) se retourner contre qn [personne, animal] to turn against sb; [situation, agissements] to backfire on sb; se retourner contre ses alliés to turn on one's allies; ses arguments se sont retournés contre lui his arguments backfired on him;5 ( se tordre) elle s'est retourné le doigt/un ongle she bent back her finger/a nail;D v impers j'aimerais savoir de quoi il retourne I'd like to know what's going on.retourner qn comme une crêpe○ or un gant○ to make sb change their mind completely.[rəturne] verbe transitif (auxiliaire avoir)1. [orienter dans le sens contraire] to turn round ou around (separable)retourner une arme contre ou sur quelqu'un to turn a weapon on somebodyje lui ai retourné son ou le compliment I returned the compliment2. [renvoyer - colis, lettre] to send back (separable)3. [mettre à l'envers - literie] to turn round ou around ; [ - carte à jouer] to turn up (separable) ; [ - champ, paille] to turn over (separable) ; [ - verre] to turn upside down ; [ - grillade] to turn over (separable) ; [ - gant, poche] to turn inside out4. [mélanger - salade] to toss5. [fouiller - maison, pièce] to turn upside down6. [examiner - pensée]7. (familier) [émouvoir]————————[rəturne] verbe intransitif (auxiliaire être)si tu étais à ma place, tu retournerais le voir? if you were me, would you (ever) go and see him again?je retournai la voir une dernière fois I paid her one ou my last visitretourner à sa place [sur son siège] to go back to one's seat————————[rəturne] verbe impersonnelpeut-on savoir de quoi il retourne? what is it all about?, what exactly is going on?————————retourner à verbe plus préposition————————se retourner verbe pronominal intransitif1. [tourner la tête] to turn round2. [se mettre sur l'autre face] to turn overse retourner sur le dos/ventre to turn over on one's back/stomach3. [se renverser - auto, tracteur] to overturn, to turn over4. [réagir] to sort things outa. [de décider] they won't give me time to make a decisionb. [de me reprendre] they won't give me time to sort things outle lendemain, la situation s'était retournée the following day, the situation had changed beyond recognition6. [déplacement]s'en retourner [partir]a. to depart, to leaveb. [rentrer] to make one's way back————————se retourner verbe pronominal transitifse retourner un ongle/doigt to twist a nail/finger————————se retourner contre verbe pronominal plus préposition1. [agir contre] -
14 shake
1. nounSchütteln, dasgive somebody/something a shake — jemanden/etwas schütteln
with a shake of the head — mit einem Kopfschütteln
2. transitive verb,be no great shakes — (coll.) nicht gerade umwerfend sein (ugs.)
1) (move violently) schüttelnshake one's fist/a stick at somebody — jemandem mit der Faust/einem Stock drohen
‘shake [well] before using’ — "vor Gebrauch [gut] schütteln!"
shake hands — sich (Dat.) od. einander die Hand geben od. schütteln
shake somebody by the hand — jemandem die Hand schütteln od. drücken
shake one's head [over something] — [über etwas (Akk.)] den Kopf schütteln
3) (weaken) erschütternshake somebody's faith in something/somebody — jemandes Glauben an etwas/jemanden erschüttern
4) (agitate) erschütternhe failed his exam - that shook him! — er hat die Prüfung nicht bestanden - das war ein Schock für ihn!
3. intransitive verb,Shake somebody's composure — jemanden aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen
1) (tremble) wackeln; [Boden, Stimme:] beben; [Hand:] zitternshake [all over] with cold/fear — [am ganzen Leib] vor Kälte/Angst schlottern
shake in one's shoes — (coll.) vor Angst schlottern
2) (coll.): (shake hands) sich (Dat.) die Hand gebenlet's shake on it! — schlag ein!; Hand drauf!
Phrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/66346/shake_off">shake off- shake up* * *[ʃeik] 1. past tense - shook; verb1) (to (cause to) tremble or move with jerks: The explosion shook the building; We were shaking with laughter; Her voice shook as she told me the sad news.) (er)heben (lassen)2) (to shock, disturb or weaken: He was shaken by the accident; My confidence in him has been shaken.) erschüttern2. noun1) (an act of shaking: He gave the bottle a shake.) das Schütteln2) (drink made by shaking the ingredients together vigorously: a chocolate milk-shake.) das Shake•- shaking- shaky
- shakily
- shakiness
- shake-up
- no great shakes
- shake one's fist at
- shake one's head
- shake off
- shake up* * *[ʃeɪk]I. nshe gave the box a \shake sie schüttelte die Schachtelto say sth with a \shake of one's head etw mit einem Kopfschütteln sagen2. (nervousness)to get/have the \shakes ( fam) Muffensausen [o einen Flattermann] [o den Tatterich] kriegen/haben fam4.II. vt<shook, shaken>1. (vibrate)▪ to \shake sb/sth jdn/etw schüttelnshe shook her hair loose from its ribbon sie schüttelte das Band von ihrem Haar ab\shake well before using vor Gebrauch gut schüttelnto \shake buildings detonation Gebäude erschütternto \shake one's fist [at sb] [jdm] mit der Faust drohenthe demonstrators shook their fists die Demonstranten schwangen die Fäusteto \shake hands einander die Hände schüttelnto \shake hands with sb, to \shake sb by the hand jdm die Hand schüttelnto \shake one's head den Kopf schüttelnto \shake one's hips die Hüften schwingento \shake sb awake jdn wach rütteln2. (undermine)▪ to \shake sth etw erschüttern [o ins Wanken bringen]after six defeats in a row the team's confidence has been badly \shaken nach sechs Niederlagen in Folge ist das [Selbst]vertrauen des Teams schwer angeschlagen3. (shock)▪ to \shake sb jdn erschütternthe news has \shaken the whole country die Nachricht hat das ganze Land schwer getroffen5.III. vi<shook, shaken>1. (quiver) bebenthe child's body shook with sobs das Kind bebte vor Schluchzen am ganzen Körperhis voice shook with emotion seine Stimme zitterte vor Rührungto \shake violently heftig beben2. (shiver with fear) zittern, bebenthey shook on the deal sie besiegelten den Deal per Handschlag4.▶ to \shake in one's boots [or shoes] vor Angst schlottern* * *[ʃeɪk] vb: pret shook, ptp shaken1. n1) (= act of shaking) Schütteln ntgive the paint a ( good) shake — die Farbe (gut) durchschütteln
to give sb/oneself a good shake — jdn/sich kräftig schütteln
with a shake of her head —
2) (= milkshake) Milchshake min two shakes (of a lamb's tail) — in zwei Sekunden
4)to be no great shakes (inf) — nicht umwerfend sein (at in +dat )
5)the shakes pl (inf) — der Tatterich (inf); (esp with fear) das Zittern
he's got the shakes — er hat einen Tatterich (inf); (due to alcoholism also) ihm zittern die Hände, er hat einen Flattermann (inf); (esp with fear) er hat das große Zittern (inf); (esp with cold, emotion) er zittert am ganzen Körper
2. vt"shake well before using" —
to be shaken to pieces she shook the door handle which seemed to have stuck to shake pepper on a steak — total durchgeschüttelt werden sie rüttelte an der Türklinke, die zu klemmen schien Pfeffer auf ein Steak streuen
to shake oneself/itself free — sich losmachen
to shake hands — sich (dat) die Hand geben; (for longer time, in congratulations etc) sich (dat) die Hand schütteln
to shake hands with sb — jdm die Hand geben/schütteln
I'd like to shake him by the hand —
English people don't often shake hands — Engländer geben sich (dat) selten die Hand
shake hands (to dog) — (gib) Pfötchen; (to child)
to shake a leg ( inf = hurry ) ( dated : = dance ) —, = hurry ) Dampf machen (inf) ( dated : = dance ) das Tanzbein schwingen (dated)
2) (= weaken) faith, foundation of society erschüttern; evidence, reputation, courage, resolve ins Wanken bringento shake the foundations of sth — die Grundfesten einer Sache (gen) erschüttern
society was shaken to its very core — die Gesellschaft wurde bis in ihre Grundfesten erschüttert
3) (= shock, amaze) erschütternthat shook him! — da war er platt (inf)
it shook me rigid (inf) — da war ich schwer geschockt (inf)
it was a nasty accident, he's still rather badly shaken — es war ein schlimmer Unfall, der Schreck sitzt ihm noch in den Knochen
4)See:= shake off3. viwackeln; (hand, voice) zittern; (earth, voice) bebenthe whole boat shook as the waves struck it — das ganze Boot wurde vom Aufprall der Wellen erschüttert
to shake like a leaf —
to shake with fear/cold — vor Angst/Kälte zittern
he was shaking all over — er zitterte am ganzen Körper
what's shaking? (US) (sl) — was geht ab? (inf)
* * *shake [ʃeık]A s1. a) Schütteln n:shake of the head Kopfschütteln;give sth a good shake etwas kräftig (durch)schütteln;in two shakes (of a lamb’s tail), in half a shake umg im Nub) Händedruck m2. (auch seelische) Erschütterung3. Zittern n, Beben n:be all of a shake am ganzen Körper zittern;4. Stoß m:shake of wind Windstoß;no great shakes umg nichts Weltbewegendes;5. umg Erdbeben n6. Riss m, Spalt m7. MUS Triller m8. (Milch- etc) Shake m9. umg Augenblick m, Moment m:wait a shake!B v/i prät shook [ʃʊk], pperf shaken1. wackeln:shake with laughter sich vor Lachen schütteln2. (sch)wanken, beben:3. zittern, beben ( beide:with vor Furcht, Kälte etc)4. MUS trillern5. umg sich die Hände schütteln, sich die Hand geben:(let’s) shake on it! Hand darauf!C v/t1. schütteln:shake sth from etwas (ab)schütteln von;shake one’s head den Kopf schütteln (over, at über akk);shake one’s finger( a fist, a stick) at sb jemandem mit dem Finger (mit der Faust, mit einem Stock) drohen; → hand Bes Redew, leg Bes Redew, side A 42. auch fig jemandes Entschluss, den Gegner, jemandes Glauben, jemandes Zeugenaussage etc erschüttern3. rütteln an (dat) (auch fig)4. jemanden (seelisch) erschüttern:5. jemanden verunsichern7. MUS trillern8. US einen Verfolger etc abschütteln, loswerden* * *1. nounSchütteln, dasgive somebody/something a shake — jemanden/etwas schütteln
2. transitive verb,be no great shakes — (coll.) nicht gerade umwerfend sein (ugs.)
1) (move violently) schüttelnshake one's fist/a stick at somebody — jemandem mit der Faust/einem Stock drohen
‘shake [well] before using’ — "vor Gebrauch [gut] schütteln!"
shake hands — sich (Dat.) od. einander die Hand geben od. schütteln
shake somebody by the hand — jemandem die Hand schütteln od. drücken
2) (cause to tremble) erschüttern [Gebäude usw.]shake one's head [over something] — [über etwas (Akk.)] den Kopf schütteln
3) (weaken) erschütternshake somebody's faith in something/somebody — jemandes Glauben an etwas/jemanden erschüttern
4) (agitate) erschüttern3. intransitive verb,he failed his exam - that shook him! — er hat die Prüfung nicht bestanden - das war ein Schock für ihn!
1) (tremble) wackeln; [Boden, Stimme:] beben; [Hand:] zitternshake [all over] with cold/fear — [am ganzen Leib] vor Kälte/Angst schlottern
shake in one's shoes — (coll.) vor Angst schlottern
2) (coll.): (shake hands) sich (Dat.) die Hand gebenlet's shake on it! — schlag ein!; Hand drauf!
Phrasal Verbs:- shake up* * *v.(§ p.,p.p.: shook, shaken)= rütteln v.schütteln v. v.erschüttern v. -
15 get over
1) (to recover from (an illness, surprise, disappointment etc): I've got over my cold now; I can't get over her leaving so suddenly.) recuperarse de, reponerse; superar, vencer2) (to manage to make (oneself or something) understood: We must get our message over to the general public.) hacerse entender, hacer comprender3) ((with with) to do (something one does not want to do): I'm not looking forward to this meeting, but let's get it over (with).) quitarse de encima, acabar con, hacer de una vez1) v + prep + o \<\<river/chasm\>\> cruzar*; \<\<wall/fence\>\> pasar por encima de; \<\<obstacle\>\> superar; \<\<hill/ridge\>\> atravesar*2) v + adv (come, go)3) v + prep + oa) ( recover from) \<\<lossagedy\>\> superar, consolarse* de; \<\<illness/shock\>\> reponerse* or recuperarse deshe actually gave him the money! I can't get over it! — fue y le prestó el dinero! no lo puedo creer! or no salgo de mi asombro!
b) ( overcome) \<\<difficulty/problem\>\> superar4) v + o + prep + o v + o + adv ( take across)how are we going to get the supplies over the river? — ¿cómo vamos a pasar las provisiones al otro lado del río?
5) v + o + adv (cause to come, take)to get something over with: I'd like to get it over with as quickly as possible — quisiera salir de eso or quitarme eso de encima lo más pronto posible
6) v + o + adv ( communicate) \<\<feeling/emotion\>\> comunicar*, transmitirhow can I get it over to him that... ? — ¿cómo puedo hacerle entender que... ?
1. VI + PREP1) (=cross) [+ stream, road] cruzar, atravesar; [+ wall, fence] (=go over) pasar por encima de; (=jump over) saltar por encima de2) (=overcome, recover from) [+ problem, serious illness, disappointment] superar; [+ cold, virus] reponerse de; [+ shock, fright, grief] sobreponerse a; [+ surprise] recuperarse de; [+ resentment] olvidar; [+ shyness] vencer, dominarshe refused! I can't get over it! — ¡dijo que no! ¡no me cabe en la cabeza or no puedo creerlo!
2. VI + ADV1) (=cross sth) (stream, road) cruzar; (wall, fence) (=go over) pasar por encima; (=climb over) saltar por encima2) (=come) venir; (=go) ir3. VT + ADV1) (=transport across) [+ people, objects] cruzar; (=lift over) hacer pasar por encimathey made a rope bridge to get the guns/men over — construyeron un puente de cuerda para pasar las armas/a los hombres al otro lado
2) (=send)3) (=have done with) acabar de una vezI just want to get this interview over (with) — lo único que quiero es sacarme de encima esta entrevista
4) (=communicate) [+ idea] transmitirthe film gets its message over very convincingly — la película transmite el mensaje de forma muy convincente
I was trying to get it over to him that it was impossible — estaba intentando hacerle comprender que era imposible
4. VT + PREP1) (=transport across)to get troops/supplies over a river — pasar tropas/suministros al otro lado del río
2) (=lift over) hacer pasar por encima de* * *1) v + prep + o \<\<river/chasm\>\> cruzar*; \<\<wall/fence\>\> pasar por encima de; \<\<obstacle\>\> superar; \<\<hill/ridge\>\> atravesar*2) v + adv (come, go)3) v + prep + oa) ( recover from) \<\<loss/tragedy\>\> superar, consolarse* de; \<\<illness/shock\>\> reponerse* or recuperarse deshe actually gave him the money! I can't get over it! — fue y le prestó el dinero! no lo puedo creer! or no salgo de mi asombro!
b) ( overcome) \<\<difficulty/problem\>\> superar4) v + o + prep + o v + o + adv ( take across)how are we going to get the supplies over the river? — ¿cómo vamos a pasar las provisiones al otro lado del río?
5) v + o + adv (cause to come, take)to get something over with: I'd like to get it over with as quickly as possible — quisiera salir de eso or quitarme eso de encima lo más pronto posible
6) v + o + adv ( communicate) \<\<feeling/emotion\>\> comunicar*, transmitirhow can I get it over to him that... ? — ¿cómo puedo hacerle entender que... ?
16 get
1. I1) I have 10 shillings more to get мне надо достать еще десять шиллингов2) she gave him as good as she got она дала ему сдачи2. II1) get somewhere get here (home, thus far, abroad, etc.) приезжать /добираться, попадать/ сюда и т. д.; he forgot the key and couldn't get in он забыл ключ и не мог попасть в дом; the door was locked and we could not get out дверь была заперта [на ключ], и мы не могли войти; the train is starting, you must get in поезд отправляется, вам надо войти в вагон; I have no ticket, will I be able to get in? у меня нет билета, мне можно пройти /меня пропустят/? get out! вылезай(те)!, выходи(те)!; please, let me get by пожалуйста, пропустите меня /разрешите мне пройти/; get ashore сходить /высаживаться/ на берег; get astray заблудиться; rumours (reports, etc.) get abroad ходят /распространяются/ слухи и т. д.; this piece of news has got abroad эта новость стала широко известна; such sensations get abroad такого рода сенсационные сообщения становятся достоянием широкой публики; he'll soon get there он там скоро будет, он туда скоро попадет; your letter got there yesterday ваше письмо там получили /пришло туда/ вчера; how (lid these flowers get there? как туда попали эти цветы?: he got home quickly он быстро добрался до дому: the bridge was destroyed and we couldn't get across мост был разрушен, и мы не могли попасть на ту сторону; the frontier is so well guarded that. no one can get across граница так надежно /хорошо/ охраняется, что никто не может ее перейти /что ее невозможно нарушить/; get down спуститься вниз: the cat climbed to the top of tile tree and couldn't get down кошка взобралась на вершину дерева и не могла слезть2) he tries hard but he never gets anywhere он много работает, но у него ничего не выходит, он прилагает много усилий, но ничего не может добиться; you'll get nowhere if you work so little если вы будете так мало работать, вы ничего не добьетесь: with courage we can get anywhere мужество поможет нам добиться всего; he is getting ahead splendidly у него дела идут прекрасно; at last we seem to be getting somewhere похоже, наконец у нас что-то получается3. III1) get smth. get an answer (a postcard, a telegram, good new?get information, a birthday present, a pension, wages, etc.) получать ответ и т.д., get confirmation получить подтверждение; he got a surprise его ждал сюрприз; where can I get permission? его можно получить разрешение?; get one's breakfast (one's dinner, etc.) позавтракать и т. д.; I could not get any supper я остался без ужина, я не смог поужинать || get a sight /а glimpse/ of smb., smth. увидеть кого-л., что-л.2) get smth., smb. where did you get the money? где вы достали /раздобыли/ деньги? get a hat (a new coat, same stamps, a new diary, etc.) приобретать /покупать/ шляпу и т. д.'; you had better get a new umbrella вам бы надо купить /вам нужен/ новый зонтик; where can I get this book? где можно достать /купить/ эту книгу? I got the book. needed я нашел /достал/ нужную мне книгу; I'll go and get some milk. get Some biscuits too a схожу за молоком. get Возьми еще и печенья. get the prize (a good crop, credit, much, little, etc.) получать приз и т. д., he has got the support of the directors он получил поддержку /добился поддержки/ директоров; get a profit получать прибыль; he got nothing ему ничего на досталось, get good results (advantage, power, fame, wealth, etc.) добиваться хороших результатов и т.д., I went and got some singing lessons я пошел и взял несколько уроков пения; get friends при обретать друзей; where do you get pupils? откуда вы берете учеников?; get a wife жениться; get knowledge of the subject овладевать каким-л. предметом || get possession of smth. завладеть /овладеть/ чем-л.; get one's own way добиться своего3) get smth., smb. get one's hat (one's stick, one's bag, etc.) взять [с собой] шляпу и т. д., wait till I get my coat подожди, я только возьму пальто; go and get the doctor сходи за врачом; hold the line, I'll go and get him не вешайте трубку, я сейчас ere позову /найду/4) get smth. the room (the house, etc.) gets no sun в комнату и т. д. совсем не попадает солнце; this room gets all the sun именно в эту комнату попадает солнце; I'll come and see you if I get the time я приеду повидать вас, если у меня будет время; she hoped to get a little sleep она надеялась, что немного поспит /что ей удастся немного поспать/; I'll go and get some sleep пойду сосну5) get smb.,smth. I didn't get him a) я не застал его; б) я не дозвонился ему; you got the wrong number вы ошиблись номером /вы не туда попали/6) get smb., smth. get the thief (the runaway, the culprit, a squirrel, etc.) поймать вора и т. д.; did he get his train он успел на поезд?; I decided to get the next train я решил сесть на следующий поезд7) get smth. get an illness заболеть; get a cold /а chill/ простудиться; get [the] measles (scarlet fever, typhus, etc.) заболеть корью, подхватить корь и т. д.; have you got a cold? у вас насморк?; get a bad fall (a slight hurt) сильно (слегка) ушибиться; get a blow (a shock, a nasty wound, etc.) получить удар и т. д.8) get smth. get ten years (six months, etc.) получить десять лет тюрьмы /тюремного заключения/ и т. д., быть приговоренным к десяти годам [тюремного заключения] и т. д.; you'll get a beating тебя ожидает порка, тебя высекут; you'll get a scolding тебя ожидает /ты получишь/ выговор; you'll get it! тебе влетит9) get smth., smb. coll. get the joke (smb.'s meaning, smb.'s idea, etc.) понимать шутку и т. д., I don't get it не понял; it is just between us, get it? это только между нами, попятно?; I didn't get your name я не разобрал /не расслышал/ вашего имени; I don't get you я вас не понимаю10) get smth. dividing nine by three we get three если разделить девять на три, получится три11) have got smth. I have got a new watch (a new suit, a new hat, a car, etc.) у меня [есть] новые часы и т. д; have you got a newspaper (the tickets, a pencil, an erasing-knife, etc)? у вас есть газета и т.д.? I've got no money у меня нет денег; she's got a lovely voice у нее красивый голос; he'll lose all he's got, if he isn't careful если он не будет более осмотрительным /осторожнее/, он потеряет все, что имеет4. IV1) get smth. at some time get the answer this morning (some money soon, etc.) получить ответ сегодня утром и т. д.; get money every month получать деньги каждый месяц; I get a letter every day каждый день мне приходит /я получаю/ письмо; in this hotel I get breakfast every morning в этой гостинице каждое утро дают /подают/ завтрак; get your dinner at once сейчас же пообедай; get smth. in some manner you got the answer right ты получил /у тебя получился/ правильный ответ2) get smth. in some manner get this horse (this coat, this bicycle, etc.) cheap (ly) дешево купить /приобрести/ лошадь и т. д., купить эту лошадь и т. д. по дешевке; get the book second-hand приобрести подержанную книгу, купить книгу у букиниста; get money easily легко зарабатывать /доставать, получать/ деньги; get this book easily достать эту книгу без затруднений3) get smb., smth. somewhere get him home (the old man upstairs, you there, the child up, etc.) отводить /доставлять, приводить/ его домой и т.д., get smb. in а) помочь кому-л. проникнуть куда-л.; б) втащить кого-л. вовнутрь; get smb. out а) помочь кому-л. выбраться откуда-л.; б) вытащить кого-л. откуда-л.; get the horses out вывести лошадей; what got you here? что вас привело сюда?; get this parcel home (the table here, etc.) доставлять посылку домой и т. д., get the chairs (the washing, some coal, etc.) in вносить стулья и т.д., I don't know how you'll ever get the box (the trunk, the piano, etc.) upstairs не знаю, как вы втащите этот ящик и т. д. наверх; get a mast up ставить мачту; get up a sunken vessel поднимать затонувшее судно; get smth. overboard выбрасывать что-л. за борт; get his letter (one's own books, my money, etc.) back получить обратно его письме и т. д., now I've got you back теперь вы вернулись ко мне4) get smb. at some time I'll get you yet! я еще вас поймаю!, вы еще мне попадетесь!; he got you that time! на этот раз он вас поймал!5) get smb. somewhere it will get him nowhere, it won't get him anywhere это ничего ему не даст, этим он ничего не добьется; all work and no play does not get you anywhere если работать и не отдыхать, толку будет мало6) get smb., smth. in some manner coll. I get you (your meaning, your idea, etc.) all right я хорошо понимаю вас и т. д.7) have got smth. somewhere what have you got there? что у вас там?5. Vget smb. smth.1) get him a ticket (me a dictionary, them those pictures, etc.) доставать /покупать/ ему билет и т. д.; get me a good teacher (him a place. her another job, etc.) найдите мне хорошего преподавателя и т. д.2) get smb. a towel (me my hat, him another dictionary, her a chair, me some ink, etc.) принести кому-л. полотенце и т. д.; can you get me another pencil? вы можете принести /дать/ мне другой карандаш?3) get smb. smb., smth. get me the director (the hospital, the head teacher, etc.) соедините меня с директором и т. д.6. VI1) get smth., smb. in some state get dinner (breakfast, books, etc.) ready приготовить обед и т. д., she quickly got the children ready for school она быстро собрала детей в школу; get one's feet (one's clothes, etc.) wet промочить ноги и т. д.; get the windows open открыть окна; get everything right again снова навести везде порядок; get smb. free освободить кого-л., выпустить кого-л. на свободу; get the dog loose спустить собаку с цепи; it gets me down-hearted это приводит меня в уныние2) get smth. in some state get the sum right получить правильный ответ [в решении задачи], правильно решить задачу7. VII1) get smth., smb. to do smth. get something (nothing, etc.) to eat (to read, to play with, etc.) достать что-нибудь поесть и т. д.; get leave to go home получить отпуск для поездки домой; get smb. to clean the windows (to wash the floors, to do the room, etc.) найти кого-л. [, чтобы] вымыть окна и т. д.; I can't get anyone to do the work properly не могу найти человека, который выполнил бы эту работу как следует2) get smb., smth. to do smth. get your friend to help you (him to come, her to join us, your brother to introduce me to the chairman, etc.) убедить /заставить/ вашего приятеля /друга/ помочь вам и т. д.; get a fire to burn разжечь огонь или костер; get this door to shut properly починить дверь, чтобы она закрывалась как следует; I can never get him to go to bed я никогда не могу уложить его спать; get him to tell her about it уговорите его рассказать ей об этом; you will not be able to get a tree to grow in this soil вам не удастся вырастить дерево на такой почве3) Have got smth. to do I have got very much /lots of work/ to do у меня очень много работы /дел/, мне надо очень много сделать; what have you got to say? что вы можете сказать?8. VIIIget smth., smb. doing smth.get the clock (the work, the typewriter, etc.) going наладить часы и т. д; at last he got the stone rolling наконец ему удалось сдвинуть камень, и тот покатился; she got everybody singing все подхватили ее песню; она заставила всех петь; I'll get her talking а) я заставлю ее заговорить; б) я разговорю ее; that got him guessing это заставило его теряться в догадках9. IX1) get smth., smb. done I must get the book bound (my passport endorsed, the work done, my shoes repaired, etc.) мне нужно [отдать] переплести книгу и т. д.; we are getting our apartment newly papered мы заново оклеиваем [обоями] квартиру; I shall get my hair cut я постригусь; can you get the work finished in time (by evening)? a) вы можете закончить работу вовремя (к вечеру)?; б) вы можете добиться, чтобы работа была готова вовремя (к вечеру)?; where can I this printed (my piano tuned, my shoes soled, etc.)? где мне / я могу/ это напечатать и т. д.?; I want to get my coat mended я хочу починить /отдать в починку/ пальто; get the laws obeyed (my words believed, etc.) добиться [того], чтобы законы выполнялись /соблюдались/ и т. д.; get oneself appointed (noticed, chosen, etc.) сделать так, чтобы тебя назначили и т. д., they got him elected chairman они провели его в председатели2) get smb. in some state get a man drunk напоить человека; get smb. dressed (washed, fed, etc.) одеть и т. д. кого-л.; it gets me discouraged я от этого прихожу в уныние; he got his face scratched (his wrist broken, etc.) он расцарапал лицо и т. д.10. Xget into some state get married (dressed, shaved, brushed clean, confused, hurt, etc.) жениться и т.д., get drunk напиваться; get tired уставать; get frozen замерзать; he got drowned он утонул; you must get done /finished/ with it с этим нужно покончить /кончать/; get used /accustomed/ to the climate here (to the customs and manners over here, to sitting up late, to the rolling of a ship, etc.) привыкать к здешнему климату и т. д., he got fired /dismissed/ (severely wounded, killed, etc.) его уволили /выгнали/ и т. д.; he got paid for this ему за это заплатили; he got mixed up with dishonest men он связался с дурной компанией; they got left behind они отстали; that vase will get broken эта ваза разобьется; everything gets known все становится известным || get rid of smb., smth. отделываться /избавляться/ от кого-л., чего-л.; get rid of a troublesome visitor (of a lazy servant, of the old car, of an engagement, etc.) избавиться /отделаться/ от назойливого посетителя и т. д.11. XI1) be got the thing is not to be got fay вещь нельзя достать2) be got at the soul of a people can be got at fully only through, the knowledge of its language душу народа можно познать только через его язык3) be got at coll. the witness (the press, the voters, etc.) have been got at свидетели и т. д. были подкуплены12. ХIII1) get to do smth. soon she got to like her job скоро ей начала нравиться /понравилась/ ее работа, она вскоре полюбила свой работу;how did you get to know it? как вы об этом узнали?, как вам удалось это узнать?; they got to be friends они стали друзьями; you'll like him when /once/ you get to know him когда вы его узнаете, вы его полюбите2) have got to do smth. we've got to go (to write a letter, to listen to what he says, to leave early to catch my train, to pass this examination, etc.) нам необходимо /мы должны/ идти и т.д., it has got to be done это должно быть сделано /надо сделать/; she's got to work hard for her living ей приходится много работать, чтобы заработать на жизнь3) id have got to do with smth. what's that got to do with us? какое это имеет отношение к нам?13. XIVget doing smth.,get moving (rolling, singing, etc.) начать двигаться и т. д.; when these women get talking they go on for hours когда эти женщины начнут разговаривать /болтать/, их не остановишь; we got talking of the future мы стали говорить /заговорили/ о будущем; they wanted to get going on the construction of the house они хотели приступить к строительству дома; if we don't get doing we'll never arrive in time если мы не тронемся в путь, мы ни за что не приедем вовремя; things haven't really got going yet дела еще фактически не сдвинулись с места /с мертвой точки/; let's get going! пошли!, пойдём!, поёхали!13. XVget into some state get warmer (worse and worse, uglier every day, etc.) становиться теплее и т. д.; get grey (old, silly, poor, red in the face, etc.) поседеть и т. д.; get well поправляться, выздоравливать; he is getting better ему уже лучше; get asleep засыпать; I am getting thirsty (sleepy, hungry. etc.) мне захотелось пить и т. д., the children will get wet (hungry, etc.) дети вымокнут /промокнут/ и т. д.; he got rich он разбогател; he got mad at the message записка его разозлила; он разозлился на записку; they got closer to each other они сблизились, они стали ближе друг другу; it got rainy пошли дожди; it got foggy опустился туман; the sky got cloudy небо заволокло тучами; it is getting dark (cold, warm, etc.) темнеет и т. д. it is getting late уже поздно; the fire is getting low костер гаснет /угасает/; things are getting better дела идут все лучше14. XVI1) get into (out of, through, over, up, across, at, etc.) smth. get into the room (into town, into a bar, etc.) попадать /входить/ в комнату и т. д.; the burglar got into the kitchen through the window грабитель проник /влез/ в кухню через окно; get into a car сесть /влезть/ в автомобиль /в машину/; get into the saddle сесть /взобраться/ в седло; something has got into my eye мне что-то попало в глаз this story got into the newspapers эта история попала в газеты; where has that book got to? куда запропастилась /делась/ эта книга?; get to the station (to London, to the office, etc.) добраться до вокзала и т. д.; where did you get to yesterday? куда вы делись /где вы были/ вчера?; get out, of a train (out of a bus, out of a carriage, etc.) выходить из поезда и т. д., get out of bed! вставайте!; get out of here (out of this house)! прочь отсюда (из этого дома)!; get out of the way of a car посторониться и пропустить машину; get out of smb.'s way уйти с чьей-л. дороги; get through the hole in the wall (through the eye of a needle, through a gap, through a crack, etc.) пролезать через дыру в стене и т. д.; get over a fence (over a wall, over a stile, etc.) перелезать через забор и т. д.; get over /across/ a river переправляться через реку; get across tile street (across /over/ the bridge, across the frontier, etc.) перейти на другую сторону улицы и т. д.; he got above the clouds он поднялся над облаками; get under the hedge (under the wire netting, under the rope, etc.) пролезать под изгородью и т. д.; get under some old boxes (under some bushes, etc.) залезать /закатиться/ под старые ящики и т. д.; under the wheels (under а motor-саг, etc.) попасть под колеса и т. д.; the cat got under the bed (under the fence, etc.) кошка шмыгнула под кровать и т. д.; get at the top shelf (at the ripest fruit, at one's luggage, etc.) дотянуться /достать/ до верхней полки и т. д.; keep medicines where children can't get at them убирайте лекарства так, чтобы дети не смогли их достать; the dog could not get at me собака не могла меня достать; let me get at him coll. дайте мне только до него добраться; get down a tree (down a fence, etc.) слезать с дерева и т. д., get up a ladder (up a hill, up a tree, etc.) взбираться на лестницу и т. д.; get by the guard (by the policeman, etc.) проскользнуть мимо часового и т. д.; get before the crowd (before the procession, before the column of marchers, etc.) обогнать толпу и т. д.; get behind a tree (behind a door, behind a fence, etc.) встать /спрятаться/ за дерево и т. д.; the реп got behind the bookcase ручка закаталась /попала/ за книжный шкаф; get between the sheets залезть под одеяло; he got between the boys and prevented a fight он встал между мальчишками и не дал им сцепиться; get aboard a ship подняться на борт корабля2) get to (abreast of, beyond, as far аs, etc.) smth. get to the end of the chapter (to the main subject, to the theme of my story, to the heart of the matter, etc.) дойти /добраться/ до конца главы и т. д.: how far did you get to? до какого места ты дочитал?; get to the head of one's class выйти на первое место в классе; стать первым учеником в классе; get to the city police (to the authorities, etc.) связаться с городской полицией и т. д.; get to some time (to some age) достигать какого-л. времени (возраста); when it gets to 10 o'clock I begin to feel tired к десяти часам я начинаю чувствовать усталость: when you get to 70... когда вам [будет] семьдесят...; get between two fighting parties оказаться /очутиться/ между двумя враждующими /борющимися/ группами; his anger has got beyond control он вышел из себя, он уже не мог сдержать гнев; he doesn't let much get by him он почти ничего не пропускает; практически ничто мимо него не проходит; you cannot easily get at him с ним не так просто связаться /увидеться/; get abreast of modem technology достичь современного уровня техники; we got as far as the lake мы дошли или доехали до озера || get in touch with smb. связаться / установить контакт/ с кем-л.3) get within smth. get within smb.'s reach (within the range of their fire, etc.) оказаться в пределах чьей-л. досягаемости и т. д.; get within earshot оказаться в пределах слышимости; get within their sight оказаться в поле их зрения; get out of smth. get out of smb.'s sight скрыться с чьих-л. глаз; get out of smb.'s reach оказаться для них вне пределов досягаемости; get among smb. get among friends (among enemies, among strangers, etc.) оказаться среди друзей и т. д. || get into the hands of the police попасть в руки полиции4) get into smth. get into a coat (into one's clothes, into one's boots, etc.) надевать пальто и т. д., get into one's trousers натянуть брюки; I can't get into these shoes, they are three sizes too small я не могу надеть эти ботинки, мне надо на три номера больше5) get into smth. get into business (into trade, into the movies, into politics, etc.) заняться коммерцией и т. д.; get into fights with the neighbour's children драться /вступать в драку/ с соседскими мальчишками; get into Parliament (into a party, into a club, etc.) стать членом парламента и т. д.; get into office получить /занять/ должность; Kennedy got into office in 1961 Кеннеди стал президентом в тысяча девятьсот шестьдесят первом году; get into conversation (into a dispute with smb., into correspondence, into communication, etc.) завязать разговор и т.д.; they got into quite an argument about it между ними разгорелся довольно жаркий спор6) get in (to) smth. get into trouble (into a difficulty, into mischief, etc.) попасть в беду и т. д.; get into debt залезть в долги; get in a row (into a horrible scrape, etc.) оказаться замешанным /ввязаться/ в скандал и т. д.; get into a bad habit приобрести плохую /дурную/ привычку; get into the habit /into the way/ of getting up early (of doing things one's own way, of answering back, etc.) привыкнуть рано вставать и т. д., get into a rage впасть в ярость; get into a panic поддаться панике; get into general use получить широкое распространение; get out of smth. get out of practice потерять навык, [давно] не иметь практики; get out of repair требовать ремонта; get out of order выйти из строя, испортиться, сломаться; get out of shape потерять форму7) get over (out of, through,get etc.) smth. get over a difficulty ( over an obstacle, over an impediment, etc.) преодолеть затруднение и т. д.; she couldn't get over her shyness (over her embarrassment, over her confusion, over her dislike of him, over the disinclination to work, etc.) она не могла побороть / преодолеть/ свой застенчивость и т. д.; he couldn't get over his stutter он не мог избавиться от заикания; I can't get over his abominable manners никак не могу примириться с его ужасными манерами /привыкнуть к его ужасным манерам/; get over a disappointment (over an alarm, over a surprise, etc.) прийти в себя после разочарования и т. д.; I couldn't get over his behaviour он себя так плохо вел, что я никак не мог успокоиться; I couldn't get over the fear of him я никак не мог избавиться от чувства /преодолеть чувство/ страха перед ним; get over an illness (over an ailment, over that severe cold, over an injury, etc.) оправиться от /после/ болезна и т.д., get over /out of/ a bad habit отделаться / отучиться/ от дурной привычки; get out of a difficulty выйти из затруднительного положения; there is по getting out of it, you cannot get out of it от этого не открутишься; don't try to get out of your duties не пытайтесь уклоняться от своих обязанностей; get through another bad winter (through a dangerous illness, etc.) пережить еще одну тяжелую зиму и т. д.; I don't know how I'll get through this month я не знаю, как я дотяну до конца месяца; I don't know how I got through the day не знаю, как я прожил /выдержал/ этот день; get through an exam выдержать экзамен; get through written papers написать контрольную работу; get through a driving test сдать экзамен на водительские права; how he got through college is a mystery совершенно непонятно, как он смог окончить колледж; get (a)round smth. get around the law (around the regulations, around that clause, around a difficulty, etc.) обходить закон и т. д.; there is no getting (aground this fact a) нельзя не (посчитаться с этим фактом; б) нельзя пройти мимо этого факта; get (a)round smb. coll. she can get (aground anyone она может убедить /обвести вокруг пальца/ кого хочешь /кого угодно/; she knows how to get round him она знает, как к нему подъехать8) get through /over/ smth. get through a lot of reading (through a lot of work, etc.) много прочитать и т.д., get through her washing (through one's homework, through this book, etc.) закончить стирку и т. д.; how could he get through all these files? как он успел просмотреть все эти папки?; get through one's task with great speed быстро выполнить свой задачу; get through a lot of correspondence ( through these books, etc.) разделаться с большим количеством писем и т. д.; get through such a lot of food (through all this meat, through a bottle of gin a week, etc.) съесть /осилить/ много всякой всячины и т. д.; get through one's fortune (through a lot of money, through L 1000 in less than a week, etc.) растратить /растранжирить, промотать/ свое состояние и т. д.9) get at smth., smb. get at the truth (at the facts, at the root of the trouble, at the cause of the disturbance, at the heart of things, etc.) докапываться до правды и т. д.; get at the meaning of the sentence добраться до сути этого предложения; get at the secret of his success выяснить /понять/, в чем секрет его успеха; that's what I want to get at вот в чем мне хочется разобраться, вот что мне хочется постичь; what are you getting at? coll. a) чего вы хотите?, к чему вы клоните?; б) что вы имеете в виду?; we could not tell what the speaker was getting at мы не знали /не понимали/, что имел в виду /хотел сказать/ оратор; who are you getting at? кого вы имеете в виду?, на кого вы намекаете?; were you getting at me in that last remark you made? в своем последнем замечании вы намекали на меня? /вы имели в виду меня/?; he is always getting at me coll. он вечно ко мне цепляется /придирается/10) get at smb. get at a witness (at a judge, at the press, etc.) подкупать свидетеля и т. д.15. XVII1) get (in)to doing smth. coll. get into sleeping in the afternoon (to fighting, etc.) взять себе за привычку спать днем и т. д.; I got to thinking that... я стал думать, что...2) get out of doing smth. get out of attending smth. (out of going there, out of answering, etc.) отвертеться и не пойти на какое-л. мероприятие и т. д.; get as far as doing smth. we did not get as far as discussing finances мы не дошли до обсуждения финансовых вопросов16. XXI11) get smth. from (at, out of, etc.) smth., smb. get machinery from Europe (many commodities from abroad, etc.) получать оборудование из Европы и т. д., закупать /покупать, приобретать/ оборудование в Европе и т.д., get our things at this shop покупать /приобретать/ вещи в этом магазине; get information from the library (money from the bank, help from him, etc.) получать, сведения из библиотеки и т. д., get dinner (lunch, etc.) at the hotel (at the restaurant, at the inn, etc.) (пообедать и т. д. в гостинице и т. д.; I got this information (the news, facts. etc.) from a friend of mine (from my secretary, etc.) мне это и т. д. сообщил один приятель и т. д., я получил эти сведения и т. д. от одного приятеля и т. д.; get butter from cream получать масло из сливок; get a confession out of the prisoner ( a secret out of the woman, the truth out of the man, etc.) вытянуть / вырвать/ у заключенного признание и т. д.; get smth. for smth. get data for analysis (information for the article, new curtains for the guest-room, etc.) доставать /добывать/ данные для анализа и т. д., get material for research собирать материал для исследования: can I still get a ticket for tonight's play? можно еще достать /купить, получить/ билет на сегодняшний спектакль?; get smth. for smb. get tickets (another dictionary, this book, etc.) for him купить или заказать ему билеты и т. д.; get smth. by smth. get good results by hard work усердием /большим трудом/ добиться хороших результатов; get very little by deceit немногого добиться обманом || get hold of the manager (of the secretary, of the owner, etc.) разыскать /найти/ администратора и т. д., where did you get hold of this curious old picture? где вы раздобыли эту любопытную старую картину?; he got the start of his rivals он получил преимущество перед своими соперниками2) get smth. from smb. get presents from his brother (a letter from one's parents, a message from him, etc.) получать подарки от брата и т. д.; get no help (no money, no advice, etc.) from him не получать от него помощи и т. д.; you will never get anything from him от него ничего не дождешься; get his timidity from his mother унаследовать робость от матери; get smth. for smth. get a good salary for the job (a reward for his part in the affair, a medal for bravery. etc.) получать хорошую зарплату за эту работу и т. д.; what did you get for this article? сколько вам заплатили за эту статью?; get a good price for the land получить хорошую цену за землю; I will see what I can get for it посмотри, сколько я могу за это получить /выручить, взять/; get a new watch (a ring, a new hat, etc.) for one's birthday получить новые часы и т. д. [в подарок] на день рождения; get smth. out of smth. what did you get out of his lecture? что вы вынесли из его лекции?, что вам дала его лекция?; all he got out of it was disgrace это принесло ему только позор; get smth. of smb., smth. what impression did you get of him (of this play, etc.)? .какое он и т. д. на вас произвел впечатление?3) get smth., smb. across (from, to, etc.) smth. get smth. across the river (across the sea, across the frontier, etc.) переправить что-л. через реку и т. д.; get smb. across the street (across the bridge, across the field, etc) перевести кого-л. через улицу и т. д.; get one's hat from the other room (the books from the study, the tea-things from the kitchen, etc.) принести шляпу из другой комнаты и т. д., get down a book from the top shelf (the boy from the fence, my hat from the book, etc.) снимать книгу с верхней полки и т. д.; get a letter to London (to Paris, etc.) доставить письмо в Лондон и т. д., get the child to bed уложить ребенка в постель; get the trunk back to the garret отнести сундук обратно на чердак; get the parcel back to London снова доставить пакет в Лондон; get your TV back for this evening (for the party, etc.) принесите снова ваш телевизор на этот вечер и т. д.; the car did not get him very far on the road home он проехал на машине лишь небольшую часть дороги домой; that did not get him very far on the road to fame это весьма незначительно способствовало его продвижению по пути славы; get smth., smb. to smb., smth. how can I get these things to you? как мне переправить вам эти вещи?; get the slaves to the north переправить рабов на север4) get smth., smb. into (through, from, out of, etc.) smth. I can't get the key into the lock я не могу вставить ключ в замок; help me get the pig into the cart помогите мне втащить поросенка в телегу: how can I get all these books into the bag? как мне запихнуть /засунуть, впихнуть/ все эти книги в портфель?; get the piano through the door протащить пианино в дверь; get the milk from the refrigerator for me достаньте мне молока из холодильника; get smth. out of the house выносить что-л. из дома; get a cork out of a bottle вытаскивать пробку из бутылки; get stains out of a coat выводить пятна с пиджака: get these things out of the way уберите эти вещи с дороги [, чтобы они не мешали]; get the man out of the house (the dog out of the room, etc.) выводить человека из дома и т. д.: get her out of the country помочь ей уехать или вывезти ее из страны /за границу/ || get smth. into one's head вбить себе что-л. в голову: he got it into his head that everybody was persecuting him он вбил себе в голову, что его все преследуют; get smth. out of one's head выбросить что-л. из головы; get the idea (the thing, it, the notion, etc.) out of one's head выбросить эту мысль и т. д. из головы, перестать об этом думать5) get smb., smth. into (through) smth. get him into Parliament (into their headquarters, etc.) провести /протащить/ его в парламент и т. д.; get smb. into the firm пристроить кого-л. в эту фирму; get a bill through Parliament (this measure through the house, etc.) провести /протащить/ законопроект в парламенте и т. д., he helped me to get my luggage through the customs он помог мне пройти таможенный досмотр; get a pupil through his examination вытащить ученика на экзамене; it was his mathematics that got him through entrance examinations он выдержал приемные экзамены благодаря тому, что хорошо знал математику; get an article into a paper поместить статьи в газете; get the report into print сдать доклад в печать6) get smb. by smth. get smb. by the hand (by the hair, by the throat, by the wrist. etc.) схватить кого-л. за руку и т. д.: get smth., smb. on (by) smth. I get all program (me)s on my TV-set мой телевизор принимает все программы; how many stations can you get on your radio set? сколько станций берет /принимает/ ваш приемник?; I can't get him on the phone я не могу связаться с ним по телефону; get smb. by phone (by radio, etc.) связаться с кем-л. по телефону и т. д.7) get smb. in (on, through, etc.) smth. the bullet got him in the leg (through the stomach, in the shoulder, etc.) пуля попала ему в ногу и т. д.; the blow got him on the head (in the mouth, on the back, etc.) удар пришелся ему по голове и т. д., get smth. in smth. get a splinter in one's finger занозить палец; get a bullet in the leg получить пулевое ранение в ногу8) get smb. into smth. get smb. into debt (into difficulties, into a fight, etc.) вовлекать кого-л. в долги и т. д., she got me into trouble у меня из-за нее /она втравила меня в/ неприятности; get smb. out of smth. get smb. out of a fix /out of difficulty/ вызволить кого-л. из затруднения; get the children out of this habit отучать детей от этой привычки || get smth., smb. off one's hands избавиться от чего-л., кого-л., сбыть что-л., кого-л. с рук; she wished she could get the old house (the useless books, her unmarried daughter, etc.) off her hands ей хотелись избавиться /освободиться/ от старого дома и т. д. /сбыть старый дом и т. д. с рук/9) get smth. of smth. get 5 years of hard labour получить пять лет каторжных работ; get smth. for smth. he got a stiff sentence for his crimes за совершенные преступления ему был вынесен суровый приговор10) have got smth., smb. in (at, on, etc.) smth. I have /I've/ got money in the bank (a flat in this house, a friend at the studio, etc.) у меня в банке [лежат] деньги и т. д. || he's got smth., smb. on the brain он все время о чем-л., о ком-л. думает17. XXIIget smth. by doing smth. that's what you get by talking too much вот что ты получаешь /вот как ты расплачиваешься/ за болтливость; get a good price by bargaining поторговаться и получить хорошую цену; get smth. for doing smth. you'll get a beating for doing this тебе за это всыпят; you'll get it for breaking that vase! тебе крепко достанется за то, что ты разбил вазу!18. XXIV1get smth., smb. as smth. get L 10 as reward (a book as a consolation prize, the newcomer as assistant, etc.) получить десять фунтов в качестве вознаграждения и т. д.; I got this book as a present я получил эту книгу в подарок; we get L 20 as the average мы получаем в среднем двадцать фунтов19. XXVIget smb., smth. before... (when..., etc.) get him before he escapes схватить его до того, как он скроется; get the book when the price is reduced купить книгу, когда ее уценят -
17 recibir
v.1 to receive.recibió un golpe en la cabeza he was hit on the head, he took a blow to the headestoy recibiendo clases de piano I'm having o taking piano classesreciba mi más cordial o sincera felicitación (Formal) please accept my sincere congratulationsEllos reciben monedas They receive coins.Ella recibe el reconocimiento She received=accepted the acknowledgement.2 to receive (persona, visita).lo recibieron con un cálido aplauso he was received with a warm round of applause3 to meet.4 to get (captar) (ondas de radio, televisión).aquí no recibimos la CNN we don't get CNN here5 to hold surgery (atender visitas) (médico, dentista).6 to welcome, to give a reception to, to receive.Ellos recibieron a Ricardo They welcomed Richard.* * *1 (gen) to receive2 (invitados) to entertain3 (salir al encuentro) to meet4 (acoger) to welcome, receive\recibe un abrazo de (en carta) best wishes from, lots of love fromrecibir una negativa to be refused, meet with a refusal* * *verb1) to receive2) get3) welcome4) entertain* * *1. VT1) (=ser beneficiario de)a) [+ dinero, apoyo, llamada, noticias] to receive, get; [+ ayuda, homenaje] to receiverecibirán una compensación económica — they'll get compensation, they will receive financial compensation más frm
he recibido del Sr Gómez la cantidad de... — [en recibo] received from Sr Gómez the sum of...
¿recibiste mi carta? — did you get my letter?
"mensaje recibido" — (Radio) "message received"
recibir asistencia médica — to receive medical assistance, be given medical assistance•
recibir el calificativo de — to be labelled (as)b) [lago, río, mar]2) (=sufrir) [+ susto] to getrecibir un golpe — to be hit, be struck
3) [+ persona]a) (=acoger) to welcome•
ir a recibir a algn — to meet sb•
salieron a recibirlos al jardín — they received them in the gardenb) [para reunión, entrevista] [gen] to see; [formalmente] to receivec) [en el matrimonio] to takela recibió por esposa — he took her as o for his wife
4) (Taur)5) (=aceptar) [+ propuesta, sugerencia] to receive6) [en correspondencia]reciba un saludo de... — yours sincerely...
7) (=sostener) [+ peso] to bear2. VIla baronesa solo puede recibir los lunes — the baroness is only at home on Mondays, the baroness can only receive visitors on Mondays
2) [médico] to see patients3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) <carta/paquete> to receive, get; < mercancías> to receive¿han recibido el libro que pedí? — has the book I ordered come in yet?
b) (Rad, TV) to receivec) <ayuda/llamada/oferta> to receive¿recibiste mi recado? — did you get my message?
ha recibido orden de... — he has been ordered o he has received orders to...
recibe el nombre de... — it is called...
reciba un atento saludo de... — (Corresp) sincerely yours (AmE), yours faithfully/sincerely (BrE)
recibe un fuerte abrazo... — (Corresp) best wishes
reciba nuestra más cordial felicitación — (frml) please accept our warmest congratulations (frml)
2) <persona/visita> to receive3) ( acoger) <propuesta/oferta> (+ compl) to receiverecibieron la sugerencia fríamente — the suggestion met with o received a cold reception
4) <peso/carga> to support2.recibir virecibe los jueves — she sees o receives visitors on Thursdays
3.el doctor no recibe hoy — the doctor does not have office hours (AmE) o (BrE) surgery today
recibirse v pron (AmL) (Educ) to graduate* * *= get, greet, receive, garner, intake.Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.Ex. New editions of DC are invariably greeted with cries of horror by libraries faced with this problem.Ex. If you receive a large number of titles on you initial search, you can narrow your search by using qualifiers.Ex. The serials file contains a large number of titles, not only contributed by members, but also garnered from other sources.Ex. As a general rule of thumb, you want front and side fans to intake, rear and top to exhaust.----* los que no han recibido formación específica = uninstructed, the.* persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.* recibir apoyo = receive + support, attract + support.* recibir atención = enjoy + attention, receive + attention, receive + note, command + attention, gain + attention.* recibir bien = welcome.* recibir bien una iniciativa = welcome + initiative.* recibir críticas muy favorables = receive + rave reviews.* recibir donaciones = attract + donation.* recibir duras críticas = take + a pounding, take + a beating.* recibir elogio = get + tap on the shoulder.* recibir elogios = win + accolade.* recibir el visto bueno = meet with + approval.* recibir facturas = invoice.* recibir gratis = get + free.* recibir importancia = enjoy + prominence.* recibir la confianza (de Alguien) = receive + credibility.* recibir lo que Uno se merece = get + Posesivo + just rewards, get + Posesivo + due(s).* recibir mala prensa = acquire + a bad name.* recibir noticias de = hear from.* recibir notificación = receive + notice.* recibir opiniones diversas = receive + mixed reviews.* recibir pago = receive + payment.* recibir + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.* recibir preparación = undergo + training.* recibir publicidad = receive + publicity.* recibir recompensa = receive + reward.* recibir reconocimiento = find + recognition.* recibirse = be receivable.* recibirse con una reacción + Adjetivo = meet with + Adjetivo + reaction.* recibir un aluvión de = deluge with.* recibir una paliza = take + a pounding, take + a beating.* recibir una pensión = draw + a pension.* recibir un golpe = take + a hit.* recibir un premio = receive + award, earn + an award.* recibir un trato justo = treat + fairly.* volver a recibir financiación = re-fund.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) <carta/paquete> to receive, get; < mercancías> to receive¿han recibido el libro que pedí? — has the book I ordered come in yet?
b) (Rad, TV) to receivec) <ayuda/llamada/oferta> to receive¿recibiste mi recado? — did you get my message?
ha recibido orden de... — he has been ordered o he has received orders to...
recibe el nombre de... — it is called...
reciba un atento saludo de... — (Corresp) sincerely yours (AmE), yours faithfully/sincerely (BrE)
recibe un fuerte abrazo... — (Corresp) best wishes
reciba nuestra más cordial felicitación — (frml) please accept our warmest congratulations (frml)
2) <persona/visita> to receive3) ( acoger) <propuesta/oferta> (+ compl) to receiverecibieron la sugerencia fríamente — the suggestion met with o received a cold reception
4) <peso/carga> to support2.recibir virecibe los jueves — she sees o receives visitors on Thursdays
3.el doctor no recibe hoy — the doctor does not have office hours (AmE) o (BrE) surgery today
recibirse v pron (AmL) (Educ) to graduate* * *= get, greet, receive, garner, intake.Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.
Ex: New editions of DC are invariably greeted with cries of horror by libraries faced with this problem.Ex: If you receive a large number of titles on you initial search, you can narrow your search by using qualifiers.Ex: The serials file contains a large number of titles, not only contributed by members, but also garnered from other sources.Ex: As a general rule of thumb, you want front and side fans to intake, rear and top to exhaust.* los que no han recibido formación específica = uninstructed, the.* persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.* recibir apoyo = receive + support, attract + support.* recibir atención = enjoy + attention, receive + attention, receive + note, command + attention, gain + attention.* recibir bien = welcome.* recibir bien una iniciativa = welcome + initiative.* recibir críticas muy favorables = receive + rave reviews.* recibir donaciones = attract + donation.* recibir duras críticas = take + a pounding, take + a beating.* recibir elogio = get + tap on the shoulder.* recibir elogios = win + accolade.* recibir el visto bueno = meet with + approval.* recibir facturas = invoice.* recibir gratis = get + free.* recibir importancia = enjoy + prominence.* recibir la confianza (de Alguien) = receive + credibility.* recibir lo que Uno se merece = get + Posesivo + just rewards, get + Posesivo + due(s).* recibir mala prensa = acquire + a bad name.* recibir noticias de = hear from.* recibir notificación = receive + notice.* recibir opiniones diversas = receive + mixed reviews.* recibir pago = receive + payment.* recibir + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.* recibir preparación = undergo + training.* recibir publicidad = receive + publicity.* recibir recompensa = receive + reward.* recibir reconocimiento = find + recognition.* recibirse = be receivable.* recibirse con una reacción + Adjetivo = meet with + Adjetivo + reaction.* recibir un aluvión de = deluge with.* recibir una paliza = take + a pounding, take + a beating.* recibir una pensión = draw + a pension.* recibir un golpe = take + a hit.* recibir un premio = receive + award, earn + an award.* recibir un trato justo = treat + fairly.* volver a recibir financiación = re-fund.* * *recibir [I1 ]vtA1 ‹carta/paquete› to receive, get; ‹mercancías› to receiverecibió muchos regalos para su cumpleaños she got lots of birthday giftsrecibió el premio en nombre de su hijo he accepted o received the prize on behalf of his sonlas solicitudes se reciben en horario de oficina applications will only be accepted during office hoursrecibí del Sr Contreras la cantidad de … received from Mr Contreras the sum of …2 ( Rad, TV) to receive3 ‹ayuda/llamada/oferta› to receive¿no recibiste mi recado? didn't you get my message?ha recibido orden de desalojar el local he has been ordered to o he has received an order to vacate the premises¿han recibido el libro que pedí? has the book I ordered come in yet?han recibido ayuda de varios organismos privados they have received help from o have been given help by various private organizationsdesde que estoy aquí no he recibido más que disgustos I've had nothing but trouble since I came hereha recibido muchas demostraciones de afecto people have shown her a great deal of kindnesslas plantas de esta familia reciben el nombre de … plants belonging to this family are called …recibir la comunión to receive o take communionB ‹persona/visita› to receivenos recibieron con los brazos abiertos they welcomed us with open armssalió a recibir a los invitados she went out to greet o receive the guestsvan a ir a recibirlo al aeropuerto they are going to meet him at the airportlos recibió en el salón she saw o entertained o received them in the sitting roomel encargado la recibirá enseguida the manager will see you right awayno recibe visitas she's not receiving visitorsrecibió al toro de rodillas he met o received the bull on his kneesC (acoger) ‹propuesta/oferta› (+ compl) to receiverecibió tu propuesta con entusiasmo she welcomed your proposal, she received your proposal enthusiasticallyrecibieron su sugerencia fríamente her suggestion met with o received a cold reception, her suggestion was received coldlyD ‹peso/carga› to support■ recibirvirecibe los jueves y los viernes she sees o receives visitors on Thursdays and Fridaysacaba de recibirse she has just graduated o got her degreerecibirse DE algo to qualify AS sthse recibió de abogado/médico he qualified as a lawyer/doctor* * *
recibir ( conjugate recibir) verbo transitivo ( en general) to receive;
reciba un atento saludo de … (Corresp) sincerely yours (AmE), yours faithfully/sincerely (BrE);
recibir a algn con los brazos abiertos to welcome sb with open arms;
van a ir a recibirlo they are going to meet him;
el encargado la recibirá enseguida the manager will see you right away
recibirse verbo pronominal (AmL) (Educ) to graduate;
recibirse de algo to qualify as sth
I verbo transitivo
1 (un regalo, llamada, etc) to receive, get: recibieron una mala noticia, they were given some bad news
recibió un golpe en la espalda, he was hit on the back
(un premio) to win
2 (en el despacho) to receive
(acoger) to welcome
(en el aeropuerto, etc) to meet
3 (un consejo) no le gusta recibir consejos, she doesn't like taking advice
4 Telec to receive
5 (un nombre) estas construcciones reciben el nombre de basílicas, these buildings are called basilicas
II vi (admitir visitas) to receive, see visitors: esta doctora sólo recibe los martes y los jueves, the doctor is only available for consultation on Tuesday and Thursday
' recibir' also found in these entries:
- baqueteada
- baqueteado
- cobrar
- dar
- ingresar
- autorizar
- esperar
- le
bind over
- bow
- come into
- deserts
- entertain
- get
- greet
- have
- incoming
- interested
- lap up
- on
- receive
- reception
- see in
- step forward
- meet
- public
- qualify
- red
- relief
- sign
- take
- turn
- usher
* * *♦ vt1. [tomar, aceptar, admitir] to receive;[carta, regalo, premio, llamada, respuesta] to receive, to get; [propuesta, sugerencia] to receive; [castigo] to be given; [susto] to get; [clase, instrucción] to have;recibir una paliza to get beaten up;recibió un golpe en la cabeza he was hit on the head, he took a blow to the head;un sector que recibe muchas ayudas del gobierno an industry which receives substantial government aid;recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura he won o was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature;el anuncio fue muy bien recibido the announcement was welcomed;recibieron la orden de detener al general they received o were given the order to arrest the general;recibió la noticia con alegría he was very happy about the news;recibir consejos de alguien to receive advice from sb, to be given advice by sb;recibí orden de que no la molestaran I received orders that she was not to be disturbed;estoy recibiendo clases de piano I'm having o taking piano classes;estos pilares reciben todo el peso del techo these pillars take the weight of the whole roof;Formal2. [persona, visita] to receive;lo recibieron con un cálido aplauso he was received with a warm round of applause;¿cuándo cree que podrá recibirnos? when do you think she'll be able to see us?3. [ir a buscar] to meet;fuimos a recibirla al aeropuerto we went to meet her at the airport4. [captar] [ondas de radio, televisión] to get;aquí no recibimos la CNN we don't get CNN here;torre de control a V-5, ¿me recibe? ground control to V-5, do you read me?♦ vi[atender visitas] [médico, dentista] to hold surgery; [rey, papa, ministro] to receive visitors;el médico no recibe hoy the doctor isn't seeing any patients today* * *v/t receive* * *recibir vt1) : to receive, to get2) : to welcomerecibir vi: to receive visitors* * *recibir vb1. (en general) to receive / to get -
18 such
1. adjective1) (of the same kind as that already mentioned or being mentioned: Animals that gnaw, such as mice, rats, rabbits and weasels are called rodents; He came from Bradford or some such place; She asked to see Mr Johnson but was told there was no such person there; I've seen several such buildings; I've never done such a thing before; doctors, dentists and such people.) tal(es), así, semejante, de este tipo2) (of the great degree already mentioned or being mentioned: If you had telephoned her, she wouldn't have got into such a state of anxiety; She never used to get such bad headaches (as she does now).) tal; así de (malos, i2etc/i2)3) (of the great degree, or the kind, to have a particular result: He shut the window with such force that the glass broke; She's such a good teacher that the headmaster asked her not to leave; Their problems are such as to make it impossible for them to live together any more.) tal; tan/tanto4) (used for emphasis: This is such a shock! They have been such good friends to me!) tal, tan
2. pronoun(such a person or thing, or such persons or things: I have only a few photographs, but can show you such as I have; This isn't a good book as such (= as a book) but it has interesting pictures.) lo que; como tal- suchlike- such-and-such
- such as it is
such adj pron1. tal / semejantehow could you do such a thing? ¿cómo podrías hacer una cosa así?there is no such thing as fairies! ¡las hadas no existen!2. tan / tantoit was such a good film! ¡era una película tan buena!there were such a lot of people! ¡había tanta gente!such as como / por ejemplotr[sʌʧ]1 (of that sort) tal, semejante2 (so much, so great) tal, tanto,-a1 (so very) tan■ it was such a boring film that... era una película tan aburrida que...1 (of that specified sort) tal■ the disaster was such that... el desastre fue tal que...\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLat such and such a time a tal horain such a way that... de tal manera que...such as (like, for example) comosuch as? ¿por ejemplo?such is life! ¡así es la vida!such ['sʌʧ] adv1) so: tansuch tall buildings: edificios tan grandes2) very: muyhe's not in such good shape: anda un poco mal3)such that : de tal manera quesuch adj: talthere's no such thing: no existe tal cosain such cases: en tales casosanimals such as cows and sheep: animales como vacas y ovejassuch pron1) : talsuch was the result: tal fue el resultadohe's a child, and acts as such: es un niño, y se porta como tal2) : algo o alguien semejantebooks, papers and such: libros, papeles y cosas por el estiloadj.• así adj.• semejante adj.• tal adj.adj.indef.• tal adj.indef.pron.• semejante pron.• tal pron.
I sʌtʃ1)a) (emphasizing degree, extent) tal (+ noun); tan (+ adj)I woke up with such a headache — me levanté con tal dolor de cabeza...
such a charming girl! — qué chica más or tan encantadora!
she gave me such a look! — me miró de una manera...!
I've never heard such nonsense — nunca he oído semejante or tamaña estupidez
such... (that) — tal/tan... que
I was in such pain (that) I couldn't sleep — tenía tanto or tal dolor que no pude dormir
such... as — tan... como
2)a) (of this, that kind) talsuch children are known as... — a dichos or a tales niños se los conoce como...
such a journey would take weeks — un viaje así or como ése llevaría semanas
b) ( unspecified) talthe letter tells you to go to such a house on such a date — la carta te dice que vayas a tal casa en tal fecha
until such time as we are notified — (frml) hasta (el momento en) que se nos notifique
1)a) ( of the indicated kind) talsuch is life — (set phrase) así es la vida (fr hecha)
snakes, lizards and such — serpientes, lagartijas y cosas por el estilo
b)many modern inventions, such as radar... — muchos inventos modernos, (tales) como el radar...
I've read many of his books - such as? — he leído muchos de sus libros - ¿(como) por ejemplo?
c)as such — como tal/tales
2)a)such as, such... as — (frml)
b) (indicating lack of quantity, quality)the evidence, such as it is, seems to... — las pocas pruebas que hay parecen...
3) (of such a kind, extent, degree)such that — tal... que
[sʌtʃ]the pain was such that I screamed — fue tal el dolor or fue tan grande el dolor, que grité
1.ADJ (=of that kind) tal; (=so much) tantodid you ever see such a thing? — ¿has visto alguna vez cosa semejante?, ¿se vio jamás tal cosa?
it caused such trouble that... — dio lugar a tantos disgustos que...
such an honour! — ¡tanto honor!
it made such a stir as had not been known before — tuvo una repercusión como no se había conocido hasta entonces
in such cases — en tales casos, en semejantes casos
such is not the case — frm la cosa no es así
such a plan is most unwise — un proyecto así es poco aconsejable, un proyecto de ese tipo no es aconsejable
writers such as Updike, such writers as Updike — autores como Updikethis is my car such as it is — aunque valga poco, es mi coche
such as? — ¿por ejemplo?
there's no such thing — no existe tal cosa•
some such idea — algo por el estilo2.ADV tan3.PRON los que, las que•
may all such perish! — ¡mueran cuantos hay como él!•
rabbits and hares and such — conejos y liebres y tal•
as such, and as such he was promoted — y así fue ascendidothere are no trees as such — no hay árboles propiamente dichos, no hay árboles que digamos
we know of none such — no tenemos noticias de ninguno así* * *
I [sʌtʃ]1)a) (emphasizing degree, extent) tal (+ noun); tan (+ adj)I woke up with such a headache — me levanté con tal dolor de cabeza...
such a charming girl! — qué chica más or tan encantadora!
she gave me such a look! — me miró de una manera...!
I've never heard such nonsense — nunca he oído semejante or tamaña estupidez
such... (that) — tal/tan... que
I was in such pain (that) I couldn't sleep — tenía tanto or tal dolor que no pude dormir
such... as — tan... como
2)a) (of this, that kind) talsuch children are known as... — a dichos or a tales niños se los conoce como...
such a journey would take weeks — un viaje así or como ése llevaría semanas
b) ( unspecified) talthe letter tells you to go to such a house on such a date — la carta te dice que vayas a tal casa en tal fecha
until such time as we are notified — (frml) hasta (el momento en) que se nos notifique
1)a) ( of the indicated kind) talsuch is life — (set phrase) así es la vida (fr hecha)
snakes, lizards and such — serpientes, lagartijas y cosas por el estilo
b)many modern inventions, such as radar... — muchos inventos modernos, (tales) como el radar...
I've read many of his books - such as? — he leído muchos de sus libros - ¿(como) por ejemplo?
c)as such — como tal/tales
2)a)such as, such... as — (frml)
b) (indicating lack of quantity, quality)the evidence, such as it is, seems to... — las pocas pruebas que hay parecen...
3) (of such a kind, extent, degree)such that — tal... que
the pain was such that I screamed — fue tal el dolor or fue tan grande el dolor, que grité
19 as
as ⇒ Usage note: as,A conj1 ( in the manner that) comme ; as you can see, I am very busy comme vous le voyez, je suis très occupé ; as you know comme vous le savez ; as usual comme d'habitude ; as is usual in such cases comme c'est l'usage en pareil cas ; do as I say fais ce que je te dis ; as I see it à mon avis ; as I understand it autant que je puisse en juger ; he likes reading, as I do il aime la lecture, (tout) comme moi ; loving Paris as I do, I couldn't bear to live anywhere else j'aime tellement Paris que je ne pourrais pas vivre ailleurs ; knowing you as I do, it didn't surprise me je te connais tellement bien que ça ne m'a pas étonné ; the street as it looked in the 1930s la rue telle qu'elle était dans les années 30 ; as often happens comme c'est souvent le cas ; just as he dislikes the theatre, so too does he dislike opera il déteste l'opéra tout autant que le théâtre ; as he lived, so did he die il est mort comme il a vécu ; he lives abroad, as does his sister il vit à l'étranger, tout comme sa sœur ; clad as he was only in a towel, he did not want to answer the door comme il n'était vêtu que d'une serviette, il ne voulait pas aller ouvrir la porte ; leave it as it is laisse-le tel quel ; I'm overworked as it is je suis déjà assez débordé comme ça ; we're in enough trouble as it is nous avons déjà assez d'ennuis comme ça ; ‘as is’ Comm ‘en l'état’ ; I bought the apartment as it was j'ai acheté l'appartement tel quel ; as one man to another d'homme à homme ; as with so many people in the 1960s, she… comme beaucoup de personnes dans les années 60, elle… ; as with so much in this country, the system needs to be modernized comme beaucoup de choses dans ce pays, le système a besoin d'être modernisé ; as it were pour ainsi dire ; as you were! Mil repos! ; two is to four as four is to eight Math deux est à quatre ce que quatre est à huit ;2 (while, when) alors que ; ( over more gradual period of time) au fur et à mesure que ; he came in as she was coming down the stairs il est entré alors qu'elle descendait l'escalier ; as she grew older, she grew richer au fur et à mesure qu'elle vieillissait, elle devenait plus riche ; as a child, he… (quand il était) enfant, il… ;3 (because, since) comme, puisque ; as you were out, I left a note comme or puisque vous étiez sortis, j'ai laissé un petit mot ; as she is sick, she cannot go out étant donné qu'elle est malade, elle ne peut pas sortir ;4 ( although) strange as it may seem, she never returned aussi curieux que cela puisse paraître, elle n'est jamais revenue ; comfortable as the house is, it's still very expensive aussi confortable que soit la maison, elle reste quand même très chère ; try as he might, he could not forget it il avait beau essayer, il ne pouvait pas oublier ; much as I like you, I have to say that je t'aime bien, mais il faut que je te dise que ; be that as it may quoi qu'il en soit ;5 the same…as le/la même…que ; I've got a jacket the same as yours j'ai la même veste que toi ; the same man as I saw last week le même homme que j'ai vu la semaine dernière ; the same as always comme d'habitude ; he works for the same company as me il travaille pour la même entreprise que moi ;6 ( expressing purpose) so as to do pour faire, afin de faire ; he left early so as to be on time il est parti de bonne heure afin de or pour ne pas être en retard ; she opened the door quietly so as not to wake him elle a ouvert la porte doucement afin de or pour ne pas le réveiller.B as and when conj phr as and when the passengers arrive au fur et à mesure que les voyageurs arrivent ; as and when the need arises quand il le faudra, quand le besoin s'en fera sentir ; as and when you want à votre convenance.C as if conj phr comme (si) ; it' s not as if she hadn't been warned! ce n'est pas comme si elle n'avait pas ét é prévenue! ; he looked at me as if to say ‘I told you so’ il m'a regardé avec l'air de dire ‘je te l'avais bien dit’ ; it looks as if we've lost on dirait que nous avons perdu ; as if by accident/magic comme par hasard/magie ; as if I cared! comme si ça me faisait quelque chose!D prep1 ( in order to appear to be) comme, en ; to be dressed as a sailor être habillé comme un marin or en marin ; disguised as a clown déguisé en clown ; in the book he is portrayed as a victim dans ce livre on le présente comme une victime ;2 (showing function, status) comme ; he works as a pilot/engineer il travaille comme pilote/ingénieur ; a job as a teacher un poste d'enseignant ; she has a reputation as a tough businesswoman elle a la réputation d'être dure en affaires ; speaking as his closest friend, I… comme je suis son meilleur ami, je voudrais dire que je… ; I like her as a person, but not as an artist je l'aime bien en tant que personne mais pas en tant qu'artiste ; my rights as a parent mes droits en tant que parent ; film as an art form le cinéma en tant qu'art ; as a lexicographer, he has a special interest in words en tant que lexicographe il s'intéresse tout particulièrement aux mots ; with Lauren Bacall as Vivien Cin, Theat avec Lauren Bacall dans le rôle de Vivien ;3 ( other uses) to treat sb as an equal traiter qn en égal ; he was quoted as saying that il aurait dit que ; it came as a shock to learn that ça a été un véritable choc d'apprendre que ; think of it as an opportunity to meet new people dis-toi que ça va être l'occasion de faire de nouvelles connaissances.E as against prep phr contre, comparé à ; 75% this year as against 35% last year 75% cette année contre 35% l'année dernière.F as for prep phr quant à, pour ce qui est de ; as for the children pour ce qui est des enfants, quant aux enfants ; as for him, he can go to hell ◑ ! lui, il peut aller se faire voir ◑ !G as from, as of prep phr à partir de ; as from ou of now/April à partir de maintenant/du mois d'avril ; as of yet jusqu'ici, jusqu'à présent.H as such prep phr en tant que tel ; he doesn't believe in religion as such il ne croit pas à la religion en tant que telle ; they are your equals and should be treated as such ce sont vos égaux et vous devriez les traiter comme tels or en tant que tels.I as to prep phr sur, quant à ; this gave them no clue as to his motives/as to his whereabouts cela ne leur a rien appris sur ses intentions/sur l'endroit où il se trouvait.J adv1 (expressing degree, extent) as… as… aussi… que… ; he is as intelligent as you il est aussi intelligent que toi ; he is not as ou so intelligent as you il n'est pas aussi intelligent que toi ; he's just as intelligent as you il est tout aussi intelligent que toi ; she can't walk as fast as she used to elle ne peut plus marcher aussi vite qu'avant ; as fast as you can aussi vite que possible ; as strong as an ox fort comme un bœuf ; he's twice as strong as me il est deux fois plus fort que moi ; it's not as good as all that ce n'est pas si bien que ça ; I paid as much as she did j'ai payé autant qu'elle ; as much as possible autant que possible ; as little as possible le moins possible ; as soon as possible dès que possible ; not nearly as much as beaucoup moins que ; not as often moins souvent ; their profits are down by as much as 30% leurs bénéfices ont connu une baisse de 30%, ni plus ni moins ; the population may increase by as much as 20% l'augmentation de la population risque d'atteindre 20% ; as many as 10,000 people attended the demonstration il n'y avait pas moins de 10 000 personnes à la manifestation ; by day as well as by night de jour comme de nuit ; she can play the piano as well as her sister elle joue du piano aussi bien que sa sœur ; they have a house in Nice as well as an apartment in Paris ils ont une maison à Nice ainsi qu'un appartement à Paris ; as well as being a poet, he is a novelist il est poète et romancier ;2 ( expressing similarity) comme ; as before, she… comme avant, elle… ; they tried to carry on as before ils essayaient de continuer comme avant ; I thought as much! c'est ce qu'il me semblait! ; V as in Victor V comme Victor.
См. также в других словарях:
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